Selected Bibliography:

Federal Income Taxes, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve System

America's Coming Tax Revolt, by R.W. Mertz

Parrot Communications Int'l, Inc.

2917 N. Ontario Street

Burbank, California 91504

1992 (14.95 plus 2.75 S&H)

Are You A Nonresident Alien?, by Jack Colson

c/o ABS P.O. Box 935

Medford, Oregon 97501

1990 (3.00 includes S&H)

Become a Nontaxpayer and Save, Revised Edition, by Floyd Wright

c/o P.O. Box 323

Grass  Valley, California 95945

1992 (19.95 plus 2.00 S&H)

The Best Kept Secret, by Otto Skinner

P.O. Box 6609

San Pedro, California 90734

1986 (10.00 plus 2.00 S&H)

If You Are the Defendant, by Otto Skinner

P.O. Box 6609

San Pedro, California 90734

1989 (21.00 plus 2.00 S&H)

The Biggest Con: How the Government is Fleecing You, by Irwin A. Schiff

Freedom Books

60 Skiff St.

Hamden, Connecticut 06517

1976 (7.00)

Confidential IRS Tax Audit Guide distributed by Common Sense Press

P.O. Box 1544

Billings, Montana 59103 (15.00)

Documentation Packet with Court Briefs, by Jerry Richey

c/o ABS, P.O. Box 935

Medford, Oregon 97501

1990 (12.00 includes S&H)

Do Unto the IRS As They Would Do Unto You!, by M.J. "Red" Beckman

Common Sense Press

P.O. Box 1544

Billings, Montana 59103

1983 (5.00 includes S&H)

Economic Survival, by National Citizen Education

9205 S.E. Clackamas  Road, Suite 435

Clackamas, Oregon 97015

(10.00 includes S&H)

The Federal Mafia, by Irwin A. Schiff

Freedom Books

60 Skiff Street

Hamden, Connecticut 06517

1990 (19.95 plus S&H)

The Federal Zone: Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue

by Mitch Modeleski, Founder, Account for Better Citizenship

c/o POB 6189

San Rafael, California 94903-0189/tdc

1992 (40.00 includes S&H)

Financial Survival, by National Citizen Education

9205 S.E. Clackamas Road, Suite 435

Clackamas, Oregon 97015


41 Ways to Lick the IRS with a Postage Stamp, by Daniel J. Pilla

Winning Publications

506 Kenny Road, Suite 120

St. Paul, Minnesota 55101


Free at Last -- from the IRS, by Dr. N. A. Scott

2649 Vista Way, #8-137

Oceanside, California 92054/TDC

1991 (40.00 + 3.00 S&H)

Good-Bye April 15th!, by Boston T. Party

Javelin Press

c/o 504 West 24th Street, #73-P

Austin, Texas Republic

Postal Zone 78705/tdc

1992 (40.00 includes S&H, 43.00 for two-day delivery)

The Great Income Tax Hoax, by Irwin A. Schiff

Freedom Books

60 Skiff Street

Hamden, Connecticut 06517

1985 (17.95)

The Great Internal Revenue Hoax Exposed, by R. J. "Ray" Stenson

M-FACT Books

P.O. Box 8596 - S.C. Br.

Independence, Missouri 64054

1983 (6.00 + 1.00 S&H)

How An Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't, by Irwin  A. Schiff

Freedom Books

60 Skiff Street

Hamden, Conn. 06517

1985 (7.00)

How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Taxes, by Irwin A. Schiff

Freedom Books

60 Skiff Street

Hamden, Conn. 06517

1982 (11.50)

How to Cure Inflation, by Hyrum J. Amundsen, Jr.

Free Enterprise Society

300 W. Shaw Avenue

Suite 205, Clovis, California 93612

1978 (12.00 plus 1.50 S&H)

The Income Tax Amendment is Null and Void, Liberty Library

300 Independence Avenue, S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20003


The IRS and the Black Robed Cover-Up, by M.J. "Red" Beckman

Common Sense Press

P.O. Box 15444, Billings, Montana 59103

1983 (7.00 includes S&H)

The IRS and the Question of Jurisdiction, by Ernest Solivan

4202 E. Cactus Rd., #8202

Phoenix, Arizona 85032

(29.95 includes S&H)

The IRS Conspiracy, by Henry J. Hohenstein

Nash Publishing Corporation

9255 Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles, Calif. 90069


The IRS, Federal Laws, Non-Resident Aliens, Etc., by Jerry Richey

c/o ABS, P.O. Box 935

Medford, Oregon 97501

1990 (10.00 includes S&H)

IRS Humbug, IRS  Weapons of Enslavement, by Frank Kowalik

Universalistic Publishers

P. O. Box 70486

Oakland Park, Florida 33307-0486

1991 (29.95 plus 3.55 S&H)

IRS in Action, by Santo M. Presti

Sherwood Communications

P.O. Box 535

Southampton, Penna. 18966

1986 (9.95 plus 1.00 S&H)

Judicial Tyranny and Your Income Tax, by Jeffrey A. Dickstein,

PEGS Bookstore

P.O. Box 9337

Missoula, Montana 59807


The Law That Always Was, by Vern Holland

F.E.A. Books

8141 E. 31st Street, Suite "F"

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145

1987 (14.95)

The Law That Never Was, Volume I, by M.J. "Red" Beckman and Bill Benson

Constitutional Research Associates

POB 550

South Holland, Illinois 60473

1985 (25.00 plus 3.00 S&H)

The Law That Never Was, Volume II, by Bill Benson, Constitutional

Research Associates, POB 550, South Holland, Illinois 60473, 1986

(25.00 plus 3.00 S&H)

A Law Unto Itself: Power, Politics and the IRS, by David Burnham

Random House, Inc.

New York, New York 10022

1989 (22.50)

A Moderate Proposal for Restoring Prosperity Individual and National

by Jean Carpenter

PRS Nutshells

5147 South Harvard Ave., Suite 248

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135

1991 (7.50 includes S&H)

Money -- Bona Fide or Non-Bona Fide, by Dr. Edward E. Popp,

Wisconsin  Education  Fund

P.O. Box 321

Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074

1970 (0.50 each)

The Naked Truth, by  Daniel J. Pilla, Winning Publications, 506

Kenny Road, Suite 120, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, 1986

The Omnibus, by Ralph F. Whittington

c/o  P.O. Box 91109

Houston, Texas 77291-1172

1987 (40.00 includes S&H)

Ratification of the Income Tax Amendment: Has the Federal Government

Defrauded the American People? A Response to the Ripy Report

by Andrew B. Spiegel

Constitutional Research Associates

P.O. Box 550

South Holland, Illinois 60473

September 15, 1986

Secrets of the Federal Reserve, by Eustace Mullins

P.O. Box 1105

Staunton, Virginia 24401


Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country,

by William Greider

Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10020


Secrets of the Tax Revolt, by James Ring Adams

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

1250-6th Ave.

San Diego, Calif. 92101

1984 (16.95)

The Silver Bulletin, by Bill Medina

c/o P.O. Box 70400,

Sunnyvale, California 94086-0400


16th Amendment Reliance Package, by Bill Benson

Constitutional Research Associates

P.O. Box 550

South Holland, Illinois 60473

($200.00 includes S&H)

The Social Security Swindle, by Irwin A. Schiff

Freedom Books

60 Skiff Street

Hamden, Connecticut 06517

1983 (12.95)

Super Gun, by Lori Jacques

c/o P.O. Box 1509

Bisbee, Arizona 85603-2509

1992 (30.00 + 3.50 S&H)

Tax Fraud & Evasion: The War Stories, by Donald W. MacPherson

MacPherson & Sons Publishers, Ltd.

3404 West Cheryl Drive, A-250

Phoenix, Arizona 85051

1989 (17.95 plus 2.00 S&H)

Taxpayers' Ultimate Defense Manual, by Daniel J. Pilla

Winning Publications

506 Kenny Rd., #120

St. Paul, Minn. 55101


Tax Revolt, by Martin A. Larson

Devin-Adair Publishers

6 North Water Street

Greenwich, Connecticut 06830


Tax Scam, by Alan Stang

Research Publications

P.O. Box 84902

Phoenix, Arizona 85071

1988 (9.95 plus 1.50 S&H)

A Ticket to Liberty, by Lori Jacques

c/o P. O. Box 1509

Bisbee, Arizona 85603-2509

November 1990 (33.00 includes S&H)

To Harass Our People, by Congressman George Hansen

Positive Publications

P.O. Box 23560

Washington, D.C. 20024


United States Citizen versus National of the United States, by Lori Jacques

c/o P.O. Box 1509

Bisbee, Arizona 85603-2509,

1989 (write author for price and availability)

Which One Are You? The American Nonresident Nontaxpayer -or-

United States Citizen Resident Taxpayer, by The Informer

published by Who Are You

c/o 60-6 Roundtree Drive

Naugatuck, Connecticut

(55.00 includes S&H)

Who's Afraid of the IRS, by Miss Lynn Johnston

Laissez Faire Books, 532 Broadway - 7th Floor

New York, New York 10012

1983 (14.95 includes S&H)

You Can Rely on The Law That Never Was! Selections from the Trial and

Post-Trial Motions of William J. Benson

Constitutional Research Associates

PO. Box 550

South Holland, Illinois 60473

($35.00 plus 2.00 S&H)

Editor's note:

For those  interested in  doing additional  research, many of the

above references contain their own excellent bibliographies.

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