TO:        Office of Solicitor General

           950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 5614

           Washington 20530-0001



FROM:      Paul Andrew Mitchell, Appellant

           Mitchell v. AOL Time Warner, Inc. et al.

           Ninth Circuit Appeal #02-15269


DATE:      April 11, 2002 A.D.


SUBJECT:   Intervention under 28 U.S.C. 2403


Greetings, Solicitor General:


Intervention by the United States in the above entitled appeal is respectfully requested by this Appellant, to reply formally to My challenges to the constitutionality of certain Acts of Congress.


Please advise me in writing, within ten (10) days of your receipt of this MEMO, of your intentions to intervene, or not to intervene, on behalf of the United States, pursuant to the federal statute at 28 U.S.C. 2403(a).


If I do not hear from you in writing by 2:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Monday, April 22, 2002 A.D., I will then presume from your continued silence that you have opted against appearing on behalf of the United States, to defend the Acts in question.  In that event, I will avail Myself of all appropriate procedural remedies.


Thank you, Solicitor General, for your prompt and courteous reply.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, Appellant

Mitchell v. AOL Time Warner, Inc. et al.

Ninth Circuit Appeal #02-15269


U.S. Mail:


  c/o P.O. Box 370

  Sunset Beach 90742



  tel:  (562) 592-9047;  fax:  (562) 592-4917


copy:  Clerk of Court, Ninth Circuit, San Francisco, California

       Judge Alex Kozinski, Ninth Circuit, Pasadena, California

       Dr. John C. Alden, M.D., Eye Surgeon, Oakland, California