Time: Wed Mar 12 07:32:28 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id GAA09482;
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Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 07:23:07 -0800
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: changing light bulbs (fwd)

>Q: How many Democrats does it take to change a light bulb?
>A: 5,446
>14 White House aids to appear on the Sunday morning news shows
>denying that the bulb is burned out.
>8 White House aides to blame the previous administration.
>4 Major news anchors to call the Republicans mean-spirited.
>243 children to stand behind Clinton as he explains the impact of
>burned-out bulbs on our children and how the mean-spirited
>Republicans want our children to grow up in darkness.
>1 First Lady to say that changing the light bulb takes a village.
>9 Hollywood stars to testify as experts because they played a
>movie role in which they changed light bulbs.
>15 White House spin doctors to put the best light on it.
>103 US Representatives to tell us that only Washington D.C. really
>knows how to change a light bulb.
>1 President to tell us that he feels our darkness and has 18 new
>federal programs to prevent burned-out light bulbs, and that he
>has vivid memories of black light bulbs burning out during his
>childhood in Arkansas.
>42 Cruise missiles to take the heat off the burned-out bulb.
>1 campaign advisor to recommend the use of red light bulbs.
>1 Vice President to inform us of the environmental impact of
>changing a light bulb.
>2 White House advisors to devise a tax on those who are unfairly
>able to change their own light bulbs.
>1 Dead White House lawyer who can be blamed for anything that
>can't be pinned on the Republicans.
>1 White House ghost who can retrieve the light bulb files that no
>one else knows anything about.
>5,000 Bureaucrats to make sure that the bulb is changed correctly,
>doesn't offend anyone, doesn't impact the environment, doesn't
>unfairly benefit one group, doesn't harm anyone during the
>installation, and is up to 1945 specifications for light bulbs.

I think they forgot illumination.  :)

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
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