__[Attorney name]__
__[Telephone number]__

Attorney for __[name]__

            _ _ _ _ _ _ Court, County of _ _ _ _ _ _
                   __[_ _ _ _ _ _ District]__

__[Coordination            )   Judicial Council Coordination
proceeding special         )   Proceeding No. _ _ _ _ _ _
title]__                                 )
                                                                          )STATEMENT SUPPORTING
                                                                          )PETITION FOR COORDINATION;
                                                                     )   __[POINTS AND AUTHORITIES;]__
_________________________  )   __[DECLARATION(S)]__

     1.   __[Name]__, a party to __[specify court, title, and
number of action]__ supports the petition for coordination by
__[name]__ on the grounds stated in the petition __[and on the
additional ground(s) that __[list]__]__.
     2.   This support is based on the attached documents and
exhibits, including __[specify by title (or nature) and date,
e.g., the declaration of __[name]__, dated _ _ _ _]__, __[and]__
on all papers filed and records in this action __[, and on any
evidence received at the hearing]__.

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _                                          [Signature]
                                                                                                                                            __[Typed name]__
                                                                                                         Attorney for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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