Time: Tue Sep 02 14:28:35 1997
	by usr03.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id LAA19452;
	Tue, 2 Sep 1997 11:45:04 -0700 (MST)
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 11:45:04 -0700
To: snetnews@world.std.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Urgent : Princess DIANA update

Here's an alternative explanation for the "hush hush"
about the photos taken by the photographers
who were on the scene:  

You heard certain network executives say that
it would be "unethical" to go public with the
close-up photos of the crash, right after it happened.

It is possible they are frantically trying
to suppress important forensic evidence?

I am ONLY giving a "for example" here, okay?

But, the car should be immediately impounded
and combed closely for critical clues, such as
excessive oil on the tires, brake tampering,
and so on.  The photos may also reveal any
temporary "barriers," or obstacles, which may
have been placed in that tunnel.  If Paris
police did not arrive timely, the "timing gap"
may explain a need to remove the obstacle,
if any, right after the accident.

This accident should be treated in the same fashion 
as a plane crash, imho.

Please, don't take any of these ideas as anything
more than "theories," okay?  I don't want to hear
howls about "conspiracy nuts" and the rest of that
garbage.  Already, there are important questions
which remain unanswered.  They call for active
hypothesis generation, until each is rejected,
in scientific fashion.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

Was there an oil slick on the tunnel road surface?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 02:14 PM 9/2/97 -0400, you wrote:
>->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List
>RevCOAL wrote:
>> ->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List
>> On Tue, 2 Sep 1997, Canadian ACT!ON Coalition wrote:
>> >CNN screwed up like usual... if the Benz was going 120 MPH then that
>> >would be 192 KPH... maybe it was... that car can easily exceed 250 kph,
>> Both CNN and the Mercedes Benz company are giving figures in MILES per
>> hour...
>NOW, their denying earlier reports about the speedometer.  They're
>stating now that it read 0 kpm.  Also, like Canadian ActOn mentioned,
>why would a car in Europe have MPH? Again, news is getting facts wrong.
>> >and if it was going 120 KPH then he was going about the same speed as
>> >most traffic on the 401 and the QEW here in Ontario,  120 KPH is 75
>> >mph... average cruising speed for most people on these highways, and in
>> But they weren't on a highway, they were on a downtown city street, of
>> a major city which stays open 24-hours, near a major tourist
>> attraction, so even tho there wasn't rush hour traffic to deal with,
>> there IS still a fair amount of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in
>> the area....
>> Even if they were going at 'only' 75mph, the posted speed limit in the
>> tunnel is 30mph...
>True, but nobody in Paris goes 30 mph.
>> >a Mercedes 75 mph is a joke... if the truth be known,  I would bet that
>> >most of the traffic in the tunnel that night was cruising in that tunnel
>> >at anywhere between 100 and 120 KPH.
>> That's like saying traffic regularly flows at 75+ mph thru the Lincoln
>> Tunnel at 11pm on a Sunday nite -- and it just ain't so...
>This is not the Lincoln Tunnel in NYC - it's Paris.
>> >If the way they drive in Montrial is any indication of how they drive in
>> >Paris, then I would surmise the Benz probably was going 120 KPH, but I
>> >doubt if it was any faster than that.
>I've been to Paris and everybody drives FAST and CRAZY.  It's like one
>continuous game of "chicken".  Even during the busiest and most crowded
>times.   You can't compare Paris and NYC.   Driving in NYC is like a
>country drive compared to Paris.
>> As I said, CNN is sticking by the story of the speedometer being stuck
>> on 121 MILES per hour...and the Mercedes Benz company themselves have
>> said the extent of damage to the car shows that it was travelling in
>> excess of 100 MILES per hour -- they definitely did not say
>No they're not - latest statement is that the speedometer was at zero.
>> >> The Lincoln Tunnel isn't that crowded at 11pm either, but no one
>> >> should be driving thru it at over 100mph either...
>> >
>> >120 KPH = 75 MPH or your average highway cruising speed...
>> 75 mph is NOT the average highwy cruising speed here in the northeast,
>> where it's around 60mph, and definitely not the speed in NYC, which is
>> from 0 to 30 (if you're lucky and don't get stuck in gridlock! <g>)...
>> even late on a Saturday night, cruising speed in the Lincoln Tunnel is
>> only around 50...
>60 mph is NOT average on NJ turnpike - more like 65.  Speedlimit is 55
>but everybody goes at least 10 miles faster.  It's even accepted by the
>State Troopers.  Other state's major highways now have speedlimits of 65
>and 70 MPH.
>> >not a wreckless speed in my books.
>> It IS considered reckless here in the northeast, and definitely
>> reckless in a fairly populated downtown city street....
>> Irregardless, whatever speed they were going was OVER the POSTED
>> LIMIT...hence, they were breaking the law...
>> >IF there was anything sinister behind this "accident", one way to
>> >satisfy yur curiosity is to try and get the names of the ambulance
>> >attendants, the rescue people, anyone on-site with a camera immediately
>> >after the accident, eyewitnesses, the attending physicians and nursing
>> >staff.  After you have this information and there is something going on
>> >besides what the media is feeding us, I would suspect that some of those
>> >people will catch something akin to the Arkansas flu, or that strange
>> >affliction caught by over forty people close to the real information
>> >pertaining to the JFK murder.
>> If they weren't all deliberate 'plants' to begin with...if someone has
>> so much clout to pull off a 'hit' like this, they have enough clout to
>> make sure the ambulance and attendants, at least, are their own
>> operatives...as for the ER staff, well, look how long it took the
>> Dallas doctors to come out and say they disagreed with the Warren
>> Commission...
>> As far as eyewitnesses, the only ones I've seen on the media are the
>> ones touting 'the party line' (ie. those lousy paparazzi were swarming
>> all over the crash site and not offering help -- conveniently ignoring
>> the fact that it seems none of these eyewitnesses were offering help,
>> either...)...seems like anyone first on the scene has been spirited
>> away to be 'debriefed', especially anyone who took photos immediately
>> after the crash...
>The major problem with the "facts" we're getting is that the news
>stations are all in a race to get the latest "facts" out to the public
>before confirming them.  I was watching CNN and MNBC on Saturday
>nite/Sunday morning.  Most of the witnesses were people who had NOT been
>driving.  They were on the streets, at cafes.  One of the first
>"witnesses" after the accident stated they saw Diana after the accident,
>out of the car screaming.. "Dodi, Dodi".?!?!
>> Donna  ;-)
>> -> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to majordomo@world.std.com
>> ->  Posted by: RevCOAL <revcoal@connix.com>
>-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to majordomo@world.std.com
>->  Posted by: janice r <"bonneville@worldnet.att.net"@WORLDNET.ATT.NET>

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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