Time: Wed Aug 20 03:32:33 1997
	by usr02.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id UAA08003;
	Tue, 19 Aug 1997 20:49:13 -0700 (MST)
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 20:47:53 -0700
To: Russ Dove <Syninfo@Syninfo.COM>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: War Declared against the IRS
Cc: Terry Stough <TWStough@aol.com>


There are parallel developments and efforts
evolving here, for better or for worse.
To keep you & Terry in sync, please continue to 
check the Supreme Law Library, Court Cases,
for new additions as they come on-line.  Over the
next 2 weeks, there will be lots of new pleadings
added to SLL.  Gilbertson's OPENING BRIEF and
associated appendices are now available there,
but without cross-links;  they will be coming,
but only later.

We just got a major donation to help complete
the initial loading of this library, and several
key IRS matters will be available in the 
pleadings I have already written, including,
for example, the Grand Jury case last year,
in which we defeated the IRS attempt to obtain
a grand jury indictment, and the Notice of Intent
to Petition for Leave to Institute Quo Warranto
Proceedings against the IRS, which contains some
key authorities on this question.

If you would kindly keep yourself informed, 
and to tell others also, I can concentrate
on the needs of my current clients, and on
supervising the SLL webmaster.  This is where
I want to focus my efforts now, because the
payoff is so great (I hope!).


/s/ Paul Mitchell

copy:  Supreme Law School

At 08:24 PM 8/19/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Two things:
>IANews is back on line:  http://Syninfo.com/IAN
>and please do every thing that you can to assist TW and the rest of us in
>the following campaign.
>Are you fed up with the federal government trampling on your rights?  
>Are you concerned about the probability that we are moving toward One World
>Are you willing just to write a couple of letters if it will help to turn
>things around?  
>If so, <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/TWStough/main.htm">The American
>Resistance Movement</A> has developed  a Plan to help us all take back
> With your support, we are assured of success.  All the information is found
>on a single page on the web.  It tells you why you should fight the
>Conspiracy and how to fight them.  
>You owe it to yourself and your family to check this out and take action
>before it is too late!
>The site is at 
> <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/TWStough/whyfight.htm">Why Fight The
>Go there now and get your letters in the mail!
>Check out the page and let me know what you think.  Help us take back this
>(770) 641-9042
>P.S.:  I just wrote an e-mail to someone on fear of the Criminals which you
>might want to include.  Here it is"
>Why should we live in fear and allow extortion?  What are our choices?  Every
>American must decide what to do.  Deciding NOT to act IS AN ACTION.
>In a message dated 97-08-19 11:36:02 EDT, someone wrote:
> Terry, I just wonder what danger I put myself in when I sent out those
> letters.  Hopefully they won't screw with me too bad.  
>We have two choices.  First we can choose to take a stand.  On a scale of 1
>to 10, writing a few letters which are all TRUTH or which seek TRUTH is about
>a 0.5.  
>Second we can choose to bend over and spread our cheeks and let them do
>absolutely anything to us.   What kind of "screwing" (in your words) do you
>think you are going to get if the Conspiracy succeeds?
>First, a good third of all the people on the face of the earth will be
>exterminated.  This is part of their plan!  You might survive.  
>If you survive  you will do whatever they want whenever they want and keep
>your mouth shut.  If you speak up, you will be imprisoned or shot on the
>You will effectively own nothing.  If they decide you are no longer an asset,
>you get no more food.  
>You will effectively not have a family.  If the goons want to rape or abuse
>your wife or family, you will stand in silence and allow it OR you will be
>If they decide you need to be in Fairbanks and your wife needs to be in
>Miami, that is the way it is.   No appeal.  No letters to Congress.  No
>requests for reconsideration.
>Oh, I think that I remember that you are (at least temporarily) disabled.  Do
>you know what Hitler did to the disabled, mentally retarded, physically
>challenged, the aged?  Part were exterminated in concentration camps.  The
>rest were just shot.  
>Your parents?  Probably too old to work.  They go to concentration camps for
>eventual extermination.  
>The New World Order will make Hitler look like a Boy Scout!  Why?  Because
>there will be no country on the face of the earth or no group strong enough
>to stand up to them.  It will truly be NO HOLDS BARRED.
>What MIGHT THEY POSSIBLY do to us if we choose to take a stand that they
>won't FOR SURE DO if we continue to let this country go the way it is going?
>I fear much more for the future than for the present.
>Pray for some resolve.  Like the "Dangerous" person I referred to a few days
>ago says, it is a win/win situation.  He says that the worst they can do is
>kill him.  And if they do, he gets to go straight to Heaven because HE IS
>DOING WHAT IS RIGHT.  I feel exactly the same way!
>Oh, please don't forget that you will be accountable for your actions or the
>lack of action for eternity.  This is not just a decision about your limited
>remaining time on earth.  I pity those who call themselves Christian and then
>stand by and let their fellow man be persecuted.  I would certainly not want
>to explain that at on the Day of Judgement.
>I hope that we win with little effort.  But we must win.  If that means that
>people have to be persecuted and die to secure the freedom of others, that
>will be on the hands of the Conspirators, and they will get their reward.
>ember  that I am leading the charge.  You just wrote a couple of letters.
>I am not afraid.  I MUST FIGHT, even if now in a very limited way.  The
>future of my children, etc. is at stake.  My soul is at stake.  To do
>anything less would be the act of a coward to the people and a traitor to my
>It is true that if a person does not ACTIVELY take a stand for RIGHT, they
>are helping the criminals to enslave us all.   This is not just an old
>saying, it is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.  
>Here is how the Core Members of the Conspiracy see it.  They reportedly have
>about 4,000 members, none of which want to get their hands dirty.  The have
>probably 100,000 or so directly under their control to an extent that they
>can not be turned.  These 100,000 wield the power of the Nations.  How?  So
>far the have seen that 90% are sound asleep.   That means they only need to
>worry about 10%.  By intimidating the 10%, they can hold power.  If even 10%
>of that 10% stood up and acted in unison, they would lose control
>The problem is that it requires a little courage to make the first move.
>  But if you think about it for a minute, which will be worse?  The
>consequences of taking a stand or the consequences of not taking a stand?
> For me there is simply no real decision.  It is cut and dried.
>If any lawful person is threatened, all lawful people are threatened.  We
>either have safety for all or there is safety for none.  Death to tyranny!
> Terry W. Stough
> <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/TWStough/main.htm">The American
Resistance Mo
> (770) 641-9042

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in tool bar]       : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://www.supremelaw.com   : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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