Time: Thu Oct 02 22:15:05 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id WAA00543;
	Thu, 2 Oct 1997 22:11:01 -0700 (MST)
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 01:10:48 -0400
Originator: heritage-l@gate.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in toolbar]
To: pmitch@primenet.com
Subject: Re: (Fwd) (Fwd) FW: C-NEWS: Home Schooling and the Second
Status: O

For some shocking revelations about ATF,
read "The Cooper File" in the Supreme Law
Library.  This will dispel any doubts
about their lack of lawful authority.

Credits go to Wayne Bentson and Bill Cooper.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 12:12 AM 10/3/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Well, it looks like the Facists have found a new way to deprive us of 
>freedom.  All they have to do is to move an ATF idiot/agent into your 
>neighborhood and have him home school his retads (not their fault of 
>course, it is hereditary).  This is even more stupid than the CDC in 
>Atlanta declaring firearm deaths to be an epidemic.  
>If anyone should not be allowed to carry firearms in the vicinity of 
>children it should be federal agents.  Look what they did at Waco 
>and Ruby Ridge!  
>Yeah, I am aware that there are some decent folks that work for those
>agencies, but unfortunately they DO work for those agencies. Why
>don't some of them take a stand against what is going on?  They
>cannot all be stupid and stumble blindly down the road to the end of
>our constitutional rights thus the doom this country.  
>Gary Doc  
>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>Just when you thought you had heard enough about the "no-safety" school 
>zones, then comes Mr. McGoo....  I mean Mr. Magaw.....with another 
>hairbrained shceme!
>Chris W. Stark
>GOA Texas Rep.
>Read on:
>Subject:	NC Home Schooling and the Second Amendment
>Fellow extremists:
>BATF Director John Magaw in a letter to Congressman Dan Coates has
>formally asserted the position that home schools operated under
>state law are "schools" as defined by the amended Gun-Free School
>Zones Act and that therefore possession of any firearm within 1000
>ft of such schools is a felony (yes, including those of the home
>schooler).  For those of you who thought United States v. Lopez put
>a spear through the heart of the act: Following the Supreme's
>opinion in Lopez, Congressrat Schumer and his pack promptly enacted
>after-the-fact "legislative findings" about the terrible effects on
>interstate commerce of guns in school zones and re-enacted the
>prohibition against guns in school zones (which 43 states have
>always prohibited anyway).
>The Home School Legal Defense Ass'n (about which I know nothing) has
>begun a declaratory judgment action in the Western District of Texas
>to declare the act unconstitutional.  I have recommened to NRA and
>GOA counsel that we promptly commence counterpart actions everywhere
>home schools meet the BATF's interpretation.  NC is such a state.
>They are both enthusiastic.  I am looking for home schoolers who
>would be willing to be plaintiffs in each of NC's three federal
>judicial districts (and also for whatever financial backing is
>available to support the suits).  The suits will not be dependent
>upon receiving any financial support, however.
>The idea here is to get as many suits going in as many districts as
>possible so that we ensure a split among federal circuits and
>subsequent Supreme Court review, rather than being piecemealed to
>death as we were in the Section 922(o) (machinegun) cases.  These
>cases are also a beautiful vehicle in which to present the Second
>Amendment issue (intertwined with the First Amendment-most home
>schoolers do so for religious or religion related reasons) on behalf
>of attractive plaintiffs in a neutral setting (i.e., the "gun" issue
>is not being raised by a bank robber).  This is the litigation
>opportunity of a generation for members of the gun culture.

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01
B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02
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_____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09
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