Time:    Thu Oct 16 14:52:04 1997
Date:    Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:47:51 -0700
To:      web-admin@aol.net
From:    Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: In Re: URL=www.deoxy.org IP=  [third request]
Cc:      supremelaw@ibm.net, pmitch@primenet.com

Dear AOL web administrator:

We are altering this message, because
earlier ones appear to have bounced,
or they are getting ignored.

We have been retained to investigate
a copyright violation by www.deoxy.org.

The individual's name is "dimitri" [sic].
That's all we have right now.

We accessed URL:


Requesting "ANY", the InterNIC database gave us:

    Primary NS:  DNS01.WEB.AOL.COM
    Contact:     web-admin@aol.net
    Serial No:   1997041404

You are listed as the Contact Administrator 
for this URL.

Can you please help us to locate the
people and/or organization(s) responsible
for this URL?  We specifically need their
mailing address, for service of legal process.

Thank you, in advance.

/s/ Paul Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law, Supreme Law Firm

copy:  off-site archivists


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