c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776

Tucson [zip code exempt]



April 29, 1997


Coronado Station

255 N. Rosemont Blvd.

Tucson, Arizona state


Subject:  customer relations


Dear Postmaster:


I am writing to express my sincere concern about the poor way in which I was treated late last week by one of your counter clerks.


I had previously received a U.S. Postal Money Order ("USPMO") from a client, who left the "PAY TO" space blank, at my suggestion.  This permits me to fill out the PAY TO space with anyone I choose, e.g. landlord, phone bill, etc., and it reserves the buyer's right to obtain a certified copy of the cancelled USPMO, if that should ever be necessary.  (It never has.)


I went to cash this USPMO over the counter at your post office, but I was told that there was not enough cash in the drawers to cover the face value of $500.  I was then advised to return later in the day, when the cash drawers were likely to have enough to cover it.  I asked what time the post office planned to close that day, and was told they would close at 5:00 p.m.


I then returned to your post office around 4:45 p.m., expecting to cash the USPMO in question.  It was then that I was very surprised to be told that there was no longer any cash in the cash drawers, because the counter clerks had closed out their stations.  Finally, I was advised to go to Bank of America, where the USPS has an account for cashing USPMO's.


This came as a shock, and as a major inconvenience, to me, because I needed to post Legal Mail which had been signed and dated with a legal Proof of Service.  Moreover, I do not think that Bank of America is authorized to post first class United States Mail.  Please tell me if I am incorrect about this.  Moreover, I have lots of reasons why I will never, ever, do business with Bank of America again (see enclosed transcript of a lecture by Dr. Edwin J. Vieira, on the subject of bank fraud).


I walked out to your parking lot, not only distressed, but also wondering why it was, exactly, that the counter clerks at Coronado Station have decided to treat me in this way, particularly when I have been doing business with your office for more than a year now.  Just ask Ray Lancaster to witness the number of times I have gone to his window.  You may recall that I even commended Ray in writing, last year, for his consistently courteous service.


I prayed for an answer, and then remembered that, in the past, I have used USPMO's to purchase smaller USPMO's, in addition to stamps and other postal services, even though it meant paying an extra $0.85 for the USPMO service charge.


I went back to the same counter clerk and presented this option to her, explaining that I really needed to post the legal mail that day, and that Bank of America was not going to be able to help me at all with posting the Legal Mail.  She agreed, but she also manifested a noticeable reluctance to compromise in this fashion, if I am correct about her body language she exhibited.


All of this, of course, necessitated that I be in the post office after closing time, which did not ingratiate me to any of the other postal clerks who were still there.  Remember, however, that this was also my third visit to your post office, in the same 8 hour period.


Can you please tell me how I may have earned this kind of mistreatment from your counter clerks?  Unless I hear from you, in writing, I will have to proceed on the basis of my belief that I am being persecuted for exercising my fundamental Rights, and not for doing anything unlawful, unethical, or otherwise inappropriate or against current USPS statutes and regulations.


Also, I do wish to continue as a satisfied postal customer at Coronado Station, and do wish that you could make Ray Lancaster available to train the others on your staff who seem to lack Ray's superior ability to serve his customers with efficiency, courtesy, and respect.  I think we all deserve each other's respect, don't you agree?


Thank you very much for your consideration.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Citizen of Arizona state, federal witness

and Counselor at Law


copy:  Ray Lancaster, c/o Coronado Station

       Office Manager, The Letter Box