Time: Thu Aug 28 18:05:55 1997
	by usr03.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id QAA24661;
	Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:59:24 -0700 (MST)
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:57:47 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: blank USPMO's, ZIP codes, et cetera

[This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]

                                   c/o general delivery
                                   San Rafael, California
                                   Postal Zone 94901/tdc

                                   August 16, 1990

Counter Clerk
Mill Valley Post Office
751 E. Blithedale
Mill Valley, California Republic
Postal Zone 94941-9998/tdc

Dear Clerk:

     Thank you for your interest in our research.  Yesterday, you
may recall  that you  asked me about my use of the letters "/tdc"
after ZIP  codes.   I am  sorry that the Post Office was too busy
for us to discuss it on the spot.  I want you to know that I have
noticed the  cheerful efficiency  with which you serve the public
at your  counter, and  do so with remarkable consistency.  So, it
is with  great pleasure that I am now able to return the favor of
your kindness and consideration.

     The problem  which I  am about  to describe  to you  has its
roots in  old Europe,  where many generations of banking families
made a  lucrative discovery centuries ago.  They found that banks
could profit  more by  loaning huge  sums to governments, than by
making lots  of small  loans to  individuals  like  you  and  me.
Governments, of  course, are  in a unique position to borrow huge
sums, and  they have  the police  power to extract repayment from
their people.

     In 1913,  our Congress  got in  bed with these same European
banking families  and passed  legislation which created a private
credit monopoly known as the Federal Reserve System.  This system
is no  more federal  than Federal Express.  Moreover, there is no
"Reserve".   These banks  are privileged to loan money which they
don't have,  through a  special privilege  known  as  "fractional
reserve  banking".    What  really  happened  was  that  Congress
extended to this monopoly the privilege of counterfeiting money.

     Congress benefits  from this monopoly by borrowing huge sums
from it  every year.  You see, for decades now, Congress has been
spending much  more money  than it  collects from  taxation.   It
"balances" the  budget every  year by  putting ink  on pieces  of
paper and calling them bonds.  These bonds are usually put up for
sale in  the open  bond market.   But  the federal  deficits have
become so  huge, there are not enough working people like you and
me to  buy up  all of these bonds every year.  So, Congress walks
across the  street to  the Federal  Reserve, which buys them from
Congress by  printing ink  on pieces  of paper  and calling  them
"Federal Reserve Notes".  Take a look in your wallet now, and you
will see  an example  of a  Federal Reserve Note (or "FRN").  The
New York  banking establishment  refers to these bills as Federal
Reserve Accounting Unit Devices (F-R-A-U-D).

     It is  bad enough that this private credit monopoly has been
given the  privilege to  "counterfeit"  money.    (They  call  it
"credit creation via bookkeeping entries".)  What makes the whole
scam so  intolerable is  that the  American people get stuck with
the interest payments.  Congress was forced, in effect, to "lien"
on the  land and  labor of  all Americans as collateral for these
huge bank loans.  Enter the Internal Revenue Service.  The IRS is
really just  a collection  agency for  the Federal Reserve banks.
The FED  pumps money  and credit  into the  economy, and  the IRS
sucks it  out of  the economy, like two pumps, working in tandem.
If we had only one pump injecting money into the economy, without
a balancing  pump to remove it from the economy, the value of our
dollar would  diminish rapidly  as inflation  climbed like  a sky
rocket into  the stratosphere.   This  happened in  Germany  just
prior to World War II, so the bankers learned an important lesson
from that grotesque experiment in hyper-inflation.

     What does  all this  have to  do with  ZIP codes,  you  ask?
Well, under  American Law  never repealed, Congress does not have
authority to  obtain controlling  interest in all Americans, such
that it  can compel  our specific  performance to  discharge  any
third-party  debt   or  obligation.     Imagine  walking  into  a
department store to buy a new toaster, and having the store clerk
send the  bill to  Willie  Brown.    In  this  example,  you  are
Congress;   the store  is the  Federal Reserve;  and Willie Brown
represents the  American people (some of the time).  Willie Brown
gets stuck  with a transaction to which he was never a party.  In
fact, he didn't even know about it!

     Congress needs to deceive Americans into believing that they
are all "subjects" of the "United States".  If you are subject to
the  jurisdiction  of  the  "United  States",  then  you  can  be
compelled to  pay taxes  which are used to discharge the interest
payable on the huge principal deficit which Congress has amassed.
But, here's  the rub.  The Supreme Court in 1945 defined the term
"United States"  to have  three separate  and distinct  meanings.
These meanings are:

     (1)  the  name   of  our  sovereign  nation,  occupying  the
          position of other sovereigns in the family of nations

     (2)  the federal  government and  the limited territory over
          which it exercises exclusive sovereign authority

     (3)  the collective  name for the States which are united by
          and under  the Constitution  for the  United States  of

     The  second   of  these   three  definitions   is  the  most
interesting.   It includes  such areas of land as the District of
Columbia, Puerto  Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa,
but it  does NOT  include  the  50  States  of  the  Union,  like
California, and  Florida, and New York.  Now, if you were born in
one of  the 50  States of the Union, you were born outside of the
area defined  by the second definition of "United States" and you
are, therefore,  born a  free Sovereign.    A  Sovereign  is  the
opposite of a subject.  If you were born a Sovereign, there is no
way you  can be  "subject" to  the jurisdiction  of  the  "United
States" (unless  you volunteer),  particularly when  the  "United
States" in  this context  means only  the very  limited territory
over which  Congress exercises its exclusive authority.  Congress
does not  exercise exclusive  authority over any of the 50 States
of the  Union.   That's the  American Law  which has  never  been
repealed.   Unfortunately, the  Supreme Court's definition of the
three "United  States" was  written in  1945, at  the peak of the
first nuclear  war on  this planet.   People  had other things on
their minds!

     One of  the ways  in which  Congress deceives  all Americans
into  thinking   they  are   its   "subjects"   is   to   utilize
jurisdictional traps  like the  ZIP code.   In  the DMM, you will
find that  ZIP codes  are actually optional (see DMM 122.32).  If
we utilize  this optional  "benefit" which  Congress is providing
for  us,   we  are  presumed  to  be  volunteering  ourselves  as
"subjects" of  Congress.   That may sound pretty stupid, at first
glance, but  it gets worse.  Federal judges are now under so much
pressure to  keep the  money flowing  into the  banks, they  have
developed a  technique called "silent judicial notice".  That's a
fancy way  of saying  they don't  have to  tell you that you made
yourself a  subject of  Congress by  using ZIP  codes.   And  the
government is always fond of telling people that ignorance of the
law is no excuse.  But, of course, this is fraud and it's just as
illegal for  the government  to do  it as  it is  to  counterfeit

     Now, we  finally arrive  at "/tdc".  You cannot be compelled
to honor  or perform under any contract if you were under threat,
duress, or  coercion ("tdc") when you entered the contract.  It's
like extortion:   you  aren't really  "cooperating" when  someone
extorts your cooperation.  Actually, a criminal commits a serious
crime  against   your  person  to  extort  your  cooperation  for

     The ZIP  code is  like extortion, on a small but real scale.
Postal clerks tell us our mail will move a lot slower if we don't
use ZIP codes, and they are probably right.  You would know!  But
we have to pay the same amount for first class, whether or not we
use a  ZIP code,  and remember  that ZIP  codes  are  defined  as
optional in  the DMM.   So, if we use ZIP codes, our mail moves a
lot faster,  but the  federal government  is thereby  entitled to
treat us  as subjects  and force us to pay interest on their huge
federal deficit.   If we don't use ZIP codes, our mail moves much
slower (the "duress"), we still have to pay the full postage due,
but at  least we  avoid becoming  "subjects" of  Congress.  Being
free of Congress is our right as Americans, even when Congress is
nowhere nearly  as corrupt  as it is now.  In fact, I think it is
fair to  say that  in the  200+ years  of our  brief history as a
nation, this  is probably  the most corrupt Congress we have ever
had in America.

     The way  around this  dilemma is  to  use  ZIP  codes  under
threat,  duress,  and  coercion.    Specifically,  we  are  being
threatened with  subjugation (slavery?) to Congress for utilizing
a neat  sorting scheme which expedites the delivery of everyone's
mail.  This threat also means that we did not enter the "ZIP code
contract" voluntarily,  because we  had to  pay the  full postage
regardless of  whether we used the ZIP code or not.  But at least
we retain  our right  to avoid  becoming a  slave to  the Federal
Reserve banks.

     The whole  situation would  be different  if  there  were  a
different rate  for mail  addressed without ZIP codes, and if the
federal government  would fully  disclose the jurisdictional trap
which it  has created  with ZIP  codes.  The federal government's
failure to  disclose fully  all the terms and conditions attached
to its  contracts means  that the federal government is guilty of
fraud, pure  and simple.   And  fraud  nullifies,  or  "vitiates"
everything it touches, all the way back to the beginning, even if
that's your  original birth  certificate, or  your original  SS-5
Social Security  application (not  the SSN  or SS  card, but  the
application for  an SSN).   Recall  now that the New York banking
establishment refers  to our  money as Federal Reserve Accounting
Unit Devices (F-R-A-U-D).

     For  your  information,  I  have  enclosed  some  additional
information on  this problem.   Please  feel free  to share these
materials with  anyone you  choose.   Our research  is  open  and
available to the public, because we have nothing to hide.  We are
passionate and  dedicated to  restoring Constitutional government
to America,  whereby  the  rights  of  individuals  are  supreme.
Governments at  all levels should be our public servants, because
we are  the public and they are the servants.  They should not be
permitted to  utilize threat,  duress, and coercion to extort our
cooperation with  their fraudulent  debt schemes.   It is just as
illegal for them to do it as it is for you and I to do it!

     Thanks so  much for  your interest  and for  keeping an open
mind at this most difficult time in our nation's history.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ John E. Trumane


                             #  #  #

                                   c/o general delivery
                                   San Rafael, California
                                   Postal Zone 94901/tdc

                                   December 26, 1990
Counter Clerk
Mill Valley Post Office
751 E. Blithedale
Mill Valley, California Republic
Postal Zone 94941-9998/tdc

Dear Clerk:

     Happy Holidays to you!

     This letter  is a  follow-up to  my previous  letter to you,
dated August  16, 1992.  At that time, you may remember asking me
about my use of "/tdc" on mailing labels.

     Among other  things, in  my letter I explained how ZIP codes
do expedite  the delivery  of mail  (you would know!) and how the
unqualified use of ZIP codes creates a legal presumption that the
user is "subject" to Congress.  I also explained why a failure to
use ZIP codes can and does delay the delivery of mail.

     Enclosed please  find a  photocopy of  an envelope  which  I
recently received  in San  Rafael.  This envelope arrived with an
extra adhesive  sticker on  the front  of the  envelope with  the
following text:
                   YOUR MAIL HAS BEEN DELAYED
                     DUE TO INCORRECT ADRESS
                         AND/OR ZIPECODE

     As you  can see  from the attached photocopy, I have spelled
the words on this adhesive sticker exactly as they are shown.  By
any chance, does the USPS now refer to them as "zippy" codes?

     This photocopy is, therefore, conclusive proof that the U.S.
Postal Service  does discriminate  against  the  non-use  of  ZIP
codes, contrary  to the "Postal Reorganization Act", Section 403,
(Public Law 91-375).

Sincerely yours,

/s/ John E. Trumane


                             #  #  #

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://www.supremelaw.com   : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
[This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]


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