Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris

Citizen of California State

and Federal Witness [sic]

c/o 5150 Graves Avenue, Suite 12-C

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]



In Propria Persona and

by Special Appearance Only


All Rights Reserved

without Prejudice









UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [sic], )   Case Number CR-00-20227-JF


          Plaintiff [sic],      )   NOTICE OF MOTION AND

                                )   MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTS

     v.                         )   ONE AND TWO OF INDICTMENT:


DONALD E. WISHART [sic],        )

                                )   Rule 48(a): Federal Rules of

          Defendant [sic]       )   Criminal Procedure (“FRCrP”);

                                )   77 Stat. 630, P.L. 88-243


COMES NOW Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris, Citizen of California State, expressly not a “citizen of the United States” [sic], and Defendant in the above entitled matter (hereinafter “Defendant”), to move this honorable Court for an ORDER dismissing COUNTS ONE and TWO of the instant indictment [sic], with prejudice, and to provide formal NOTICE to all interested Parties of same.  See 18 U.S.C. 287, 1341.

Under its municipal law enacted as the District of Columbia Uniform Commercial Code (“U.C.C.”), 77 Stat. 630, P.L. 88-243, December 30, 1963, the United States (federal government) cannot hold Defendant liable, either civilly or criminally, for endorsing a “Comptroller Warrant” with the nomenclature “without recourse” [sic].

Parallel language can be found in the California State version of the U.C.C. at UCCA 3415.  See also 28 U.S.C. 1652 (State laws as rules of decision).


U.C.C. 3-415 (Obligation of Indorser) stipulates that:


If an indorsement states that it is made without recourse or otherwise disclaims liability of the indorser, the indorser is not liable under subsection (a) to pay the instrument.


[bold emphasis added]

Accordingly, Defendant has no liability, civil or criminal.  Any and all liability reverts to the issuer, i.e. LeRoy M. Schweitzer, because the Comptroller Warrants in question were indorsed by Defendant in good faith and “without recourse”.  See indictment on page 2, line 23, and on page 3, line 13.



I, Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris, hereby verify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), that the above statement of facts and laws is true and correct, according to the best of My current information, knowledge, and belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1).  See Supremacy Clause in pari materia with all provisions of Title 28, U.S.C. (Constitution, Laws and Treaties).


Dated:  September 14, 2000 A.D.



Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Donald E. Wishart


Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris

Citizen of California State and

Federal Witness (18 U.S.C. 1512, 1513)

(expressly not a “citizen of the United States” [sic])


All Rights Reserved without Prejudice



I, Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), that I am at least 18 years of age, a Citizen of ONE OF the United States of America, and that I personally served the following document(s):





Rule 48(a):

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure;

77 Stat. 630, P.L. 88-243

by placing one true and correct copy of said document(s) in first class United States Mail, with postage prepaid and properly addressed to the following:


Robert S. Mueller III              John S. Gordon

Office of the U.S. Attorney        Office of the U.S. Attorney

280 South First Street, Ste. 371   312 North Spring Street

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]         Los Angeles [ZIP code exempt]



Thomas S. DiLeonardo               Ronald A. Cimino

U.S. Department of Justice         U.S. Department of Justice

Western Criminal Enforcement Sec.  West. Criminal Enforcement Sec.

P.O. Box 972, Ben Franklin Stn.    P.O Box 972, Ben Franklin Stn.

Washington [ZIP code exempt]       Washington [ZIP code exempt]



John Paul Reichmuth

Federal Public Defender’s Office

160 West Santa Clara Street, Suite 575

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]




Executed on September 14, 2000 A.D.


/s/ Donald E. Wishart


Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris

Citizen of California State and

Federal Witness (18 U.S.C. 1512, 1513)

(expressly not a “citizen of the United States” [sic])


All Rights Reserved without Prejudice



Federal Municipal U.C.C. section 3-415:


3-415. Obligation of Indorser.


(a)  Subject to subsections (b), (c), and (d)

     and to Section 3-419(d),

     if an instrument is dishonored,

     an indorser is obliged to pay

     the amount due on the instrument


     (i)  according to the terms of the instrument

           at the time it was indorsed, or


     (ii) if the indorser indorsed an incomplete instrument,

           according to its terms when completed,

           to the extent stated in Sections 3-115 and 3-407.


     The obligation of the indorser is owed to a person

     entitled to enforce the instrument or

     to a subsequent indorser who paid the instrument

     under this section.


(b)  If an indorsement states that it is made without recourse

     or otherwise disclaims liability of the indorser,

     the indorser is not liable under subsection (a)

     to pay the instrument.



California U.C.C. section UCCA 3415:


(a)  Subject to subdivisions (b), (c), and (d)

     and to subdivision (d) of Section 3419,

     if an instrument is dishonored,

     an indorser is obliged to pay

     the amount due on the instrument


     (1)  according to the terms of the instrument

           at the time it was indorsed, or


     (2)  if the indorser indorsed an incomplete instrument,

           according to its terms when completed,

           to the extent stated in Sections 3115 and 3407.


     The obligation of the indorser is owed to a person

     entitled to enforce the instrument or

     to a subsequent indorser who paid the instrument

     under this section.


(b)  If an indorsement states that it is made "without recourse"

     or otherwise disclaims liability of the indorser,

     the indorser is not liable under subdivision (a)

     to pay the instrument.


[bold emphasis added]