Time: Sun Aug 10 09:02:23 1997
From: supremelaw@ibm.net
Message-ID: <33EDE5BA.2827@ibm.net>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 09:00:58 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: kammerjer@aol.com
CC: supremelaw@ibm.net, joppedahl@pni.com, habeascorpus@hotmail.com
Subject: criminal rackets inside USDC, Tucson
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello Jerry,

Are you at all interested in obtaining certified
information about an extortion and perjury
racket which we have uncovered inside the
U.S. District Court in Tucson?  One set
of documentation is in the hands of the FBI,
another set is docketed at the Ninth Circuit
in San Francisco, and a third is in the
chambers of Judge Alex Kozinski in Pasadena.

Full details are available upon request,
but you must agree to review the entire
file, before reporting anything.  The story
is a complex one, and may require lots of
careful study, before all the facts make
sense to you.  I am available to answer
any questions you may have, as long as you
are not in a big hurry to all the answers
you may need.


RSVP here.  And thanks!

/s/ Paul Mitchell
Counselor at Law, federal witness
and Citizen of Arizona state
[address in toolbar]

copy:  John Oppedahl, Publisher/CEO, "The Arizona Republic"


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