c/o 2509 N. Campbell, 1776

Tucson [zip code exempt]



January 3, 1997


Secretary to the Board

Board of Governors

United States Postal Service

475 L'Enfant Plaza S.W., Room 10300

Washington, D.C. 20260/tdc


Subject:  Procedure for Mail Fraud Complaint(s)


Dear Board of Governors:


     I am writing to request that you supply Me with the proper procedure(s) for filing criminal complaints of felony mail fraud, jury tampering, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to commit same, against certain federal officers now employed within the territorial jurisdiction of the Arizona Republic.


     I am an eyewitness to these crimes, and it is My obligation, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 4, to report them to the proper authorities.  Are you such an authority for purposes of this statute?  I will not bring My complaint(s) to the office of the United States Attorneys in Tucson, because of their direct responsibility for these crimes.


     Since the crimes in question involve what I regard as deliberate and premeditated interference with the delivery of Registered, Certified, and First Class United States Mail which was addressed to the Foreperson of a federal grand jury convened in Tucson, Arizona state, the questions of jury tampering and obstruction of justice must also be investigated. 


     Finally, since at least two (and probably more) federal employees were working in concert to interfere with this mail, the issue of conspiracy to commit all of the above must be investigated as well.


     For the record, I am prepared to testify as an eyewitness in this matter, either at trial or in a deposition.  If you do call Me as a witness, will there be any provisions for Me to obtain formal witness protection because of My testimony in this matter?


     I will look forward to your prompt response to this request.  Thank you very much for your consideration.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Citizen of Arizona state, federal witness

and Counselor at Law


copy:     Federal Bureau of Investigation

          U.S. Postmaster, Tucson, Arizona state