c/o General Delivery
Hopland, California




     PLAINTIFF,               )    MOTION TO DISMISS
                              )    POINTS AND AUTHORITIES
     v                        )
     DEFENDANT.               )

                       MOTION TO DISMISS

     The Defendant  herein, Norman L. Vroman has moved this court

for an  order dismissing all five counts of the indictment herein

which allegedly  charge offenses  proscribed by  Title  26,  U.S.

Code, section 7201 and 7203 and has asserted that this Court does

not have  subject matter jurisdiction of such offenses because of

the failure  of various  federal  agencies  to  comply  with  the

mandates of Title 5, U. S. Code, section 552. The motion contends

that there  has not been published in the Federal Register any of

the tax  returns, statements or lists which may be required to be

made or  filed by  federal law  and further that there has been a

failure of the appropriate federal agency to publish descriptions

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 1 of 38

of its  central and  field organization  as also required by said

section 552.  As a  result of  non-compliance with  section  552,

there is  no duty  or obligation to make or file federal personal

income tax  returns.   This brief  is offered  in support of that



     Prior to 1935, much of the internal documentation of federal

agencies, as  well as regulations promulgated by federal agencies

to administer  and enforce a variety of federal statutes, was not

published and  generally made  available to  the American public,

notwithstanding the  fact that such documentation and regulations

purported to  impose mandatory  obligations.  The first act which

commanded the  publication of  agency requirements which affected

the public  was the  Act of July 26, 1935, 49 Stat. 500, ch. 417;

this act  created the  Federal  Register  and  compelled  federal

agencies to  publish therein  agency orders  and regulations (see

sections 4  and 5  of the act).  To insure agency compliance with

the act's requirements, section 7 provided as follows:

      "No document required under section 5(a) to be published in

the Federal Register shall be valid as against any person who has

not had actual knowledge thereof."

     An expansion  of items  required  to  be  published  in  the

Federal Register  occurred as  a result  of the  enactment of the

Administrative Procedure  Act; see Act of June 11, 1946, 60 Stat.

237, ch  324.   An important  definition within  this act was the

following contained in section 2:

     "(c)  Rule and rule making. -- 'Rule' means the whole or any

part  of   any  agency   statement  of   general  or   particular

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 2 of 38

applicability and future effect designed to implement, interpret,

or prescribe  law or  policy or  to  describe  the  organization,

procedure, or practice requirements of any agency...."

     And section  3 of the act commanded that the following types

of agency "rules" be published within the Federal Register:

     "(a)   Rules.   Every  agency  shall  separately  state  and

currently publish in the Federal Register (1) descriptions of its

central and  field  organization  including  delegations  by  the

agency of  final authority  and the  established places at which,

and methods  whereby, the  public may  secure information or make

submittals or  requests; (2) statements of the general course and

method by  which its  functions  are  channeled  and  determined,

including the  nature and  requirements of all formal or informal

procedures available  as well as forms and instructions as to the

scope and  contents of  all papers, reports, or examinations; and

(3) substantive rules adopted as authorized by law and statements

of general  policy or  interpretations formulated  and adopted by

the agency  for  the  guidance  of  the  public,  but  not  rules

addressed to  and served  upon named  persons in  accordance with

law.   No person  shall in  any manner  be required  to resort to

organization or procedure not so published."

     Further,  the  act  established  a  certain  method  whereby

agencies were  to publish  in the  Federal Register  proposed and

final  agency  rules  and  were  to  accord  public  hearings  in

reference thereto.   The  well known  requirements  that  federal

agencies  provide  adjudication  of  certain  contested  matters,

subject to judicial review, was established for the first time in

this act.  Section 9 of the act provided as follows:

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 3 of 38

     "No sanction  shall be  imposed or substantive rule or order

be issued  except within jurisdiction delegated to the agency and

as authorized by law."

     The  benefits  to  the  American  public  derived  from  the

adoption of  this  act  are  many.    For  example,  without  the

requirement to publish statements of the agency's organization, a

party would  not know, as a matter of law, what part of an agency

was the proper unit or division responsible for the resolution of

a particular  problem, what  part of  an agency  had  enforcement

authority, or  what part  of an  agency was designated to receive

"submittals" required  of the  public.   While it is obvious that

social security  benefits applications  are not  submitted to the

Securities and Exchange Commission, it might be entirely improper

to submit  such an application to the office secretary for Social

Security's data  processing unit.   Without  the  requirement  to

publish agency  "delegation orders,"  the American public and its

members are  deprived, and  possibly  detrimentally  so,  of  the

knowledge of  which officers  and agents  within a  vast  federal

agency are  authorized to  act on  behalf of  the  agency.    The

submission  of   a  tort  claim  to  either  the  proper  officer

designated to  receive the  same or  to the  office janitor is of

critical importance  if the  claim is  one year and 364 days old.

Finally, without notice to the American public via publication of

the substantive requirements of a federal agency having delegated

authority  to   administer  and  enforce  federal  laws,  nobody,

excluding possibly  agency personnel,  judges and  lawyers, would

have any  knowledge of  what was required to avoid the imposition

of civil or criminal sanctions.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 4 of 38

     As  amended,   the  above   noted  statutes  continue  their

existence today, codified within Title 5, U.S. Code, sections 551

through 558.   These sections within Title 5 require that federal

agencies must  publish in  the  Federal  Register  a  variety  of

information which  affects the  rights, duties and obligations of

members of  the public.  In 5  U.S.C., section  551, a  "rule" is

defined thusly:

     "(4) 'rule' means the whole or a part of an agency statement

of general or particular applicability and future effect designed

to implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy or describing

the organization,  procedure,  or  practice  requirements  of  an

agency ...."

Section 552  describes in  particular detail  various items which

must be published by federal agencies in the Federal Register:

     "(1)   Each agency  shall  separately  state  and  currently

publish in the Federal Register for the guidance of the public--

          (A) descriptions  of its central and field organization

and the  established places  at which,  the employees (and in the

case of  a uniformed  service, the  members) from  whom, and  the

methods  whereby,   the  public   may  obtain  information,  make

submittals or requests, or obtain decisions;

          (B) statements  of the  general course  and  method  by

which its  functions are  channeled and determined, including the

nature and  requirements of  all formal  and informal  procedures


          (C) rules of procedure, descriptions of forms available

or the places at which forms may be obtained, and instructions as

to the scope and content of all papers, reports, or examinations;

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 5 of 38

          (D) substantive  rules of general applicability adopted

as authorized  by  law,  and  statements  of  general  policy  or

interpretations of  general applicability  formulated and adopted

by the agency; and

          (E)  each   amendment,  revision   or  repeal   of  the


     Except to  the extent  that a  person has  actual and timely

notice of  the terms  thereof, a  person may not in any manner be

required to  resort to,  or be  adversely affected  by, a  matter

required to  be published  in the  Federal Register  and  not  so

published.   For the purpose of this paragraph, matter reasonably

available to  the class  of persons  affected thereby  is  deemed

published in  the Federal Register when incorporated by reference

therein  with  the  approval  of  the  Director  of  the  Federal


     Further, section  552a directs  that  all  federal  agencies

which maintain  "systems of  records" containing  data and  other

information regarding  individual  citizens  or  residents,  must

publish descriptions  of those  systems in  the Federal Register;

see section  552a(e)(4).   And when any federal agency engages in

the  collection   of  information  from  an  individual,  section

552a(e)(3) commands  that the individual concerned be informed of

the authority  for the collection of the information, the purpose

for which  the information  is intended  to be  used, the routine

uses made  of the  information, and  the effect  of not providing

such information.

     Finally, section 558(b) prohibits an agency from issuing any

substantive rule or order, or imposing any sanctions, outside the

jurisdiction delegated to the agency.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 6 of 38

     As seen  from above,  section 552  permits "incorporation by

reference", a  process governed  by 1  C.F.R., part 51.  However,

matters which  should be  published in  the Federal  Register but

which are deemed included therein "by reference" must be approved

by the  Director of the Federal Register and "proper language" so

noting the"incorporation  by reference" must appear within agency

rules which  are published  in the Federal Register.  Items which

cannot  be  published  either  in  the  Federal  Register  or  by

incorporation by  reference are  described at  1 C.F.R.,  section

5.4. This  latter prohibition  first appeared  in the  August 27,

1941, edition of the Federal Register, at page 4398, et seq.

     Thus, current  statutes impose  stringent requirements  upon

federal agencies  to publish in the Federal Register descriptions

of  the  agency's  organizational  structure  as  well  as  those

substantive rules  of general  applicability duly  promulgated by

the agency.   Any  matter required  by law  to be  published, but

which is  not, cannot  be the  basis for  the imposition  of  any

sanction or penalty against anyone.


     Section  552   expressly  requires   an  agency  to  publish

statements or  descriptions of the central and field organization

of the  agency and  the established  places where  the public  is

required to  make submittals.  The reasons for such a requirement

are obvious  and readily  apparent.   Almost  without  exception,

Congressional enactments  designate a particular executive branch

officer as  the official statutorily authorized to administer and

enforce the  act in  question.  Such an officer further will have

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 7 of 38

similar statutory duties arising not from one but invariably many

acts.   Since one  such executive officer is physically incapable

of performing the acts required of him by the law, such officials

must   create    large   agencies    and    delegate    statutory

responsibilities to  subordinates.   Additionally,  agencies  are

subdivided  into   a  variety   of  branches,  divisions,  units,

districts and  other minor  offices, all  of which have different

duties and  responsibilities.  Federal agencies which employ tens

of thousands  of people  have  administrative,  regulatory,  data

processing and  other branches,  and the  functions of one branch

simply cannot  be performed  by any other branch.  The purpose of

this requirement  in section 552 is to insure that the members of

the American  public have  the requisite  information as  to  the

authorities and  responsibilities of any branch, division or unit

of an  agency, and  are informed  of the  proper agency unit with

which such parties must deal.

     A quick  perusal of  the Code of Federal Regulations reveals

that many  federal agencies meet the requirements of section 552.

For example,  Congress  has  enacted  numerous  acts  which  vest

statutory duties  in the  hands of  the Secretary of Agriculture.

Title 7,  C.F.R., part  2, contains  approximately 92 pages which

describe both  the organizational  structure of the Department of

Agriculture and the delegation orders issued by that Secretary to

his subordinates.    The  Commissioner  of  the  Immigration  and

Naturalization Service  complies with  section 552;  see Title 8,

C.F.R., section  2.1, and  parts 100 and 103.  The following list

identifies  other   executive  officials  and  departments  which

similarly comply  and  cites  the  corresponding  and  applicable

portions of the Code of Federal Regulations wherein statements of

organizational structure and delegation orders may be found:

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 8 of 38

     1.   Nuclear Regulatory Commission:
          10 C.F.R., part 1.

     2.   Comptroller of the Currency:
          12 C.F.R., part 4.

     3.   Small Business Administration:
          13 C.F.R., part 101.

     4.   Civil Aeronautics Board:
          14 C.F.R., part 384.

     5.   Federal Trade Commission:
          16 C.F.R., part 0

     6.   Consumer Product Safety Commission:
          16 C.F.R., part 1000.

     7.   Commodity Futures Trading Commission:
          17 C.F.R., part 140.

     8.   Securities and Exchange Commission:
          17 C.F.R., part 200.

     9.   Federal Energy Regulatory Commission:
          18 C.F.R., part 375.

     10.  Water Resources Council:
          18 C.F.R., part 701.

     11.  Office of Workers' Compensation:
          20 C.F.R., part 1.

     12.  Railroad Retirement Board:
          20 C.F.R., part 200.

     13.  Benefits Review Board:
          20 C.F.R., part 801.

     14.  Commissioner of Food and Drugs:
          21 C.F.R., part 5.

     15.  Peace Corps:
          22 C.F.R., part 302.

     16.  U.S. Information Agency:
          22 C.F.R., part 504.

     17.  U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency:
          22 C.F.R., part 601.

     18.  Secretary of H.U.D.:
          24 C.F.R., part 3.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 9 of 38

     19.  Inspector General, H.U.D.:
          24 C.F.R., part 2000.

     20.  Department of Justice:
          28 C.F.R., part 0.

     21.  Environmental Protection Agency:
          40 C.F.R., part 1.

     The above list is by no means exclusive.  Nonetheless, it is

clear that  many federal  agencies do  comply with  the statutory

requirement to  publish in  the Federal  Register  statements  of

organization and staffing, in addition to departmental delegation


     The consequence  of an  agency's failure to comply with this

specific publication  requirement is  the prohibition that nobody

may be adversely affected by the lack of publication, and further

that nobody can be forced to resort to an agency's organizational

structure which  is not  published.    In  essence,  an  agency's

published organizational  structure is "legally visible" while an

unpublished structure  is, for all intents and purposes, "legally

invisible".   For example, the American public has duly published

notice of  the organizational  structure  of  the  Department  of

Agriculture and  it is through that published structure that this

agency will  engage in  activities involving domestic enforcement

of the  acts within its jurisdiction.  In contrast, the Secretary

and Department  of  State  have  not  published  in  the  Federal

Register the  organizational structure  of that  agency, and  the

obvious reason  relates to the fact that the State Department has

"international responsibilities"  as opposed  to domestic;  it is

chiefly  concerned  with  treaty  responsibilities  and  thus  is

precluded from  so publishing  its organizational  structure  and

delegation orders  in the Federal Register; see 1 C.F.R., section


                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 10 of 38

     In contrast to the vast number of cases where litigation has

occurred concerning  the lack  of publication  of such  things as

agency regulations, there appear to be few cases wherein an issue

has been created regarding the lack of publication of an agency's

organizational structure.   The  first case  involving this point

was Pinkus  v. Reilly,  157 F.Supp.  548 (D.N.J.,  1957).   Here,

Pinkus was  engaged in  advertising and  selling his  weight gain

program through  the U.S.  Mails.  The U.S. Post Office contended

that  his   advertisements  were   fraudulent   and   issued   an

administrative "fraud  order" which  in essence precluded Pinkus'

use of  the mails.   Suffering  poorly before  the agency, Pinkus

sought judicial  review of  the fraud order and asserted that the

agency had  through unpublished  statements  of  organization  in

essence commingled  the agency's  prosecutorial and  adjudicating

authority in  the hands  of one official, this latter commingling

also being  unlawful.   The Court  held the  agency's  action  of

issuing the fraud order void:

     "The last  above point raised by Pinkus seems to be directly

and clearly  covered by the terms of the Administrative Procedure

Act itself, which provides that 'no person shall in any manner be

required  to   resort  to   organization  or   procedure  not  so

published'," 157 F.Supp., at 549.

     "The question  thus  is  whether  at  the  time  Pinkus  was

proceeded against by the Department, as above, the Department had

complied with  this publication  requirement.  The prosecution of

Pinkus by  the Department,  as above,  was initiated  February 7,

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 11 of 38

1955, so  the specific  question is  whether at  that time  there

existed in  the Federal Register the published 'central and field

organization' of  the Post  Office Department, its 'delegation of

final authority',  and  its  'procedures'  to  which  Pinkus  was

'required to resort',"  157 F.Supp., at 550.

     "It is  thus clear  that Pinkus  was 'required  to resort to

organization ...  not so  published' -  in the  Federal Register.

This obviously  violates the  above provision of the statute that

'no  person  shall  in  any  manner  be  required  to  resort  to

organization  or   procedure  not   so  published'.     Thus  the

Department's present  proceedings against  Pinkus  are  invalid,"

157 F.Supp., at 551.

     While Pinkus  was chiefly  complaining  that  there  was  an

unlawful  commingling   of   the   agency's   prosecutorial   and

adjudicatory functions  and this relationship was unpublished, it

must be  remembered that a deciding factor in this case concerned

the fact  that the  entire organizational  structure of  the Post

Office was  unpublished.  While the Post Office had several years

earlier complied  with  the  publication  requirement,  some  six

months prior to the agency proceedings against Pinkus, the agency

had published  a notice in the Register which in essence declared

that the  last published  statement of organization was no longer

in effect.   Thus,  at the time of the agency proceedings against

Pinkus, the  then existing  organizational structure  of the Post

Office was  not described  in anything  published in  the Federal

Register, hence the decision.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 12 of 38

     Shortly after  the decision in Pinkus, the same question was

presented to  the Second  Circuit in  Columbia Research  Corp. v.

Schaffer, 256 F.2d 677 (2nd Cir., 1958), and Vibra Brush Corp. v.

Schaffer, 256 F.2d 681 (2nd Cir., 1958).  In both of these cases,

the facts  concerned "fraud  orders" issued  by the  Post Office,

just like  Pinkus; further,  these two  cases also  concerned the

unlawful commingling  of prosecutorial  and judicial functions as

in Pinkus.   In  the Court's  initial decisions  in both of these

cases, it  was held,  based on  the authority of Pinkus, that the

administrative actions  of the  Post Office were void for failure

of the  agency to  publish its  organizational structure  in  the

Register.   It must  be noted, however, that these decisions were

reversed upon  petition for  rehearing, the  problem  being  that

involving  substitution   of  parties   because  the   Postmaster

involved, Schaffer, had resigned prior to the appeals.  But, both

cases still  demonstrate the  legal necessity  for an  agency  to

publish its organizational structure.

     Prior to  rehearing in  Columbia, a decision in G. J. Howard

Company  v.  Cassidy,  162  F.Supp.  568  (E.D.N.Y.,  1958),  was

rendered.   This case  also involved  a fraud order issued by the

Post Office  regarding a  weight loss  device  named  the  "Magic

Button", marketed  by the  Howard Company.  Upon the authority of

Columbia, the  agency's fraud order was held void.  And a similar

decision was  made in  Low v.  Thomas, 163  F.Supp. 945 (E.D.Pa.,


     The statute  in question unequivocally requires that federal

agencies must publish in the Register descriptions of the current

organizational  structures   of  the  same,  and  the  few  cases

regarding  this   issue  more  than  adequately  demonstrate  the

consequences of a failure to do so.  Potential problems regarding

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 13 of 38

the deficiency  of agencies  to so  publish are  created when  an

agency changes  or modifies  its organizational structure in some

partial way,  but fails to place the American public on notice by

publication.   However, a far more serious problem ensues when an

agency fails  to publish  statements of its entire organizational

structure and  has been remiss in its duty to do so for more than

16 years.


     As previously  mentioned, a  "rule" for publication purposes

is certainly  an agency  requirement imposed  on the public which

implements or  prescribes law.  Pursuant to section 552(a)(1)(D),

"substantive rules of general applicability" must be published in

the Federal  Register; an omission in this respect means that the

unpublished rule is unenforceable against one without notice.

     Perhaps one  of the  best examples  of the consequence of an

agency's failure to publish a substantive rule is Hotch v. United

States, 212  F.2d 280  (9th Cir.,  1954). Here,  a federal agency

implemented an  unpublished regulation  which  banned  commercial

fishing in Taku Inlet on the Alaskan coast.  Hotch was prosecuted

and convicted  for violating  this regulation  and his conviction

was at  first affirmed  on appeal.    He  filed  a  petition  for

rehearing and  asserted for the first time on appeal the issue of

the non-publication  of this  substantive rule, and this directly

caused  a   reversal  of   his  conviction.    Referring  to  the

Administrative Procedure Act, the court held:

       "The  Acts set  up the procedure which must be followed in

order for  agency rulings  to be  given the force of law.  Unless

the prescribed  procedures are  complied  with,  the  agency  (or

administrative)  rule   has  not   been   legally   issued,   and

consequently is ineffective," 212 F.2d, at 283.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 14 of 38

     The situation was somewhat different in Gonzalez v. Freeman,

334 F.2d  570 (D.C.Cir.,  1964), where there were no regulations,

published or  unpublished, which  disposed  of  the  controversy.

Here  the  Gonzalez  Corporation,  whose  officers  were  several

Gonzalez brothers, was debarred from conducting business with the

Commodity  Credit   Corporation,  the   operative   circumstances

involving misuse  of official  inspection certificates  by Thomas

Gonzalez, who  was indicted  and plead  guilty to  a misdemeanor.

The corporation  and the  other Gonzalez brothers filed an action

challenging the  validity of the agency's order imposing a 5 year

debarment.  The Court held the agency's action void:

     "The command  of the  Administrative Procedure  Act is not a

mere formality. Those who are called upon by the government for a

countless variety  of goods  and services  are entitled  to  have

notice of  the standards  and  procedures  which  regulate  these

relationships.   Neither appellants nor others similarly situated

can turn to any official source for guidance as to what acts will

precipitate a  complaint of misconduct, how charges will be made,

met or  refuted, and  what consequences will flow from misconduct

if found," 334 F.2d, at 578.

     "Considerations of  basic  fairness  require  administrative

regulations establishing  standards for  debarment and procedures

which will  include notice  of specific  charges, opportunity  to

present evidence  and to  cross-examine  adverse  witnesses,  all

culminating in administrative findings and conclusions based upon

the record so made," 334 F.2d, at 578.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 15 of 38

     "[W]e cannot  agree that Congress intended to authorize such

consequences  without   regulations  establishing  standards  and

procedures and  without notice of charges, hearings, and findings

pursuant thereto.   Absent such procedural regulations and absent

notice, hearing  and findings  in this  case,  the  debarment  is

invalid,"  334 F.2d, at 579.

     An unpublished  regulation was  at issue in Berends v. Butz,

357 F.Supp.  144 (D.Minn.,  1973).   As a  result of  severe  and

excessive rainfall in 15 counties in Minnesota in early 1972, the

Secretary  of   Agriculture  declared  that  such  counties  were

"natural disaster  areas" and  declared that emergency farm loans

would be available until June 30, 1973; this notice was published

in the  Federal Register.   But,  Secretary Butz  terminated  the

emergency loan  program by  an unpublished  order issued December

27, 1972.   In  a suit  instituted by several farmers complaining

about the failure of the Department of Agriculture to accept loan

applications, the  court held  that the loan program could not be

terminated by an unpublished order of the Secretary:

     "In adopting  the directive of December 27, 1972, defendants

did not  comply with  even one  of these  mandatory requirements,

despite the  fact that  the directive  would have  a  substantial

impact on  those regulated, and hence is a 'rule' as contemplated

in the statute," 357 F.Supp., at 154.

     "Inherent in these provisions is the concept that the public

is entitled  to be informed as to the procedures and practices of

a government  agency, so  as to  be able  to govern their actions

accordingly.   The termination  of the emergency loan program was

without any notice, and was in violation of the provisions of the

statute," 357 F.Supp., at 155.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 16 of 38

     The curtailment  of a  welfare  program's  benefits  via  an

unpublished agency  manual was the subject of Morton v. Ruiz, 415

U.S. 199,  94 S.Ct.  1055 (1974).   In this case, an Indian named

Ruiz,  being  otherwise  eligible  for  Indian  welfare  benefits

available through  a Congressional appropriation, was denied such

benefits on  the basis  of an  unpublished  agency  manual  which

denied benefits  to all  Indians but  those  living  "on"  Indian

reservations.  The Court here construed the appropriations act as

extending  benefits   to  Indians   who  lived  "on  or  near"  a

reservation, and  held  that  the  agency  manual  which  limited

benefits to  only those  Indians "on"  reservations was  void and


     "The Administrative  Procedure Act  was adopted  to provide,

inter alia,  that administrative  policies  affecting  individual

rights and  obligations be promulgated pursuant to certain stated

procedures so  as to  avoid the  inherently arbitrary  nature  of

unpublished ad hoc determinations," 415 U.S., at 232.

     "The conscious  choice of  the Secretary  not to  treat this

extremely significant  eligibility requirement,  affecting rights

of  needy   Indians,  as  a  legislative-type  rule,  renders  it

ineffective so  far as  extinguishing rights  of those  otherwise

within the class of beneficiaries," 415 U.S., at 236.

     In Northern  California Power  Agency v. Morton, 396 F.Supp.

1187 (D.D.C.,  1975), at  issue was  whether an agency could make

informal, ad  hoc and  unpublished rules  of procedure  to govern

proceedings in  which the  public had  an interest.    Here,  the

Department of  Interior operated a hydroelectric power generation

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 17 of 38

project and  sold such  power to  54 electrical  power companies.

Interior proposed  a  substantial  rate  increase  to  which  its

customers  objected;   an  informal   and   constantly   changing

procedural plan was devised by which the complaints so made would

be decided  by the  agency.   The Court  held, however,  that the

failure to conduct agency hearings pursuant to published rules of

procedure violated section 552.

     A variety  of issues  based upon the provisions of the Clean

Air Act  were at  issue in  Maryland v.  Environmental Protection

Agency, 530  F.2d 215  (4th Cir.,  1975).  In this case, Maryland

complained that  certain regulations  of the  EPA which allegedly

applied to it had not been subjected pre-promulgation publication

in the Federal Register.  Finding that the challenged regulations

were published  in final form in the Federal Register but had not

been published  therein in  the notice  and comment  phase of the

process of  regulation promulgation, the same were found void and

unenforceable.   See also  Rowell v.  Andrus, 631  F.2d 699 (10th

Cir., 1980).

     At issue in Appalachian Power Company v. Train, 566 F.2d 451

(4th Cir.,  1977), was  the failure  of the EPA to publish a very

lengthy document  named "Development  Document"  in  the  Federal

Register.   This document  (described in  Virginia  Electric  and

Power Company  v. Costle, 566 F.2d 446, 448 (4th Cir., 1977)) was

263 pages  long and purported to establish standards for effluent

emissions. Because  the document itself constituted a substantive

agency regulation which was not published, it was held invalid:

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 18 of 38

     "[T]he Development  Document is not a validly issued part of

the regulations, because it has not been published in the Federal

Register, nor have the procedural requisites for incorporation by

reference been  complied with.   With this position we agree, and

hold that  40 C.F.R.,  section 402.12 is not enforceable for want

of proper publication," 566 F.2d, at 455.

     "Any agency regulation that so directly affects pre-existing

legal rights or obligations ..., indeed that is 'of such a nature

that knowledge  of it  is needed  to keep  the outside  interests

informed of  the agency's  requirements in respect to any subject

within its competence,' is within the publication requirement....

As the  substance of  a regulation  imposing specific obligations

upon outside interests in mandatory terms ..., the information in

the Development  Document is  required to  be  published  in  the

Federal Register  in its  entirety, or, in the alternative, to be

both reasonably  available and incorporated by reference with the

approval of  the Director  of the Federal Register," 566 F.2d, at


     See also  PPG Industries,  Inc. v.  Costle,  659  F.2d  1239

(D.C.Cir., 1981).

     An unpublished  policy statement  was at  issue in  Dean  v.

Butz, 428  F.Supp. 477  (D.Hawaii, 1977).   This case involved an

agency determination  that security  deposits for  rental housing

paid by  a government agency should be considered as "income" for

food  stamp   purposes,  this  determination  being  made  by  an

unpublished letter.   In holding this agency policy void for lack

of publication, the Court held:

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 19 of 38

     "The  Mellinger   letter  does   not  involve   housekeeping

operations nor  adjudicatory opinions.   It is a clarification of

existing regulations.   It,  however,  does  have  a  significant

impact upon  a segment  of the  public, the  members of the class

here.   If the monies for security deposits are counted as income

to the  members of the class, the class members must pay more for

food stamps....   The effect of an increased cost for food stamps

has a  substantial impact upon their limited budgets.  Therefore,

under the  Ninth Circuit's  test, the  regulation is  of  general

applicability.   Since the  Mellinger letter was not published in

the  Federal   Register,  as   required  by   5  U.S.C.   section

552(a)(1)(D), it is invalid," 428 F.Supp., at 480.

     The question  before the  court in Vigil v. Andrus, 667 F.2d

931 (10th  Cir., 1982),  was the validity of the curtailment of a

school lunch  program for  Indian children.   Here, the Bureau of

Indian Affairs  administered a  program whereby such lunches were

provided to all Indian children regardless of need.  This program

was transferred  to the Department of Agriculture, which provided

free lunches only to the needy.  The challenge made regarding the

non-publication of  the transfer of the program to the Department

of Agriculture  and consequent  elimination of  certain  children

from the  program was  upheld and  the unpublished  transfer  was

declared void:

     "If a  substantive rule  or general policy is not published,

parties without actual notice cannot be adversely affected by it.

     "Therefore, we  find the  BIA's policy  changes invalid  for

want of  publication.   If the  BIA wishes  to eliminate nonneedy

Indian school  children from  the free  lunch  program,  it  must

comply with its current rulemaking procedures," 667 F.2d, at 938.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 20 of 38

     An unpublished  Social Security claims manual which directly

affected entitlement  to Social  Security benefits was found void

in Herron  v. Heckler,  576 F.Supp.  218 (N.D.Cal.,  1983).   The

manual in  question in  this case  provided for  the reduction or

elimination  of   Social  Security  benefits  in  the  event  the

beneficiary owned  property valued in excess of a certain amount.

The claimant's argument that the manual's provision thus limiting

benefits was void for want of publication in the Federal Register

met with the approval of the District Court in this case:

     "The  claims  manual  provisions  clearly  fall  within  the

definition of 'rule' quoted above:  they are an agency statement;

they are applicable prospectively to a class of SSI beneficiaries

generally  and  to  the  named  plaintiff  particularly;  and  by

defendants' own  admission in  their memoranda, they are designed

to implement,  interpret and/or  prescribe law.    Moreover,  the

claims manual  provisions are  'rules' as  the term generally has

been construed  by the  courts:   they declare policies generally

binding on  the affected  public; they provide specific standards

to regulate  future actions of the affected public; and they make

a substantive  impact on the rights and duties of persons subject

to their limitations," 576 F.Supp., at 230.

     "In sum, the Secretary was required, by the express terms of

the APA  and the  'substantial impact'  principle, to  notify the

public and  to solicit comments before she promulgated the claims

manual limitations at issue here.  Her failure to comply with the

notice and  comment provisions  of the APA renders the challenged

limitations void and unenforceable," 576 F.Supp., at 232.

     It is  thus clear  from the  above cited  and quoted  cases,

representative samples of the multitude of similar cases, that an

agency's failure to publish any document (regardless of how named

by the agency) which is designed to implement or prescribe law is

a "rule" which is void and unenforceable.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 21 of 38


     Within an  agency, "instructions"  may  be  promulgated  and

distributed to agency officers and employees informing them as to

the  manner   and  method   of  implementing  and  enforcing  any

particular law.   If by chance these "instructions" likewise meet

the definition  of a "rule" as defined by section 551, and if the

same be  "substantive" as prescribed by section 552, they must be

published in the Federal Register.  Several cases have found such

"instructions" to agency employees void for non-publication.

     It appears  that one  of the  first cases  to deal with this

issue was  United States  v. Morelock,  124 F.Supp.  932  (D.Md.,

1954).   This case concerned an act to regulate the production of

wheat, which  of  necessity  required  agriculture  officials  to

measure the  amount of  acreage devoted  to wheat production.  To

accomplish this  purpose, agency  "instructions" given  to agency

employees outlined  measurement procedures  and the same required

some affirmative  acts on  the part  of farmers.   When  suit was

instituted to force some dissenting farmers to permit measurement

of their  wheat crops,  the farmers  replied that  their supposed

duties  under  the  act  as  set  forth  within  the  unpublished

"instructions" were void.  The District Court agreed:

     "But there  is no  provision in  the Act  or the Regulations

imposing any duty on farm operators in connection with the visits

of  the   reporters  or   other  representatives  of  the  county

committee.   The  only  obligation  on  farm  operators  in  that

connection is  set out  in Paragraph  II  D  of  Instruction  No.

1006.... This  instruction  was  not  published  in  the  Federal

Register or  otherwise brought  to the  attention  of  defendants

before suit.  It  was,  therefore,  not  binding  on  them,"  124

F.Supp., at 944.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 22 of 38

     "As we  have seen,  those Instructions were not published in

the Federal Register, and therefore cannot impose any affirmative

duty on defendants," 124 F.Supp., at 945.

     During the  height of  the Viet  Nam war,  certain draft law

regulations outlined  a procedure whereby conscientious objectors

would be  inducted for  civilian service.  But, the  operation of

this   procedure    concerning   conscientious    objectors   was

substantially varied  by the  issuance of  a "Letter to All State

Directors" and  a temporary "instruction", both of which were not

published in  the Federal  Register notwithstanding the fact that

the same  had an adverse impact upon such objectors.  In Gardiner

v. Tarr,  341 F.Supp.  422 (D.D.C.,  1972), upon challenge, these

documents were found void as unpublished substantive rules:

     "While the  pre-publication and  publication sections of the

Act and  the implementing  Executive Order  do not further define

what are  considered to  be  'Rules'  and  'Regulations',  it  is

inconceivable that policies intended to have the force and effect

of the  policies purporting  to effect  the  Plaintiffs  in  this

proceeding, may  be considered  anything other  than  'Rules  and

Regulations', notwithstanding  the label  attached by  Defendant,

and may  be applied  to Plaintiffs  or  any  affected  registrant

without having  been published in a manner in accordance with the

Act.   Whatever Defendant  has  entitled  these  unpublished  but

written  policies,   they  'purport[s]  to  be  an  authoritative

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 23 of 38

declaration of  policy issued  for the guidance of the [Selective

Service] System's  line officers....'  Therefore, the letters and

Temporary Instruction  in question  are as  much 'regulations' as

any administrative  agency's standardized,  enforced,  and  broad

policy directives," 341 F.Supp., at 434.

     The same  issue was  raised in  Piercy v.  Tarr, 343 F.Supp.

1120 (N.D.Cal., 1972), which resulted in a similar holding.

     The validity  of an  unpublished instruction  affecting  the

food stamp  program was  at issue in Aiken v. Obledo, 442 F.Supp.

628 (E.D.Cal.,  1977).  While the food stamp program is federally

funded and  state administered, federal regulations establish the

standards for  eligibility.   But, in  this case, an indigent and

eligible  family   was  denied  such  assistance  because  of  an

unpublished "FNS  (FS) Instruction  732-1, section  2313",  which

limited eligibility  by a "collateral contact requirement and a 6

month rule."   These  limitations  upon  food  stamp  entitlement

contained in "instruction" to employees administering the program

were held void for want of publication:

     "Interpretative  rules   '...  consist   of   administrative

construction of  a statutory  provision  on  a  question  of  law

reviewable in  the courts'....   They  do not  have the  force of


     "The 'collateral contact' and 'six month' rules set forth in

the instruction in question have the force of law....

     "Procedural rules  are those  that relate  to the  method of

operation of  the agency, while substantive rules are those which

establish standards of conduct or entitlement..." 442 F.Supp., at


                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 24 of 38

     "Since it  is undisputed  that the 'collateral contact' rule

was not  so published,  it was adopted in violation of notice and

comment provisions  of the  APA and must be declared void and set

aside," 442 F.Supp., at 650.

     And a  similar problem  regarding the food stamp program was

raised in  Anderson v. Butz, 550 F.2d 459 (9th Cir., 1977), which

considered a  different  aspect  of  the  unpublished  "Food  and

Nutrition Service  (FNS), Food  Stamp  (FS)  Instruction  732-1",

before  the   court  in  Aiken,  supra.    Here  the  unpublished

instructions  commanded   that  HUD   rent  subsidies  should  be

considered as  "income" for  food  stamp  purposes.    Finding  a

substantial  impact   upon  recipients   of  food   stamps  as  a

consequence  of   the  "rule"   contained  in   the   unpublished

instructions,   the   Court   declared   such   rule   void   and

unenforceable. See  also United  States v. Shearson Lehman Bros.,

Inc., 650  F. Supp.  490, 496 (E.D. Pa., 1986); and United States

v. Riky, 669 F. Supp. 196, 201 (N.D. Ill., 1987).

     Thus,  the   above  case   authority  clearly   shows   that

"instructions"  given  to  agency  personnel  which  command  the

performance of  an act  by a  member of the public or which limit

entitlement to  statutory benefits are subject to the publication

requirement. If  such "rules"  found in  agency  instructions  to

agency  personnel   must  be  published,  then  likewise  similar

"instructions" given  directly by  the agency  to the public must

also be  published on  the grounds  that the  same similarly  are


                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 25 of 38


     As seen  from the  above cases,  agency "rules",  especially

those which  are not  published,  can  appear  in  a  variety  of

documents  such  as  manuals,  letters,  instructions  and  other

things.  Additionally, forms used by agencies can fall within the

ambit of  a "substantive  rule",  especially  those  designed  to

implement a  law, thus  necessitating publication.  Several cases

have considered  the issue  of the consequence of non-publication

of such an agency form.

     In United  States v. Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000)

in United  States Currency,  590 F.Supp. 866 (S.D.Fla., 1984), at

issue was the validity of Customs Form 4790 (Currency Transaction

Report), used  in the  enforcement of  the Currency  and  Foreign

Transactions Reporting Act.  In this case, a man named Palzer had

suffered the  seizure of  $200,000 by Customs when he entered the

country and  failed to  submit  form  4790.    In  the  resulting

forfeiture  proceedings,   Palzer  intervened  and  asserted  the

invalidity of  the form  because it  constituted an agency "rule"

which had  not been  published  in  the  Federal  Register.    In

considering Palzer's claim, the court here found that regulations

required the  filing  of  a  form,  although  the  substance  and

contents of  the information  required to  be  supplied  was  not

addressed in the regulations:

     "However,  the  regulations  are  incomplete  in  this  case

without the  forms, because  the regulations do not set forth the

information a  traveler will be required to furnish on the forms,

specifically Form 4790," 590 F.Supp., at 869.

     The Court  found that  the form itself constituted an agency


                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 26 of 38

     "Interpretative  rules   are  'statements  as  to  what  the

administrative officer  thinks the  statute or regulation means',

... whereas  substantive rules,  such as Form 4790, are issued by

an agency  pursuant to  statutory authority  which have the force

and effect  of law....  It is also apparent that Form 4790 is not

a 'general  statement of  policy' as  would be  exempted from the

publication requirement under 5 U.S.C. section 553(b).  That Form

4790 is a 'legislative' rule rather than an interpretive one or a

general statement  of policy  is apparent  from the fact that the

form was  clearly intended to implement the pertinent statute ...

and the  regulation...; section  551(4) of  the APA distinguishes

agency statements designed to implement a law from those designed

to interpret it," 590 F.Supp., at 870, 871.

     Finding that the form in question was a "rule" which had not

been published, the Court declared:

     "Given the  scope of the information which Customs Form 4790

requires a  traveler to furnish, as well as the Form's role as an

implementing mechanism  for the  reporting regulations, Form 4790

is a substantive and implementing rule which falls within none of

the acceptable  exemptions under  the APA  and should  have  been

published in the Federal Register," 590 F.Supp., at 871, 872.

     Another case  addressing the issue of whether an agency form

is likewise  a "rule"  requiring publication  is United States v.

Reinis, 794  F.2d 506  (9th Cir., 1986). In this case, Reinis was

charged with  money laundering and consequent failure to file the

C.T.R. Form  4789.   In a  short  opinion,  and  based  upon  the

authority of  the opinion  noted immediately  above, it  was held

that this  form was  a substantive  rule which  was  invalid  for

failure of  the  agency  to  publish  the  same  in  the  Federal

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 27 of 38

Register. See  also United  States v. Cogswell, 637 F. Supp. 295,

298 (N.D. Cal., 1985); United States v. Gimbel, 830 F.2d 621, 626

(7th Cir.,  1987); United  States v.  Risk, 672 F. Supp. 346, 358

(S.D. Ind.,  1987), affirmed  at 843  F.2d 1059 (7th Cir., 1988);

and United  States v.  Hayes, 827  F.2d 469,  471, 472 (9th Cir.,




     The critical  contention at  issue in  this case regards the

prosecution's assertion  that the  Defendant was required to file

income tax  returns pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, but he

failed to  submit to  the agency  in question the appropriate tax

return, statement  or list  as supposedly required, and he failed

to make  these submittals  to the  appropriate office purportedly

designated  by   the  Secretary.   Because   of   these   alleged

deficiencies or  failures  to  perform,  the  Defendant  is  thus

subjected to  prosecution. In  reply, the  Defendant asserts that

this prosecution  must fail  entirely, due to severe and profound

omissions occurring  on the  part of those claiming the statutory

authority to  administer and  enforce the  Internal Revenue Code,

which failure  obviates any  requirement to file federal personal

income tax returns.

     The Administrative  Procedure Act  as above  noted  commands

that federal  agencies must  publish in  the Federal Register the

following information:

     (a)  descriptions  of   the  agency's   central  and   field

     (b)  agency delegation orders;

     (c)  forms and descriptions of forms;  and

     (d)  substantive rules.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 28 of 38

     The present  motion of  the Defendant  asserts that Treasury

and its subordinate units (I.R.S., Customs and B.A.T.F.) have not

in  many   years  published   statements  of  the  organizational

structure of  this agency  and  its  corresponding  units.    The

contention is further made that there has been a complete failure

of the  responsible  agency  to  publish  income  tax  forms  and

applicable instructions,  the same constituting "rules" under the


     While the  prosecution has been silent thus far in this case

regarding  its   theory  of  prosecution,  by  drawing  upon  the

experience of other tax cases the same can be fairly established.

Herein, the prosecution assuredly contends that the Defendant had

"income" during  the subject years, thus necessitating the making

of income  tax returns under section 6012 of the Internal Revenue

Code and  the filing thereof as required by section 6091. Because

computer records  fail  to  disclose  that  the  Defendant  filed

returns, he  has thus  violated section  7203. But,  the positive

duty and  obligation of  the Defendant  to act in this fashion is

based almost entirely upon assumptions having no legal support.

     Analysis of section 6012 is very revealing.  Subsections (a)

and (b)  thereof simply  define classes  of individuals and other

entities under  a supposed  obligation to make returns; these two

subsections fail  to identify  the precise contents of the return

which should  be so made, a fatal omission; see Viereck v. United

States, 318  U.S. 236,  63 S.  Ct. 561  (1943).   Up until  1986,

subsection (c) indicated that a return should include information

regarding income excluded under sections 121 and 911 of the Code.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 29 of 38

Starting  in   1987,  subsection  (d)  was  added  which  further

indicated that  a return  should  include  interest  exempt  from

taxation.  Other than the items noted in subsections (c) and (d),

there is  nothing appearing  in the  statute which  describes the

contents of the return which should be so made.

     The regulation at 26 C.F.R., section 1.6012-1, attempts in a

vague manner  to remedy  these statutory  deficiencies,  but  the

effort so  made by  this  regulation  still  fails  to  meet  the

mandates of  section 552  of the  APA.   While Forms 1040, 1040A,

1040W, 1040NR  and 2555 are mentioned in this regulation, neither

the contents  of these  forms nor  the forms themselves have been

published as required.  And, it is essential to properly fill out

these forms  to consult  the applicable  instructions,  but  here

again, the instructions likewise have not been published.

     Section 6091  concerns the  places where  returns should  be

filed, those places being an internal revenue district or service

center, as  the Secretary may so designate by regulations.  Title

26 C.F.R.,  section 1.6091-2(a),  commands that individual income

tax returns  "shall be  filed with  the district director for the

internal revenue  district"  where  the  taxpayer  resides.    An

exception to subsection (a) of this regulation is subsection (c),

which provides as follows:

     "Notwithstanding paragraphs  (a) and  (b) of  this  section,

whenever instructions  applicable to  income tax  returns provide

that the returns be filed with a service center, the returns must

be so filed in accordance with the instructions."

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 30 of 38

     Thus, the  place where  one files  the "submittal"  required

under  sections  6012  and  6091  are  generically  described  as

district director's offices or service centers. But, these places

are "legally  invisible" because  neither the  Treasury  nor  the

I.R.S. have currently published descriptions of their central and

field organizations.

                    OBJECTION TO TAX RETURNS

     Apparently, a taxpayer may submit pursuant to section 6012 a

"return, statement  or list"  reporting his income.  But, section

552(a)(1)(C) compels  a federal  agency to publish in the Federal

Register "forms" and "instructions as to the scope and content of

all papers,  reports,  or  examinations."    However,  concerning

income taxes,  no "returns,  statements or  lists" are published;

and there  are  no  published  descriptions  of  these  "returns,

statements or  lists", or  "instructions" as  to their  scope  or

contents.   Thus, the  legal requirement  allegedly imposed under

section 6012  of the  Code,  and  the  corresponding  regulation,

1.6012-1, is  nonexistent and  void because  of agency failure to

publish the items required by statute.

     Additionally,  tax   forms   and   applicable   instructions

constitute  "substantive   rules"   as   mentioned   in   section

552(a)(1)(D) of  the APA.   Individual income tax returns clearly

"implement" the  Code and particularly give force to section 6012

and its  corresponding regulation.   Further,  to fill  out  such

returns, it  is essential  to consult  applicable  "instructions"

which define the "scope and contents" of the forms.  Since no tax

returns have  been published, there can be no requirement to make

any of  them under  the authority  of United  States v. $200,000,

supra, and  United States  v. Reinis, supra.  On the authority of

United States v. Morelock, supra, Gardiner v. Tarr, supra, Piercy

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 31 of 38

v. Tarr,  supra, Aiken  v. Obledo,  supra, and  Anderson v. Butz,

supra,  the  applicable  instructions  for  income  tax  returns,

statements or  lists cannot  impose any  duty  because  they  are

likewise unpublished.   If  instructions to  agency employees can

constitute   a   "rule"   for   APA   purposes,   then   likewise

"instructions" to the American public are so as well.


     Section 6091  and its  corresponding  regulation,  1.6091-2,

facially command the public to file individual income tax returns

with "district  directors or  service centers."  But, there is no

legal obligation to do so because not only these agency divisions

but also the entire parent agency are "legally invisible".

     By statute, the Secretary of the Treasury is vested with the

authority to  administer and  enforce the Code; see sections 7801

through 7805.   But,  for  unknown  reasons,  the  organizational

structure of  Treasury is  unpublished, and  the same  deficiency

exists regarding the I.R.S., Customs and B.A.T.F.

     Regarding the  organizational structure  of the  I.R.S.,  it

must be  noted that  in the  past this  agency published  in  the

Federal Register  its statement  of  organization  and  staffing,

I.R.M. 1100.   The  below list contains the cites to where former

versions of I.R.M. 1100 were so published:

     1.   21 Fed. Reg. 10418, 1957-1 Cum. Bul. 679;

     2.   26 Fed. Reg. 6372, 1961-2 Cum. Bul. 483;

     3.   30 Fed. Reg. 9368, 1965-2 Cum. Bul. 863;

     4.   32 Fed. Reg. 727, 1967-1 Cum. Bul. 435;

     5.   34 Fed. Reg. 1657, 1969-1 Cum. Bul. 403;

     6.   35 Fed. Reg. 2417, 1970-1 Cum. Bul. 442;

     7.   36 Fed. Reg. 849, 1971-1 Cum. Bul. 698;

     8.   37 Fed. Reg. 20960, 1972-2 Cum. Bul. 836;

     9.   39 Fed. Reg. 11572, 1974-1 Cum. Bul. 440.

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 32 of 38

     Since the  last publication  of I.R.M.  1100 in  1974, there

have been  some approximately  3500 pages of changes made to this

manual.   The current I.R.M. 1100 has nothing contained within it

which has  been published.   Thus,  for the  last 15  years,  the

entire  organizational   structure  of   the  I.R.S.   has   been

"invisible" to the law.

     All persons  are charged  with notice  of the  authority  of

government agents; see Continental Casualty Co. v. United States,

113 F.2d  284 (5th  Cir., 1940);  Hale County,  Texas v. American

Indemnity Co.,  63 F.2d  275 (5th  Cir., 1933);  United States v.

Foster, 131  F.2d 3  (8th Cir., 1942); and Federal Crop Insurance

Corp. v.  Merrill, 332  U.S. 380, 68 S.Ct. 1 (1947).  The purpose

of the  APA, particularly  section 552(a)(1)(A), is to give force

to the  above principle  of law.   However,  since the I.R.S. has

failed to  publish its  organization structure  as required,  and

particularly to  publish descriptions  of district  directors and

their offices,  and service  centers, nobody  can be forced to or

adversely affected  by any  failure to  make submittals  to these

entities which, for legal purposes, are "invisible."


     Because the appropriate federal agency has failed to publish

in the  Federal Register  the "returns,  statements or  lists" as

required  by   the  APA   and  has   further  failed  to  publish

descriptions of central and field organization wherein the public

must make  submittals, as a matter of law there was no obligation

on the  part of  the Defendant to make or file federal income tax

returns. For  this reason,  the indictment  herein is  due to  be


                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 33 of 38

Respectfully submitted this the ____ day of _________.

/s/ Norman Vroman
In Propria Persona

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 34 of 38

                     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     It is  hereby certified  that a true and correct copy of the
foregoing was  hand delivered  to the  United States Attorney, at
his respective office, on this ___ day of __________, 1991.

/s/ Norman Vroman
Norman L. Vroman

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 35 of 38

Norman L. Vroman
c/o General Delivery
Hopland, California




     PLAINTIFF,               )    MOTION TO DISMISS
     v                        )
     DEFENDANT.               )

     Comes now  the Defendant  herein, Norman  Leon  Vroman,  and

moves this  Honorable Court  to dismiss counts 1 through 5 of the

indictment herein  on the  grounds that  this Court lacks subject

matter jurisdiction  over such  offenses. In  support hereof, the

Defendant shows as follows:

     1.   That the theory of the prosecution's case in this cause

is based  upon the assertion that the Defendant had an obligation

and legal duty under section 6012 of the Internal Revenue Code to

make tax  returns for  the years  in question  and to  file those

returns pursuant to section 6091 of the same Code;

     2.   That there  is no such asserted legal duty to so act on

the part  of the  Defendant because neither the Department of the

Treasury nor  the Internal  Revenue Service  have  published  the

returns, statements  or lists  required under section 6012 of the

Code in  the Federal  Register as mandated by Title 5, U.S. Code,

section 552;

                       Motion to Dismiss:
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     3.   That there  is no duty to file such returns, statements

or lists  with any  federal agency because of the failure of both

the Department  of the  Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service

to publish  in the  Federal Register  descriptions of the central

and field organizations of these agencies as mandated by Title 5,

U.S. Code, section 552;

     4.   That in  the absence  of publication  of both  the  tax

forms and  applicable instructions thereto at issue in this cause

as well  as descriptions  of agency  structure which  define  the

place  where   Defendant  was  under  a  supposed  duty  to  make

submittals, the prosecution of the counts mentioned above in this

cause is  barred under  the authority  of  Title  5,  U.S.  Code,

section 552.

     Wherefore, the premises considered, the Defendant moves this

Court for  an order  dismissing    counts  1  through  5  of  the

indictment in  this cause for failure of the appropriate agencies

to comply  with the  requirements of the Administrative Procedure

Act. This  motion is  supported by  the  attached  and  following


Respectfully submitted this the ____ day of ________, 1991.

/s/ Norman Vroman
Norman L. Vroman
In Propria Persona

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 37 of 38

                     CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I hereby  certify that I have this date served a copy of the
foregoing motion  and  supporting  brief  to  the  United  States
Attorney by hand to him at his respective office.

Dated this the ____ day of ___________, 1991.

/s/ Norman Vroman
Norman L. Vroman

                       Motion to Dismiss:
                          Page 38 of 38

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U.S.A. v. Vroman