TO:        United States Marshals

           501 “I” Street, Suite 5-600

           Sacramento 95814-2322

           CALIFORNIA, USA


FROM:      Paul Andrew Mitchell, Plaintiff

           Mitchell v. AOL Time Warner, Inc. et al.


DATE:      October 25, 2001 A.D.



           Contacts for Background Checks (if required)



Greetings U.S. Marshals:


Attached is a true and correct copy of My AFFIDAVIT OF IDENTIFICATION as conformed and filed by the Clerk of Court on October 23, 2001.


If you need to do any further background checks, please feel free to contact Hon. Norman L. Vroman, District Attorney, County of Mendocino, office telephone:  (707) 463-4211, in Ukiah, California.  Mr. Vroman is also an eyewitness in the case described above.


I am supervised by Judge Alex Kozinski, on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.  His office is in Pasadena, California.


Thank you for your consideration.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Private Attorney General


Copy:  Norman L. Vroman, 100 N. State St., Ukiah, California


       Judge Alex Kozinski, 125 S. Grand, Ste. 200, Pasadena,
