Time: Sun Aug 31 03:23:58 1997
	by usr05.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id UAA13014;
	Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:35:08 -0700 (MST)
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:33:30 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: to 8 yr old boy hurt by crazy justice system [2 of 2]

>Date: 30 Aug 97 23:21:07 EDT
>From: "James M. Ballard" <73042.1152@CompuServe.COM>
>Subject: to 8 yr old boy hurt by crazy justice system
>knows you're upset and that she hasn't been allowed to help you and
>comfort you because they haven't let her even though the court said
>this past Monday that she must be allowed to to help you and
>comfort you. She knows that part of the real reason you're still
>upset is that other people are violating court orders. I know who
>some of the people doing it are, and I might have to jail them
>federally for a little while to straighten them out. 
>     But anyway, your mother, Lori is not exactly a drug addict.
>She doesn't use drugs to get "high," to get visions or get a make-
>believe sense of power and happiness as most addicts do. She isn't
>interested in that. She used drugs to stop pain, legal drugs when
>08/29/97 @ Friday @ 4:10 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 11
>she could get them, and "illegal" drugs when she couldn't. You see,
>Josh, a stupid person shot her in her ankle with a stupid gun
>several years before you were born, and ever since then, your 
>mother has needed pain-killers of one sort or another to be able to
>run at all or even play baseball with you. That's probably curable
>- we probably already know how to teach her to train her brain to
>suppress pain without using any chemicals at all. We're pretty sure
>we can really help your mom solve that problem, and we're also
>pretty sure we can teach all other drug users how to get whatever
>type of "high" experience they want, whenever they want it, without
>any chemicals at all. So you see, the War Against Drugs was really
>just another nasty, stupid war that we're going to wipe out. And
>you don't have to worry much at all that you'll ever be in danger
>of becoming a drug addict just because your mom used drugs for a
>very few years in desperation. You'll have freedoms that never
>existed before and you won't need any kind of drugs much at all. 
>     Maybe you should bear in mind, Joshua, that President
>Clinton's dad was a pretty mean alcoholic, but President Clinton's
>not an alcoholic at all, so you shouldn't fear that you might
>become a drug addict just because Lori used drugs for a few years
>recently. I don't think Clinton is a very good President, but I did
>vote for him as the lesser of two evils because the choice we had
>was, as one comedian put it, "the evil of two lessers," wasn't much
>of a good choice at all. Presidents don't count much with grand
>jurors - we don't expect Presidents to be able to do much good, so
>we're mainly interested in having ones that will do the least harm,
>and President Clinton is fairly good at that. 
>     Besides, once we finish wiping out the Drug War, you'll
>probably have reached the age where you may want to experiment with
>your body and with drugs a little bit. Lot's of people feel that
>way in their late teens and early twenties when they discover that
>the wide world is a lot more stubborn than they'd been led to
>expect when they were in school, and they look for temporary escape
>routes like drugs to comfort themselves for a little while at first
>before they settle down and face the hard work it really takes to
>change the world. By the time you reach that age, you'll probably
>be able to go through that period of life safely with prescriptions
>and counseling including with the special electronic equipment and
>special counseling we've discovered that can help your mom and
>other drug users learn how to do things mentally without any
>     Currently, if you get a bad headache, you go to the school
>nurse, and she gives you a Tylenol pill, but 5 years or so from
>now, she'll just hook you up to a special type of computer that
>will help you cure your headache all by yourself really fast
>without any pill. Sigmund Freud never even dreamed people would
>ever be able to do that, not even in his wildest dreams, and even
>Skip Kerr, the H-bomb designer, is going to feel very foolish too.
>08/29/97 @ Friday @ 5:15 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 12
>It's really very easy to understand. Sigmund Freud's idea was to
>teach people to accept their sorry fates, teach them to be happier
>slaves to bad ways of doing things, teach them to accept their
>doom. Skip Kerr's idea was to produce the means for the doom of the
>whole human race to stupify everyone with fear. People like me
>refused to accept either idea, were interested in saving the world
>instead. We were told that that's impossible, but to us, that only
>meant it would take a little more work, and we're winning more and
>     People like me aren't interested in pigeonholing people nor in
>scaring them, but only in helping them do whatever it is they want
>to do without them causing themselves or others any significant
>harm. As strange as it may seem, the fact is that if people mainly
>wanted to rob banks, quality control engineering and grand jurors -
>and I'm both - would only be interested in helping them figure out
>how to properly rob banks without causing any harm. Other people
>have already figured out how to let banks and financiers rob other
>people without causing much harm we can't fix pretty easily, so
>it's not really a tough problem to figure out how everyone else can
>harmlessly rob them back. Once we do that, everyone will tend to
>lose interest in robbing anyone. 
>     I don't stop wars by organizing lots and lots people to force
>     them to stop. Instead of that, what I do is invent better,
>     less harmful ways of making war, so that the old ways look
>     really incompetent, really stupid. That makes people want to
>     avoid having anything to do with the old ways because they
>     know that if lots of people do learn about the better way, the
>     careers and success of people who were part of the inferior
>     way are over, gone, history. It means I don't need armies
>     backing me up, means that all really I have to do to make a
>     better world is dream it up and explain how it would work
>     better.
>     As far as I'm concerned, people will be entirely free to kill
>each other too as soon as everyone knows how to bring themselves
>and others back to life if they "die." It may take us another 50 or
>75 years to figure things out that completely, but it will probably
>be done, even though, by then, it's very unlikely that anybody will
>have even the slightest interest in killing anyone or even in
>killing any other animals because everyone will be able to get
>tastier, better food by other, non-lethal means.  People like me
>are already more interested in learning how to grow attractive,
>disposable, designer fur of our own during cold weather, much more
>than we're at all interested in making any enemies and beating them
>     Your mom should be freed no later than next Thursday or
>Friday, Josh. Most of the people involved, including your mom,
>can't afford to believe that something that sane can actually
>08/29/97 @ Friday @ 15:20 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 13
>happen, but if it doesn't happen, they all know that I'll probably
>have to do some legal work things that might accidentally collapse
>the federal government again, not to mention collapsing some
>governments abroad, so your mom may actually be set free next week
>even though almost everyone but me considers it very unlikely. I
>know some idiots still want to pointlessly keep her imprisoned for
>several more years just to show how mean they can be...but none of
>them want to have to face me in court, as they're going to have to
>begin to do next Thursday, and almost all of them are very
>unwilling to say anything to me, especially in writing. They can
>always hope that a plane accidentally drops a piano on me out of a
>clear blue sky before next Thursday morning in court, but that
>won't happen.
>     At first, it seemed entirely accidental that I found out about
>you and your mom and what had been wrongly done to both of you and
>your friend Ron Pascucci. But eventually, I got around to analyzing
>it mathematically. Grand jurors are expected to be interested in
>something called "probable cause" which most people think only
>means "whodunnit?" but which really means what all caused what to
>happen how, and it's actually a mathematical concept, involves a
>branch of mathematics called probability theory. So, sometimes I
>use math to figure things out. It was accidental in the sense that
>no human being nor any presumed deity deliberately intended for me
>to find out what had happened to you and Lori nor for me to
>formally intervene as United States Grand Jury to correct it, but
>it wasn't by mere chance either. 
>     The chances against what's happened in your life this past
>year actually happening, and then me finding out about it, and then
>me formally trying to correct it in court, were way over 10.5
>million to one. It was all really very improbable mathematically,
>but it's all happened just like clockwork, just like the sun
>continuing to come up every day. I got your mom a book about
>physics and people that begins to explain how such things occur,
>begins to explain how the world actually works.  You have to learn
>a little more about how other people used to think things worked
>before you'll be able to understand how the world actually works
>that Dr. Sigmund Freud just didn't understand at all. The way it
>actually works is really clever and much niftier and is much bigger
>than anyone ever suggested to you before. 
>     Nature, which you're a very important part of, Joshua, is
>really huge, much bigger than even your teachers imagined, and this
>enormous local universe with all of us in it on our little planet
>earth, isn't the only universe exactly like this one with all of us
>in those other ones too and with me writing you this long letter at
>what is now nearly 3 a.m. Friday morning while you're happily
>snuggled in bed sound asleep.
>     So you shouldn't ever feel that the world and Nature is hard
>08/29/97 @ Friday @ 15:23 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 14
>and cruel and that you're all alone.  You should be courageous and
>gentle and brave and honest and kind like Lori because none of us
>is ever alone, not even for one trillionth of a trillionth of a
>second ever, even all the way to infinity. People and all of Nature
>is really, really good, when they get the chance to be good, my
>little friend, even if it all seems to be a cruel and scary teacher
>sometimes. Not only are we created equal, but we also all stay that
>way forever, so we obviously should all help each other. 
>     I don't really know what will happen at Lori's hearing next
>Thursday. I don't have any special powers to know the future in
>advance in detail or to predict the winning lottery number, and I'm
>not interested in getting any such special "powers" because it
>doesn't matter what would happen next week or next year or the year
>afterwards without me working to make it actually turn out better
>for everyone than if I did nothing or weren't here. The future will
>be whatever we work to make it be. It we all work conscientiously
>and with goodwill, then the future will be really supergood for
>everybody everywhere, less good if we're lazy and cowardly, even
>worse if we're stupid and mean and greedy. It's not up to any
>higher power. We only have freedom if we take the responsibility of
>doing the job ourselves the very best we can. 
>     There have been times, such as in early 1994, when some very
>bright and very influential people confidently predicted terrible
>things, including a war in Korea that would probably have murdered
>a million people including about 50,000 Americans, but I was able
>to help prevent such catastrophe from happening at all, and I did
>it very quickly and very decisively using this computer system
>which has global reach within a few seconds if I need to use it
>that way. So you shouldn't ever feel alone and lost at all nor ever
>underestimate the saving power of other people's goodwill. And you
>shouldn't think you have be old like me, or be rich and famous like
>I'm not, to be really powerful and influential to save the world.
>You can do it yourself too, even though you're "only" 8 years old
>so far, just by always trying to gently do your very best.
>     In my whole 54 year life so far, Mr. Eckhert, I've never
>really had one single enemy anywhere even though some of the things
>I've done are really unconventional and controversial and annoyed
>some powerful people, so it would be a silly mistake for you to
>believe that a young person such as you has any real, serious
>enemies at all either. There really aren't any truely bad people,
>but only a lot who are somewhat stupid because they don't know how
>to do better; but people who behave stupidly don't want to be
>stupid and are almost always really happy to do better if one tells
>them how and convinces them it will be better for them too.
>     Not many years ago, I still used to think, Joshua, that
>important people would pay better attention to me if I at least
>seemed to be fierce and angry and defiant. They did pay attention
>08/29/97 @ Friday @ 15:39 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 15
>to me, but gradually it dawned on me that the quality of their work
>was inferior to what I could do by myself if I tried. Gradually, it
>dawned on me that by just doing the best I could very gently, I
>myself was sometimes more important than all the people the press
>said were more important than little me. If you can learn that
>lesson now, while you're much younger than I was when I finally
>learned it, you'll be much more important and influential in
>helping yourself and your mom and saving the whole world than I've
>ever yet been and am likely to ever be while I'm still alive in
>this world. 
>     I don't remember who said it, but someone said there is
>nothing more powerful than a good idea whose time has come. That's
>very true. You might bear in mind that the immense power of the
>United States is not its money, not its missiles and planes and
>ships, but is just our basic idea that the people must be free and
>have government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
>That's why we're so strong, just because of an idea, and nobody,
>not the President, not any judge, not any one church, not me nor
>even grown-ups generally, has any monopoly on good ideas. Your own
>ideas can potentially be as important and as powerful as anybody
>     Lastly, young man, let me explain why this particular stupid
>grown-up, me, has written you this very long letter which might
>take you several days to read if you really want to. I began to
>find out what had happened to you and your mother by attending the
>trial of the main accusation against your mother and Ron Pascucci 
>on June 18th and 19th just because I'd been part of where the jury
>for that trial had come from on June 17th. That was the first full
>trial I'd ever attended, never having had one myself. Giving me
>myself a trial would take several months and be really expensive,
>and no one's been interested in doing that since I'm personally
>harmless in the first place and I'm harmless because I WANT to be
>harmless and helpful, not because I have to be. People know that,
>so they're not interested in accusing me of anything any more. 
>     My grand jury job is mostly only to design trials, not conduct
>them, nor attend them, nor decide their outcome...usually. I was
>really very shocked that a jury trial could be as stupid as the one
>given to Lori and Ron, even though I'd known it happens that way
>almost all of the time. Also I knew that no significant problem can
>be understood and solved in only 2 days which we'd been told was
>all the time the trial would take, so I knew the trial they gave
>your mother would be really stupid. But it was still a terrific
>shock to me to see something that stupid and crazy actually happen.
>The federal courts haven't ever yet produced a trial that I've
>designed because my designs have been really advanced, and the
>courts have been too stuffy and too weak to do it. I'd promised to
>write a report, so I did, explaining what was wrong with your
>mother's trial, and asking for a better one for her and Ron. 
>08/29/97 @ Friday @ 16:09 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 16
>     It's a quite big report, about 200 pages total, but this time
>I designed something that the little county court can actually do,
>especially if I gently lead them and teach them as I've been doing.
>After all it's my home county court, and it's never had any quarrel
>with me, so I owed it the favor. Lori read the report and agreed
>with it. She felt the same way I did, although she hadn't thought
>anyone else in the whole world could understand, and she phoned me
>to say so and thank me, and she wrote me a letter. I hadn't really
>known much about you at all until I received that letter in early
>July, but I got involved immediately to help you because a federal
>appellate judge named Morton I. Greenberg, in 1995, had had me pay
>careful attention to a federal court case involving foster child
>care, and what had happened to you too was wrong in the view of
>that federal appellate court, just one small step below the U.S.
>Supreme Court.
>     Very rapidly, I consulted with Ms. Gear, the very nice lady 
>who is in charge of your current care. She told me you were having
>a hard time, were very upset. I reported all this to your mother,
>who was very grateful and began working closely with Mrs. Gear, and
>that is why you've been receiving, since about mid-July, the new
>letters that Lori had been sending to you all along. Mrs. Gear had
>to change the whole procedure for letters between prisoner parents
>and their children in foster homes so that you could begin to again
>receive the letters that Lori was writing to you and had been
>sending to you all along but that hadn't been reaching you. Lori's
>letters to you are now sent to Mrs. Gear, who gives them directly
>to your counselor, who gives them to you, otherwise some other
>people would interfere and not let you see Lori's letters to you
>because they don't like Lori and want to hurt her and make you
>angry with Lori to help them hurt her. 
>     I just found out about that and about my role in helping to
>change it on Wednesday and Thursday from Lori and Betty Ann Gear.
>I had also given a copy of one of my big legal "briefs" in Lori's
>case to her lawyer in Philadelphia who represents her in the court
>concerned with your care. That may have influenced the outcome of
>the "Master's" hearing where both you and Lori were present and
>testified on Monday. I should have attended that hearing, but I
>didn't want to intervene unless I was really needed. That court on
>Monday, after you'd been taken out of the courtroom, ordered that
>you and Lori are allowed to telephone each other, and your mother
>is really angry that that court order hasn't been obeyed yet.
>     So, I realized Thursday after speaking with Mrs. Gear about
>you and Lori, Joshua, that I've been significantly affecting your
>life quite intentionally to try to help you and Lori, but that you
>and I have never yet met, and that you didn't even know I exist or
>know anything at all about me, and I hadn't even written you even
>one little note of introduction and explanation at all 
>08/29/97 @ Friday @ 18:20 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 17
>myself. I know lots of lawyers behave that way, seriously affecting
>people's lives without giving them any clue, but I think that's
>wrong, and my father, who's a retired law professor, isn't like
>that, and neither am I, and besides, I'm not a lawyer. I'm a
>quality control engineer in advanced electronics and I'm the top
>U.S. grand juror for the whole country so far.
>     I think you have a perfect right to know who I am and what I'm
>doing that affects you, and that it's my duty to tell you what I'm
>doing, and that I have to pay very careful attention to any advice
>or request you want to give me asking me to do something
>differently or better if it might affect you. I have a legal
>responsibility to protect all of your rights under the United
>States Constitution and laws. Maybe I know a little more what your
>full rights really are than you do yet, or at least I may know a
>little better than you how to make judges and lawyers pay helpful
>attention to your rights, but that just means that I have a
>responsibility to teach you about them, and to listen very
>carefully to your ideas about what's wrong in your world that you
>think should be fixed. So, this past Thursday afternoon, I began to
>write you this explanatory letter even before Lori phoned me, as
>she'd promised she would, to find out what Mrs. Gear's office and
>I are doing so that you and Lori can talk with each other and even
>visit with each other, which you should have been able to do ever
>since Lori was arrested last September 2nd, 1996.
>     I'm sorry I didn't write to you sooner when I first intervened
>in early July. Sometimes grown-ups like me just aren't as bright as
>we should be and as all kids know we should be. Sometimes kids have
>to tell grown-ups what to do. I should have asked you immediately.
>I know it's been pretty scary to you to live without Lori, and
>really scary to you that other people, stupid people, dislike her
>and are still trying to hurt her and make you agree with their
>doing it, and I have discussed it with Mr. Winger too. Even though
>I don't have any kids of my own and even though it's been a long
>time since I was a kid, I do know in considerable detail how
>difficult it is for kids when they have to endure fights between
>grown-ups, whether it's just a divorce dispute, or an actual
>fighting war. Even though they were grown-ups themselves with
>college degrees by the time the federal government and I began
>battling in court in and since 1971, it frightened some of my
>younger sisters so badly that they still don't like to discuss it
>with me, so I know how frightening it must be to you that some
>locally influential people have wanted to hurt Lori, and I know how
>crazy they were too - the Montgomery County Detectives even made a
>crazy "threatening" phone call to me on 7/7/97 before they found
>out who I am and what I can do, and it took me about 5 minutes just
>to calm the caller down enough that he stopped using bad language.
>I know it can be really hard on kids when grown-up behave stupidly,
>and especially when the grown-ups are really stubborn about it.
>08/30/97 @ Saturday @ 1:58 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 18
>     But you shouldn't feel bad, nor worry about it much because
>it's not your fault nor Lori's fault either. It's really just that
>I myself wasn't able to police all the other people grand juries
>are supposed to police. There just weren't enough of me to do the
>grand jury job properly. I know you may think it was pretty much
>your mom's fault too, but it wasn't, although you might not be able
>to understand the mathematical proof until your senior year in high
>     Think, Josh: Lori was only accidentally involved in one single
>wrongful death which wasn't her fault at all and which she'd tried
>the very best she knew how to prevent from happening. In my federal
>litigation there have been literally tens of millions of wrongful
>deaths, mostly of young women and born little kids, and mostly due
>to errors by judges and government lawyers, but some accidentally
>due to mistakes I've made myself too. You know I must be really
>pretty strong to be able to admit my own mistakes like that,
>especially when it's something that most lawyers and judges are
>afraid to do when they make mistakes. I'm pretty sure you have that
>same kind of honest strength, because your mother has that strength
>too. It really does mean you and your mother and I are much
>stronger than most of the other people in your world. You should
>feel strong and proud of that. And of course, you should drink your
>milk and eat your vegetables like me too.
>     Well, I didn't think it would take me 19 pages to just begin
>to introduce myself and tell you what I'm involved in and have been
>doing that has come to involve you and your world. 19 pages is an 
>awfully big letter to send to an 8 year old. But I can remember
>that when I was 8 years old, I felt I was much more important and
>much smarter than when I was only 7 and that I was more important
>than mere 7 year olds generally. So you probably think you're
>pretty important, because everyone always feels they're really
>pretty important, and you really are very important and they all
>really are important, so I don't think that the 2 days it's taken
>me to write you this first, huge letter, have been a waste of my
>time at all. If this letter helps you and your mother and Mrs. Gear
>and everyone else who cares about you, if it even helps you just a
>little bit, then it's been a really good investment of my time and
>     Lot's of people in court on Monday said you don't want to
>visit with Lori or have anything at all to do with her anymore. But
>she and I knew why they said that, and that it wasn't entirely
>true, and you yourself said you do miss her and want to see her
>sometimes, and that was true. And when Lori testified, what she
>said was true too, even though other people tried very hard to get
>her to tell a more convenient lie instead. It really counts that
>people can count on you and your mother to tell the truth, young
>man. First Pennsylvania and then the United States were founded by
>people like you and your mother who believe in honesty. They have 
>08/30/97 @ Saturday @ 2:28 EDT @ Limerick PA, USA
>Ballard to Mr. Joshua Eckhert - page 19
>a saying that has 3 meanings, all rolled into one statement, SPEAK
>TRUTH TO POWER! It means you should always be honest towards people
>who seem powerful (and everyone else). It also means that if you're
>honest, then people will come to trust and rely upon you, and
>you'll become powerful yourself. And thirdly, it means that the
>goodwill search for truth is what really powers human civilization,
>powers all life, the entire earth, the universe and everything
>beyond forever. 
>     Best wishes to you. Please try your best to be brave and
>gentle and honest and kind to everyone. It's OK to cry when you
>want to. Even the very bravest men cry sometimes, probably much
>more often than cowards cry because brave men know how hard it is
>to really help people and improve the world, but they confront the
>hardship and undertake the more difficult jobs nevertheless. I know
>you're a very brave young man and that you never cry about silly
>things, and that you only cry when you don't yet know how to have
>the power to make what should happen actually happen the way you
>know it should. I know you only cry when you lack the strength you
>really need. That means you're already very strong. Lori is very
>lucky to have a son as brave and strong as you are. She hasn't
>forgotten it for a single moment.
>     I hope to hear from you soon, Mr. Eckhert, regardless of what
>happens when your mother and I are in court next Thursday, where
>her lawyer has asked me to testify on her behalf, and I will do so
>because your mother is a really good person. And if you find anyone
>who knows the second stanza of the poem about Belinda and her
>little red house and little pet dragon, I'd sure like to know what
>it is. 
>                                        Respectfully yours,
>                                        s/James M. Ballard,
>                                        United States Grand Jury,
>                                        USCAMA M74-8075 et sequitur,
>                                        Quality Control Engineering
>cc: Ms. Lori E. Miller;
>    Messrs. Angus Love & Walter E. Dunsmore Jr., Esqs., Legal
>               Counsel to Ms. Miller;
>    Mrs. Betty Ann Gear;
>    Hon. Steve Imms, Master, Juvenile Court-Montco: #1992-283;
>    Hon. Maurino J. Rossenese, Family Court-Montco;
>    PA Common Pleas Court - Montco: Misc-500-Jul-97; A-6591-69.
>JMB Note: I could kick myself for not having written this sooner.
>The boy has been under terrific pressure to denounce his mom and 
>say he wants to be adopted by someone else such as his foster
>parents who've witheld from him his mom's letters to him. He was
>sobbing on the witness stand on Monday, and not allowed to know
>to know that the court had ruled that he and his mom can have
>telephone contact. Winger, the caseworker is a real scoundrel and 
>liar who hates his mom, and the press and PA AG have been trying
>to send her to state prison because the 24 yr old who died of
>a self-administered heroin overdose, from heroin he'd talked her 
>into helping him buy with his money, was the son of a secretary
>in the District Attorney's office. Her 8 yr. old son, Joshua,
>was seized by the County Child Care people and allowed no visits
>no phone calls with her because she had no living relatives who
>could care for him when they jailed her on absurd charges. The
>youngster has probably never ever before received any letter from
>anyone who thinks his mom is actually a very good person and
>supports her as I do. He'll get this letter from me by certified
>mail or I'll have the USPS postal inspectors jail a bunch of people
>federally who withold it from the boy. - JMB 8/30/97 @ 23:09 EDT.

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
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As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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