Time: Fri Oct 03 09:02:50 1997
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Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 14:59:26 -0700
To: Dan S <dan@southeast.net>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SNET: SLS: Russian Mafias Pose Growing Threat to U.S.
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List

Gorbachev now OWNS the Presidio, at the
south end of the Golden Gate Bridge --
some of THE MOST EXPENSIVE real estate
in the entire world.  There, on his high
perch, he is supervising the dismantling
of the American military, and overseeing
the transition of American military bases
into foreign control, most likely Red Chinese.

It is difficult to see how the Russian Mafia
could get any stronger in Russia;  they are,
evidently, now intent on branching out --
into other "markets."  Wanna bet that Gorby
has pockets with silver linings?  We already
know that he has a silver tongue, and also
a silver spoon in his mouth (at all times).

San Frantasia anybody?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 05:22 PM 10/2/97 -0400, you wrote:
>FBI Chief: Russian Mafias Pose Growing Threat to U.S.
>Freeh Cites Possibility of Nuclear Banditry
>By Douglas Farah
>Washington Post Foreign Service
>Thursday, October 2, 1997; Page A18
>The Washington Post
>FBI Director Louis J. Freeh warned yesterday that Russian organized
>crime networks pose a menace to U.S. national security and asserted that
>there is now greater danger of a nuclear attack by some outlaw group
>than there was by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
>Testifying before the House Committee on International Relations, Freeh
>said that about 30 Russian crime syndicates operate in the United
>States, trafficking in drugs, prostitution, fraud schemes and other
>illicit activities. While Freeh and others have warned previously of the
>power of such crime networks in Russia, this was one of the first public
>acknowledgments that the groups have taken root in the United States.
>"The size of this problem is really immense," and it requires immediate
>attention, Freeh said. "We have identified organized crime organizations
>not just from Russia and Eastern Europe, but from Asia, from Africa,
>from many other parts of the world, which are beginning to operate very
>effectively and very dangerously in the United States."
>Freeh said also that U.S. law enforcement agencies take "very seriously"
>the possibility that nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of
>Russian criminal gangs and added, "We have to take drastic steps to
>prevent and detect that."
>Asked if he believes the United States is under a greater threat "from
>nuclear detonation now than at the height of the Cold War," Freeh
>answered: "If you describe that detonation as a criminal or terrorist or
>rogue operation, I think the answer would be yes. The controls that were
>in place for many of these weapons and structures [during the Cold War]
>don't apply to a terrorist, or organized criminal, or an opportunist who
>could get access to them."
>Freeh said the Russian syndicates conduct the most sophisticated
>criminal operations ever seen in the United States, based on their
>access to expertise in computer
>technology, encryption techniques and money-laundering facilities that
>process hundreds of millions of dollars.
>Part of that expertise, Freeh said, is provided by "former KGB officers
>working directly with some of those organized crime groups, and that
>poses an additional level of threat and sophistication."
>At the same hearing, a senior Italian police official outlined growing
>ties between the traditional Sicilian Mafia and Russian organized crime
>groups whose influence is spreading throughout Europe. Giovanni de
>Gennaro, Italy's deputy director for public security, said the Russian
>groups, acting in concert with the Mafia, are buying massive amounts of
>real estate in Italy and pouring millions of dollars into Italian banks.
>The testimony came on the heels of a report on the international threat
>posed by Russian organized crime issued by Washington's Center for
>Strategic and International Studies.
>The study warned that, if left unchecked, crime networks will turn
>Russia into a "criminal-syndicalist state" -- a nation controlled by a
>troika of gangsters, corrupt government officials and crooked
>businessmen who accumulate vast amounts of wealth "by promoting and
>exploiting corruption and the vulnerabilities inherent in a society in
>The two-year study found that Russia's wealth has been "plundered since
>the Soviet Union imploded, and tens of billions of dollars have been
>moved to safe havens in offshore banking centers."
>"Russian organized crime constitutes a direct threat to the national
>security interests of the United States by fostering instability in a
>nuclear power," the report said. "Russian
>organized crime groups hold the uniquely dangerous opportunity to
>procure and traffic in nuclear materials."
>© Copyright 1997 The Washington Post Company
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Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01
B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02
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