Time: Sun Sep 21 23:54:57 1997
	by usr05.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id RAA00162;
	Sun, 21 Sep 1997 17:29:28 -0700 (MST)
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 17:29:11 -0700
To: SafanNews@aol.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Y2k, a Scam?  Not necessarily.

I take great note that the Federal Reserve
is now threatening an "utter disaster" in
financial markets, if this problem is not
fixed in government computers./1  Of course,
this will mean larger budgets to the IRS,
to help them do what they should have done
in the first place.  I say, we should now
implement Occam's Razor instead:


This solution is just a whole lot cheaper
for everyone, except the Federal Reserve,
of course.

Imagine that!!  No more Kama River projects?
Pity, that.

Look up "Occam's Razor" in a Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary, for a good belly

A trillion here.  A trillion there.
After a while, it starts to add up.
[not original to me]

Is the Federal Reserve not already grossly
rich, beyond our own wildest imaginations?
And they still want M-O-R-E?  What a crock!

If you haven't already read it, treat yourself
to a nice quiet couch, a hearty cup of coffee,
and the time it takes to study Vieira's great
lecture entitled "Return to Constitutional Money," 
now in the Supreme Law Library, at the URL
just below my name here.  You will never look
at a Federal Reserve Note the same, ever again.

I promise you that much!!!  Something about
"rotting vegetable matter" [sic].  Too true!

/s/ Paul Mitchell


1.  The "utter disaster" is that their 
bull used to be a productive cash cow.
Now, it's just a whole lot of bull, and
soon to be no cash (for them).  Pity!

At 08:10 PM 9/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>There is a lot of difference between PC's which are fairly NEW on the
>scene as compared to the huge main frame computers that are used
>by government facilities and agencies.
>I KNOW because when I worked for the Navy - we had the big mainframe
>computers - and you COULD NOT change the date system in the 
>memory of the computer.  I requested that changes be made to the
>computers at the beginning of the 90's when my work required me to make
>projections into the future for budgeting purposes - for a 10 year period.
>The computers could not accomplish this.  I had to go ahead and print
>out the information and change the dates manually.
>I also needed for the dates so show 1800 on some publications, since
>there were still a lot of 1800 titles in the Navy library system - and in 
>the Navy's inventory at Norfolk.  I was the Inventory Manager - and could I
>show these titles on my stock lists?  NO.  I had to correct the dates
>I put out a notice about this on SAFAN from from folks in Australia
>who offer a very inexpensive check for your computer and a program to
>fix it.  They claim that there are a lot of PC's on the shelves in the stores
>right now - which will have to be "fixed" whenever the year 2000 gets here.
>It is estimated in the billions that our government will have to pay to FIX
>it's computers.  The Navy can't say that I didn't warn them - in 1991.
>Dot Bibee

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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