Time: Tue Sep 23 22:29:20 1997
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 22:28:29 -0700
To: Bud Riggs <puma@caverns.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in toolbar]
Subject: website development
Cc: supremelaw@ibm.net

Hi Bud,

Our webmaster has been giving very low
priority to development of our website,
so, progress has been much slower than
I had expected.  He also recommended 
that I assume some, or all, of the routine
file development tasks, and only call on
him for more difficult technical tasks.

So, I took some of the money you donated,
and ordered a new 586 with 10GB of fast
Western Digital EIDE drives.  These are
the new Ultra-DMA hard disks which have a
throughput of 33MB/sec (twice the current
standard).  The machine took some time to
assemble and test, because it has a super
hot Adaptec dual-ported SCSI-II controller,
for vast future growth (30 more devices,
like 9GB SCSI disks, scanners, plotters,
etc.)  The machine arrived today, and I will
be working hard over the next week or so 
to migrate all 10GB of our database to this
new machine.  

Then, the aging Dell 486 tower machine
will go to Reed Harris, who has agreed to
become the new assistant webmaster, until
he can come up to speed.  He has also agreed
to work at $25/hour, instead of the current
webmaster's $50/hour.  And, the very best
part, is that Reed is totally committed to
the substance of this research, since he has
been following it ever since "The Federal Zone"
was first published in 1992, and supports me
on many levels -- spiritual, emotional and even
financial, even though he heads a family of 4.

For a while I was planning to have 3 machines --
2 for my desktops, and 1 for a secretary/fund
raiser.  But, we do not currently have the funds
to support a secretary or a separate person
doing fund-raising, so it made more sense to 
donate the 486 to Reed, so he can have redundant
machines for backup and lots of other things that
will make his job as webmaster easier.  I have 
opened a career opportunity for him -- as website
creator and administrator -- and he is already
very grateful for such a fantastic growth opportunity.

He has agreed to handle the details of HTML coding,
and I have agreed to assume full responsibility
for fund raising.  So, I am looking for professionals
who might want to work part-time, one a flat commission
of 10% of all found money.  For example, if the 
fund raiser obtains a grant of $2,500, s/he gets to
keep $250, right off the top.  If this commission
rate does not seem right to you, please let me know
what you think a better rate would be.  

There was nothing in KJ's mailbox today, but he 
checks it every day, and hopefully the latest
will arrive tomorrow, or Thursday, at the latest.

Finally, the Kemp case is still smoldering, and it is
now clear to me that a number of people have either
fallen for flat lies, or they are deliberately telling
flat lies, about the work I did on that case.  The 
structure and growth of SLL will bury a lot of those
lies, because people will be able to see all the work
which Dale Robetson and I did for Mike Kemp.  Kemp,
by the way, has fallen silent and refuses to acknowledge
receipt of my $1,900 invoice, even though he is now out
of jail.  I am told he even "apologized" to the judge for
his "bad conduct".  What a crock!!  They almost kill him
by forcing him off his correct insuline regime, and he
apologizes to them.  I smell more than one rat in that
case.  Time will tell;  Dale Robertson, fortunately,
was the author of the Habeas Corpus pleadings in that
case, and I did only the final editing and printing.  
When that material is put up on the SLL, I think it is 
going to make a lot of people fall silent, who have been
telling and/or believing lies about me heretofore.

Anyway, that's the update from here.  If you have any
ideas for the best method we should adopt to begin 
a successful fund-raising drive, I am all ears.
The 900 tech support line is still a viable option,
and the new phone line is in here, but we are awaiting
your "organizational" decisions before going any further.

I do think there is a market somewhere between the
Supreme Law School, at $10/month, and the flat retainer
of $500 minimum.  At $3.00 per minute, for example,
they are paying at a rate of $180/hour, but they will
probably not stay on that long for initial consultations.
If and when you are ready to begin receiving 900 royalty
payments, we can then get serious about screening future 900 
service providers, and then ease into this service as well.
We will probably attract government agents, who will stiff
the phone company for the 900 service charges, but that
is one of those "costs of doing business."  Arggg!!!

In closing, there is something going on in Washington state,
with that "paper terrorism" memo.  I wrote to that State's
Attorney General today;  that should make them realize 
we are serious about wire fraud and barratry.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

copy:  echo back

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine
tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
email:   [address in toolbar]        : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
website: http://supremelaw.com       : visit the Supreme Law Library now
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.
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