Time: Tue Sep 23 14:47:51 1997
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	Tue, 23 Sep 1997 10:54:22 -0700 (MST)
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 10:54:02 -0700
To: liberty-and-justice@pobox.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Steven Seagal proves he's an idiot, twice

If you don't exercise a brain, 
it withers.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 10:18 AM 9/23/97 -0700, you wrote:
> 'The Patriot' Enlists Semler To Helm
> By Andrew Hindes
> HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Australian-born director and Oscar-winning
> cinematographer Dean Semler will direct Steven Seagal in "The
> Patriot," which begins shooting Monday in Montana.
> The action film concerns a fanatical militia group that unleashes a
> stolen bio-chemical weapon in the northern U.S.
> Semler recently completed his U.S. directorial debut on Fox's upcoming
> "Firestorm," starring Howie Long.
> Semler's cinematography credits include "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior,"
> "Cocktail" and "City Slickers." He won an Academy Award for his
> camerawork on the 1990 Kevin Costner film "Dances With Wolves."
> Reuters/Variety
>The 09/18/97 issue of the Wall Street Journal contains a movie review on 
>page B1 entitled "Steven Seagal as an EPA agent? Get Real." The article 
>is a review of his movie "Fire Down Below", in which he allegedly 
>portrays an EPA special agent. Seagal's Hollywood screen arm-snapping and 
>leg-breaking aside, here are some choice quotes in the review made by a 
>real, honest to goodness EPA super oh so very special agent:
>"Mr. (name of EPA special agent) says he would never face evil polluters 
>alone like Mr. Seagal does in 'Fire Down Below' even if he could karate 
>chop a dozen thugs in less than 30 seconds. 'From an officer-safety 
>perspective,' Mr. (name of EPA special agent) says, a team must be 
>involved so 'so human life is not impacted adversely.' A team, he 
>explains solemnly, helps in 'furtherance of our multifaceted mission.'"
>("Multifaceted mission" ??? Was this clown a "5 o'clock follies" dog 
>  and pony show briefer for MACV in Saigon back in the 60's?)
>The reporter comments that there are 200 EPA "special agents" countrywide.
>(Staking out all local Jiffy Lubes, no doubt?)
>"Like Mr. Seagal, Mr. (name of EPA special agent) and other EPA agents 
>carry guns they have been trained to use. Also at the ready - batons, a 
>sort of new age billy club for blocking assaults and perhaps knocking 
>down a bad guy. Some agents are even black belts, though they are taught 
>to use their skills only in self defense and with the least amount of 
>force possible."
>"While no harm has befallen (name of EPA special agent), 'that doesn't 
>mean the potential's not there,' he points out. 'At any moment you could 
>pay the ultimate price.'"
>(Who, the poor guy who tips over a can of 10W-30 oil, or the special agent? 
>Just wondering. Hey, this is Bill Clinton's America, after all, where 
>Americans can get shot by any number of "Wheel of Fortune, Pick Any
>Vowel" federal SWAT teams formed and (dis)organized under a wide range of 
>cabinet departments and sub-departments. I guess Bill-N-Al would call 
>them "diverse multi-cult-hunting-all SWAT teams seeking common killing 
>ground.") Give them a break ... "To Rake a Village, It Takes A While!"
>The article continues on, mentioning that Seagal asked the EPA to 
>volunteer his time to "lead an EPA strike force team (I kid you not, 
>read the darn article!) on a real life mission, teaching it martial arts, 
>with himself (Seagal) carrying an EPA badge and gun." (Oh, spare us!)
>If someone has access to the WSJ on line, could they please post this 
>article to roc@xmission.com and to noban@mainstream.net? It is relevant 
>in the sense that it shows how a Hollywood "hero" whose next movie has 
>him fighting alleged "right wing patriots in Montana" (straight from a 
>Blockbuster Video brochure!) can, behind the scenes, be a buffoon and an 
>Elvis-Presley-like tool-fool of the Clinton Administration ... remember when 
>Presley asked President Nixon to appoint him as a BNDD (soon to be renamed 
>DEA) agent? 
>Check out this article, and then reflect on all of the articles you have 
>reviewed in which Seagal has been "outed" as a CIA wanna-be, etc. It 
>appears that the WSJ may indeed have exposed Jiffy Lube Seagal as being a 
>favor-currying suck up to Carol Browner's SWAT teams of EPA special agents.
>I know that many Americans may be disappointed that Seagal is sucking up
>to the EPA. Oh well. So sorry, amigos and amigas. Remember this story the 
>next time you see Seagal's mug in a gun magazine with a badge on his belt 
>and a .45 ACP in his right hand. A legend in his own mind, even if he is 
>an accomplished martial arts expert. 
>As for me, I will check my surroundings very, very carefully before I next 
>pull my Ford truck into the Jiffy Lube in Nashua NH for a routine oil and 
>filter change. If Seagal and his EPA pals are hiding down in the pits, 
>who knows what might happen when a highly trained Jiffy Lube technician 
>spills a drop of Pennzoil 10W-30 on the floor? Bullets could be flying 
>left and right, and Seagal might just snap my arm in half if I made a bad 
>joke about his wooden acting or his ponytail. Remember, folks, there's 
>nothing routine about a "routine oil and filter change" in Bill Clinton's 
>- Monte
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Oh Lord, lead us into Your Glory - bathe us in the holy & pure 
>     light of Your Spirit; let Your righteous fire burn away all 
>     that is in us that is not of You, so that we might worship 
>     the Living God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
>                                Amen.
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Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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