Time: Thu Sep 18 11:13:50 1997
	by usr04.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id JAA17010;
	Thu, 18 Sep 1997 09:29:19 -0700 (MST)
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 09:29:05 -0700
To: Richard Aaron <amadeus@adnc.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Virgin Islands source of IRS?

Thanks, Richard.

I am going to take the liberty of forwarding
this message from you, to our Supreme Law School,
with this message included, to give them a chance
to do the research.  Right now, I am very busy
with client work.  I don't normally dive into
such tasks without a retainer.  Thanks!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

copy: Supreme Law School, Friends

At 09:11 AM 9/18/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Paul Andrew Mitchell,
>I've a couple of questions to ask of you and your close friend, Ed Meador.
>If you would be so kind as to forward these to Ed, I would be greatful for
>his and your responses... seriously.
>First of all, the "treaty" the United States government has with the United
>States Virgin Islands identifies the IRS/BIR tax laws within and without
>the USVI for INHABITANTS unless the "inhabitants" protest and demand that
>their names (in all capital letters) be expunged from their data bases.
>Secondly, the "protester" must claim to be an "inhabitant" of another
>jurisdiction or they waive that distinction and must pay taxes on
>withholding... by the laws of USVI. That's in the tax code recognized by
>the treaty.
>Question #1. Have you or Ed examined this treaty  and its ramifications
>that enslave most Americans? Proof of this is strongly inferred in case
>cite: Condor International, Inc. v. Commissioner, 98 T.C. 203 (1996) at 8.
>[ The tax law is described in the "Revised Organic Act of the Virgin
>Islands, ch. 558, 68 Stat. 508 (1954)  The Act, section 28(a), amended the
>Naval Appropriations Act... etc.] I believe this (the treaty) is where the
>"silver bullet" resides to slay the IRS/BIR dragon.
>Question #2. Have you or Ed examined the treaty with Guam? Its
>ramifications are just as ominous. The "treaty" recognizes the "army" of
>Guam, which is unlimited in size and scope... a la UN army for the New
>World Order. A tax expert, whose name is confidential, traced the money to
>and from these two treaty enclaves and noted that the name"Guam" was
>replaced by the words "United States" after the treaty was approved by the
>senate. Thereby removing the Constitutional limitation of a standing
>army... now the UN army from Guam... or rather the "United States". Bait
>and switch is neat... No?
>-  Richard

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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