Crystal Day:

Fascism Beckons the Homeland





Paul Andrew Mitchell

Private Attorney General


September 22, 2001 Anno Domini


All Rights Reserved



The old man turned to his companion, beckoning with fearful eyes, “Hurry!  A cloud of glass is coming our way.”

In November of 1938, Dr. Joseph Goebbels instigated a network of Nazi gangs to break windows all over Germany.  The event was blamed on Jews, and it propelled Nazi Germany into World War II and ultimately its own destruction.

National socialism.  This is the true meaning of Nazism.  Its lure was not an isolated event, but a deadly active virus that seeks to creep into all governments, then and now.

Especially now.

The old man was not in Germany on that fateful day, however;  he was visiting the World Trade Center in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001 A.D.

The cloud of glass of which he warned was the massive deluge of broken windows raining down upon the streets of Manhattan, as two commercial airliners crashed into two of the largest buildings in the world.

Times were certainly different on that dreadful September day.  America had already defeated Nazi Germany more than 50 years before, and America was sitting tall -- the last remaining world superpower as the new century had dawned.

The nation had invented computers, put men on the moon, and developed the most technologically sophisticated society that civilization had ever seen.

Behind the veneer of glass and steel, however, a virus of a different kind was doing its deadly work.  Treason was gestating in the womb of a different whore.

For fascism creeps in without fanfare, like dry rot, behind closed walls, until the entire structure is destroyed forever.

Previous government leaders, bent on short-term gain and the permanent destruction of America, had begun the slow but steady cancer of compromising vital organs.

Intelligence systems were neutralized.  Public schools were decimated of talent and history.  Strategic technologies were traded for campaign expense accounts.  Domestic naval shipyards were sold to known communist fronts.  Cancer cures were blocked to maintain medical monopolies.  Soldiers were shot with poisons.  Money was systematically extorted from the common working man, then laundered into foreign banks.  Judges were bribed.  Babies were slaughtered and children kidnapped for body parts.  Pagans danced with gaia and dazzled neighbors with crystals.

And the world trembled to calculate that freedom would surely fail this time, poised as it is against all odds.

Is this our last sentence, now pronounced upon us?

Can any President rescue America from such an enormous abyss?  Is this too great a task for any one man?  Will the lure of fascism overpower the nation’s better senses?  Is this a sure harbinger of God’s inevitable judgment?  Just what is the real secret of fascism’s seductive power?

Quo Vadis Liberty?  Quo Vadis?

“Judgment is mine,” sayeth the Lord.

Already, Congress is rushing to invade privacy to save the Homeland.  Shades of the Fatherland, maybe?  “Homeland over all” echoes a favorite Nazi slogan:  Deutchland uber alles.

Mark Twain once wrote, “The only time the children are safe is when Congress is not in session.”

Can we truly rely upon this body to defend America?  Are the journalists choosing consciously to limit the range of questions asked?  Just what are they defending, anyway?

America has, in fact, been at war with itself ever since Dred Scott was told he was not a Citizen -- because he was black.

The fate of America, it has been said, will ride on the backs of its slaves.

It took a Civil War to start and end, before Congress could engineer a new form of slavery:  a second class of franchised privileges, domiciled where the supreme Law did not work.

They legislated a democracy into existence and killed a heritage in the process.

“There has been a change in doctrine,” Chief Justice Rehnquist once told a class of law students at the University of Arizona, all the while he concealed 2 laws that made total lies of his lecture.

That doctrine (whatever that is) was seeded in an earlier staged event.  The war against Spain ceded hegemony to manifest destiny, ruling insular possessions like Puerto Rico with legislative absolutes, and not constitutional principles.

RICO, an acronym for organized crime.

Another war contrived the precedent for a Central Bank, a major plank in the Marx Manifesto –- monopoly money, for the printing, and a propaganda machine for the students.

Another still greater war, settled at Yalta, divided the world into banking zones.  Truman succeeds to secret the deal:  the new American court system will have only one objective:  take the money, and run!

Congress caves in and hands us a ruse:  the Constitution is no more.  Enter summary judgment, disguised as legislative tribunals.  Not one in a million will catch the real robbers.

They will permit you merely to play with the great principles of that Charter, just don’t get too serious about them, okay?  If you do, the courts will surely send you down the straight and narrow path, to certain poverty.

The chronic problem with Congress, of course, is that it is overpopulated with liars.  They lied their way through Lie Schools.  They lied their way to Lie-censes.  Then they lied to get elected.  For, lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.

And then, of course, America remains stubbornly naïve to expect those lips to speak total honesty, when they are asked to make our laws.  Tax, tax.  Spend, spend.  Elect, elect.  Poison pens on parchment.

What a joke -– on US –- the American people.

We are become a legislative democracy, Roman-style no less.  Our constitutional republic we have left far behind, chipped away, piece-by-piece, like the aluminum statues that decorate the federal courthouse steps in Los Angeles:  riddled with holes –- 40-caliber style.

Just US –- American style.

We should not expect any better from the courts those lips create.

God, please bless America.  God, please give us another chance.

As you know, there are those of us who will never barter liberty.


We are a minority breed, an endangered species, a civilization on the brink of disaster.

We warrant Your judgments and beg for Your mercies.

Grant us the courage to prevail –- to render justice real, to render security true, and to render laws equal and right.

Grant us the insight to separate the farm animals from our precious little children.

Give us the pearls of Your knowledge, that we may cast them with wisdom, that we may enter Your presence without blemish or excuses.

Give America hope.  Spare us, please, oh God.

Do not unleash hell’s many horrors upon a faithful nation.






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