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Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 18:33:26 -0800
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From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: The Lessons of Valkyrie
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>The Intelligence Journal
>TIJNOV / spec. (edited)
>LAST MONTH WE EXAMINED the Biblical position of sectarianism.  This is the
>requirement for believers in YAHSHUA to be separate from the world which
>they daily watch growing evil teeth before their eyes.  In times gone by,
>misguided men, surrounded by evil, have sought to balance the odds with
>independent action.  The Jewish zealots rallied under Barabbas and later
>with Simon bar Kochba to fight off the might of Rome, yet they failed. 
>Saladin and his Islamic Saracens tried to bludgeon their way out from under
>the relentless assaults of the Catholic Crusaders, yet they too failed.  In
>more modern times, another such military resister to evil was Count Claus
>von Stauffenberg, a colonel in Adolf Hitler’s inner circle, who led the
>abortive attempt on the German dictator’s life at Rastenberg on July 20th
>Von Stauffenberg’s motives were nationalistic.  An honourable man, a fierce
>patriot and a veteran of the gruelling Russian Front, von Stauffenberg had
>been severely injured in a land-mine explosion which permanently damaged an
>arm and an eye and removed him from further active military service.  Von
>Stauffenberg was returned to Berlin where he began work in the Logistics
>Department of the Wehrmacht.  He became responsible for the transfer of men
>and supplies to the Eastern Front which Hitler was determined to use to
>halt the growing power of the seemingly unstoppable Russian military
>machine which threatened to continue its inexorable march right to Berlin.
>During the course of his High Command duties, von Stauffenberg became aware
>of Himmler and Heydrich’s Final Solution for the Jews.  He’d already had
>many an occasion to become familiar with the brutal policies of the
>Schutz-Staffel (S.S.) of whose tactics and atrocities he was an outspoken
>and virulent critic.  One can only guess at the dilemma facing an honest
>and patriotic man attempting to square his best endeavors for the ultimate
>victory of Germany with his own common humanity.
>The assassination plot, code-named Valkyrie, would most likely have never
>become a reality but for the fact that von Stauffenberg, in discharging his
>official duties, soon became acquainted with a great many other army and
>naval officers who secretly harbored similar reservations about Hitler’s
>sanity and ability to compel a successful conclusion to the war for
>Germany. Among these dissenters, General Fromm held the key to marshaling
>any support for the conspiracy among the military in and around Berlin.  
>It was a strange time indeed, a time when most astute German observers of
>the war became aware for the first time that victory for the Reich was now
>an impossibility.  A few officers had already boldly but foolishly
>approached Hitler, advising him that Germany’s position was untenable. The
>Allies were mounting constant saturation bombing missions, crippling the
>mighty industrial colossus of the Ruhr.  America’s 8th Air Force was
>dealing a savage blow to railroads, road links, bridges and air bases.  The
>Luftwaffe had already lost its superiority in the skies over Europe. 
>Surely now was the time to seek an honourable peace and armistice while
>there still remained a Fatherland.
>But Hitler was intransigent.  He had witnessed the Allied treachery of the
>Treaty of Versailles at the end of WW1 and now vowed there would be no
>surrender. Those stalwart officers who had dared speak of trading with the
>enemy were mostly relieved of their command and summarily executed for
>The restlessness among the elite of the German Officer Corps finally
>reached a point of critical mass.  On July 20th 1944, von Stauffenberg
>entered Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair underground complex at Rastenberg, East
>Prussia, with a briefcase containing a British-made bomb and papers for a
>meeting of the German High Command.  Hitler was seated at the centre of the
>long side of the table, his back to the door as the Count entered.  On
>Hitler’s immediate right, General Heusinger, Chief of Operations, General
>Korten, Air Force Chief of Staff and Colonel Heinz Brandt, Heusinger’s
>Chief of Staff, were seated.  Field marshal Keitel took his place
>immediately to the left of the Fuhrer, next to General Jodl.  
>There were eighteen other officers of the three services and the S.S.
>standing around the table, but Goering and Himmler were not among them. 
>Valkyrie had been specifically designed to terminate the three top leaders
>of the Reich, namely Hitler, Himmler and Göring.  It was felt among the
>conspirators that the power vacuum created by the untimely deaths of these
>three would enable a successful coup to be accomplished followed by the
>suing of peace with the British and American High Command.
>On several occasions in the past, the conspirators had planned the deed
>only to be thwarted by the absence of one of the Nazi protagonists. 
>Details of the conspiracy were beginning to leak into the German
>intelligence community.  Von Stauffenberg decided that the time had come to
>He placed the briefcase inconspicuously under the large conference table
>and then pushed it with his foot towards Hitler who was engrossed in a
>report given by Heusinger on a recent Russian breakthrough on the Eastern
>Front.  Von Stauffenberg left the room soon after on the pretext of making
>a telephone call as the acid chewed through the timing wire in his
>No-one noticed von Stauffenberg leave except perhaps for Heusinger’s aide,
>Colonel Brandt.  Brandt was so engrossed in his general’s report that he
>leaned over to take a better look at the map.  In so doing his leg brushed
>von Stauffenberg’s bothersome briefcase beneath the table.  Brandt
>distractedly looked around and then reached down and moved the briefcase
>away from Hitler and behind the solid support of the conference table. 
>This action probably saved Hitler’s life.  It cost Brandt his.  
>Ironically Brandt was the same officer who had agreed, the year before on
>March 13th, to take ‘a couple of bottles of brandy’ on board the Fuhrer’s
>plane, packed in a carton which actually contained an identical bomb to
>that which now sat beneath the table not three feet from where Brandt was
>studiously listening to his superior officer.  (The plane bomb had failed
>to detonate en route from Smolensk to Rastenberg, much to the consternation
>of a previous circle of conspirators).    
>At 12:42pm, the bomb exploded.  Von Stauffenberg quickly left Rastenberg
>during the commotion which followed and hours later, when he anxiously
>called his contact, Schlabrendorff, in Berlin, he learned with horror that
>Hitler had miraculously survived the assassination.  The Fuhrer had emerged
>from the Wolf’s Lair, his face blackened and his hair smoking like some
>dervish from Gehenna, vowing dire vengeance on the traitors responsible. At
>1am the following morning Hitler went on national radio to reassure the
>German people that he was still alive.  Darkly he thundered that every
>conspirator who had dared to threaten the leadership of the sacred Reich
>would be hunted down and brought to savage justice.
>General Fromm, whose involvement in the conspiracy had been courted by von
>Stauffenberg from the outset (but who had never committed himself to
>Valkyrie), took it upon himself to arrest von Stauffenberg and four others.
> Although Fromm had known about the plot for months, leaks had come to the
>attention of Heinrich Himmler and historians now agree that Fromm’s actions
>in arresting von Stauffenberg stemmed from his treacherous desire to curry
>favour with Himmler as ‘the officer who had put down the revolt’ and thus
>move the suspicion of involvement away from himself.  Ironically Fromm’s
>treachery would be in vain as he himself was sentenced to death and later
>hanged for collaboration in the conspiracy.
>In a disgusting display of ‘kangaroo justice’, Fromm passed a summary
>sentence of death on officers von Stauffenberg, Olbricht, Häften, Mertz and
>Beck and led them down into the courtyard of the complex housing his
>military quarters.  Eye-witnesses say there was much tumult and shouting
>that night, mostly by the guards, who were in a hurry because of the danger
>of a bombing attack by the British RAF who had been mercilessly pounding
>Berlin for months.
>In the dim rays of the blackout-hooded headlights of an Army car, von
>Stauffenberg and his conspirators faced the firing squad ramrod straight. 
>As the command to fire was barked into an unforgiving night, von
>Stauffenberg and his friends fell in a hail of bullets crying, "Long live
>our sacred Germany!"
>Hitler was cheated by von Stauffenberg’s hasty dispatch and ranted
>incoherently for hours.  He finally appointed Ronald Freisler president of
>the People’s Court.  Freisler’s mandate from the Führer was to execute
>cruel justice on the wide ring of collaborators who were arrested
>frantically attempting to escape Himmler’s Gestapo and S.S., who were
>ruthlessly tracking down every suspicious lead.  Many of the conspirators
>were betrayed by fellow plotters who were promised immunity in return for
>information only to find themselves summarily led into the dock.  Prisoners
>were stripped and then given ill-fitting trousers and smocks so that the
>ever-present film cameras could record the pathetic and shambling spectacle
>of these ‘traitors’ to Germany.  
>Field marshal von Witzleben looked haggard as he entered the dock of the
>infamous People’s Court.  The once proud officer looked like a broken old
>man.  His false teeth had been taken from him and, as he stood in the dock,
>badgered unmercifully by the venomous Freisler, he kept grasping at his
>trousers to keep them from falling down.
>"You dirty old man," Freisler shouted at him.  "Why do you keep fiddling
>with your trousers?"
>Although the accused knew their fate was sealed, yet they behaved with a
>superb dignity and courage despite Freisler’s ceaseless efforts to degrade
>and demean them.  Young Count Peter Yorck, a cousin of von Stauffenberg,
>was perhaps the bravest, answering the most insulting questions quietly and
>never attempting to hide his contempt for National Socialism.
>"Why didn’t you join the Party?" Freisler hissed at him.
>"Because I am not and never could be a Nazi," the count replied.
>All that summer, fall and winter - and into the new year of 1945 - the
>grisly People’s Court sat in session and the death sentences were meted out
>until finally an American bomb fell directly on the courthouse on the
>morning of February 3rd 1945, killing Judge Freisler and destroying the
>records of most of the accused who still survived.  Schlabrendorff was one
>who thus escaped with his life - one of the very few conspirators on whom
>fortune smiled - being eventually liberated from the Gestapo’s clutches by
>American troops in the Tyrol.
>The Gestapo records survive to this day and list 7,000 arrests and the
>final death toll of the conspirators of Valkyrie as 4,980.  Hitler had
>ordered that the condemned be treated as cattle and so most were slowly
>strangled from butchers’ hooks with piano wire and the executions filmed by
>order of propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels.  This film was later shown to
>Army audiences as an example of the Reich’s zero tolerance for treachery.
>The film was soon withdrawn however as cadets and soldiers alike walked out
>of the viewings in disgust.
>It is ironic and tragic to note that the ultimate doom of Valkyrie was much
>less brought about by von Stauffenberg’s inability to kill Adolf Hitler as
>it was through the failure of the conspirators to identify the simple fact
>that a spiritual problem requires a spiritual solution.  And thus herein
>lies the lesson we all must learn concerning the predictable path of
>tyranny which is as old as the earth itself.  Nazism, Communism and
>Illuminism in recent years have each succeeded because of one reason.  The
>salt of the earth had lost its savour and good men did nothing as the evil
>grew around them (Matt 5:13).  Usually the conditions propagating this
>inaction stemmed largely from an affluent, comfortable and wealthy society
>which toadied in the face of wickedness and gave its assent to demonic
>plots by remaining silent. Today our earth has once again descended into
>the same sightless, aspiritual apathy, ever driven to destruction by those
>tasteless, moronic spirits of treason, greed, apostasy, immorality and
>murder.  Nobody blinked as we traveled that sorry road before WW1, WW2 and
>Vietnam and, ashamed as we are to say it, very few are blinking today at
>the same shameful manoeuvring playing out before our eyes.
>What can truly be done as the hours of darkness come upon us once again? 
>History records that those men and women of YHWH in bygone times responded
>according to the wishes of YHWH.  When the Jewish prophet Habakkuk watched
>helplessly as the Babylonian hordes surrounded Jerusalem, poised to sack
>the holy city, his action was to pray.  Prayer to the unprayerful is
>insanity incarnate, yet Habbakuk’s confession was that his salvation lay
>not in the might of his own arm, but in seeking the mercy of the Mighty
>YHWH who curries the plots and schemes of wicked nations as His holy and
>inestimable Will (Hab 3:17-19).    
>Who can ever change the course of the Lord’s Will?  Was it not always
>through prayer and supplication to the Almighty that the fickle courses of
>history were swayed?  
>It was righteousness which saved Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah.  It was
>righteousness which delivered Noah and his family from the Flood, Daniel
>from the lion’s den, the apostle Paul from the clutches of the Pharisaic
>Jews and the prophet Elisha from the hordes of the Syrians (2 Kings
>6:15-18).  In each case, these intrepid believers attained a separateness
>and a sanctity before evil which YHWH honoured and thus He delivered them. 
>In the case of the three Jewish courtesans brought before King
>Nebuchadnezzar for refusing to worship the infamous golden image, Shadrach,
>Meshach and Abednego made it abundantly clear that YHWH would save them
>from the furnace, yet even if He did not, they still would not bow down
>before evil.   
>Passive resistance through a separation from evil (Jam 1:27).  A calm and
>clear declaration that enough is enough.  Prayer for action and then we
>watch as YHWH moves.
>The invisible Mighty One of Israel grants nations the leaders they deserve.
> Israel deserved King Saul.  Israel deserved King Ahab.  Today America
>deserves Bill and Hillary Clinton. Britain deserves the EU and the vapid,
>forgettable ‘leaders’ of her European and domestic parliaments.  What could
>it ever profit the world if these errant and unfortunate leaders were
>removed?  Would the nations of the earth forget their wickedness and return
>to the righteous ways of YHWH?
>Thus the reason for the coming storm.  YHWH fully intends to place the
>entire planet in such a terrifying predicament that repentance will be
>forced and thus His chosen shall be saved for eternity.  The Almighty knows
>the true nature of man far better than we.  He knows that man does not
>voluntarily choose the ways of righteousness.
>The ways of YHWH.  
>There is a lesson that will be learned by the generations living today and
>it will be the hardest of all the lessons of history.  This lesson is
>learning repentance and a turning away from our personal and national sin. 
>It’s a lesson that will either be learned the easy way or suffered the hard
>way.  You see, the war with Germany did end in 1945, but the war with
>global evil continues to this day and it is a war, the Bible predicts,
>which only YAHSHUA will finish for ever in the very near future at His
>return.  The Bible foreshadowed the coming classic conflict of good versus
>evil and the Bible has inscribed its epitaph.  Lucifer and his minions will
>Von Stauffenberg only saw Hitler, the man, and his mistake was believing
>that the evil would end with the man.  I wonder what Claus would make of
>his fascist and sold-out ‘sacred’ Germany if he were alive to witness it

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
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