Time: Wed Jul 30 12:40:26 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id MAA02385;
	Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:27:48 -0700 (MST)
	by usr03.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id MAA25703;
	Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:25:08 -0700 (MST)
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:24:24 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: Witness a real jerk! 

Dear Clients,

I will not blame you for choosing to avoid
this message.  I just want you to see what
I have to put up with, day in and day out,
from those who can't stand it when I tell
them I will not work pro bono, because
I can't any longer.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:13:48 -0700
>To: sainsley@juno.com
>From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
>Cc: Alfred R. Martin
>At 11:43 AM 7/30/97 -0700, you wrote:
>You have completely failed to understand
>the reasons why I wrote "Omar's Well."
>More below.
>>A skunk  is a black and white furred animal.  There are a lot of animals
>>with black and white colors; but when you run into a skunk you do not
>>need to be told that it is a skunk.  Too bad that many lawyers stink but
>>are not marked with the same distinction that nature clearly identifies. 
>If you want to continue insulting me,
>I agree to delete all future messages
>from you, without reading them.
>Is that clear, or not?
>>I do not need a lawyer or an English teacher.   What you choose to call
>>literary license; I call an unprofessional attempt to excuse a clear case
>>of bad judgement and crass stupidity.
>Then you can go somewhere else
>with this language.
>But don't put it on my computer
>screen, ever again.
>Do you understand what I am saying to you here?
>If not, I will take the next step to make sure
>you understand.
>Fair enough?
>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>   The Edwards may need a lawyer if
>>or when they can determine whether or not they have sufficient cause to
>>file a law suit.  You seem to have some experience with law suits and
>>might have been able to answer that kind of question.
>But I get at least a dozen requests
>every day for free legal advice, from
>total strangers.  You have little to
>no understanding why is it totally
>stupid for anyone to reinforce 
>free loaders.   Give them an inch,
>and they will demand a mile, even
>if they don't get it.
>  Instead of a
>>response on known facts known to you about truck safety, I got a bill
>>request for a publication that is most likely available at a public
>>library or provided free by the government.
>Just what are you talking about?
>The government never gives anything for free.
>Don't you know that yet?
>  I also received an email
>>letter full of  bullshit about a movie plot that you poorly remember. 
>Your obscenity, not mine.
>>When your errors are pointed out to you, you presume to have literary
>>license.   When I want a fairy tale I will read Mother Goose.  At least
>>with that kind  fairy tale, I know that the story is a fake meant only
>>for entertainment.  Tell me, does your legal efforts also border on
>>literary license meant to entertain a few gullible computer email users? 
>I feel no need to defend my work to you
>or anybody else, here or anywhere else.
>If you want to check out that legal work,
>I suggest that you do the proper research
>to determine where I have contributed,
>and then contact the Clerks of Court to
>obtain certified copies of all those
>pleadings.  Don't settle for anything less.
>You are not going to get certified copies
>from me, that's for sure, not after this
>unnecessary and obscene message.
>>I would like to know if I should treat all  your correspondence as a joke
>>or a way for you to pass the time  day in a child fantasy version  lawyer
>I repeat:  I don't want obscenities
>on my computer monitor.
>Please take notice of what I am 
>saying to you here.
>  I have read your letters forwarded to me by Al Martin.  Until
>>now, I did not consider that I may be reading the fantasy works  a mental
>This is a new insult.
>I commend you for your originality.
>>      I believe that dollar signs got in your heart and certainly  in
>>your mind.  You will probably die with money in your bank account but it
>>is not my way.   I do what I can for people without compensation.  I have
>>lost money on many occasions helping others or either could not or would
>>not pay me back.  I don't care.   I am not applying for sainthood or
>>anything else that you would understand. 
>How do you pay your bills, then?
>>      You would have to understand what it meant to get hurt, need help,
>>and make a choice to struggle on or wait for help that never comes until
>>you die in the mud.  I did not die in the mud at least not immediately. 
>>Fate dictates that I will die from cancer caused by Agent Orange.  I
>>lived for God only knows why?  I do what I can to help others because I
>>choose to help.  I especially am interested in the welfare  fellow
>So, take your anguish out on a
>more deserving target.  I will
>not be insulted for deciding 
>not to work pro bono any more.
>>     I will die broke Mitchell and when I do, I will not care.  Money is
>>a tool  slavery,   Money turns a person into a fool trying to hold on to
>>a pile  money that like sand leaks in an unstoppable flow from the hands.
>> Money keeps a human being from ever becoming anything but a greedy,
>>frustrated, miserly, power seeking predator that will do anything to
>>collect it.   
>You are preaching to the choir here.
>But, don't let me stop you.
>>     I suggest that you ask Al Martin about me.  I am told that you may
>>be thinking that I am trying to set you up because you are not a licensed
>>legal counsel.  I am not trying to set you up and don' t care if you have
>>a license. 
>Then why are you so concerned about it?
> I pick and chose my fights.  I want to help get some changes
>>made and get some things done.  I want to speak out for those who can not
>>speak for themselves for one reason or another.  Mainly , I do not want
>>young Americans serving as protectors  other countries and dying for
>>useless causes.  
>And you want to feel superior by 
>claiming that you contribute your
>time, when I will not.
>>     American troops in Korea, Bosnia, and in several Arab nations should
>>be ordered home. What needs to be done by the military can be done in
>>measured responses from sea based  platforms.  Politics and an effort by
>>corrupt persons with money and political influence have been allowed by
>>the American public to dictate where other human beings will die for no
>>other purpose than to collect wealth or to protect the source  wealth. 
>>The tax payer foots the bill with a growing national debt.  A person in
>>the military has to do what he or she is ordered to do by a bunch  power
>>happy and money grubbing civilians both in government service and the
>>private sector with political influence.  A military person does not have
>>a voice to protest without risking severe repercussions.  Only a civilian
>>can voice concerns about what constitutes National Defense and what does
>>not and hold the government accountable.  The people who I intend to
>>contact concerning these issues do not like pranksters or fools.  Young
>>American lives are at risk and I think that I can make a difference,  I
>>remember what it was like for me,  
>It is now time that you do your homework,
>because it is clear to me that you have
>not done so.
>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>>--------- End forwarded message ----------

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
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As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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