Time: Sat May 24 16:07:36 1997
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Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 11:52:03 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: "The Cooper File" is now on the Internet

See below:

At 11:22 PM 5/23/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Thank you for updating and informing me on these developments.  I must 
>now make time to review and understand the materials you are providing 
>in a more comprehensive manner.  
>What are your suggestions in airing these issues in my campaign for the 
>U.S. Senate?  I can get some coverage here in Connecticut and my work on 
>the original Thirteenth is getting some small measure of notice.  The 
>Thirteenth omitted, the Fourteenth unlawful, but the Anti-Slavery 
>section is lawful and so is the Fifteenth Amendment:  can you help me 
>mold a "media/political strategy" to make this stuff TV friendly.

Hello Richard:

The motive is money:  there are two classes
of citizenship in America:  one is free, 
the other enslaved.  We have a choice.
It's called the Right of Election, and it
is guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment.

Just say NO to slavery!

The Civil War was fought as much to establish
a precedent for paper money.  Once established,
the government could enrich itself by printing
as much of it as necessary.  All of this is
explained in detail in "Return to Constitutional
Money" in the Supreme Law Library at URL:


But, after the Civil War, Congress botched the
14th amendment.  The proof is to be found in
the case of Dyett v. Turner, Utah Supreme Court
(1968).  So, there is no constitutional authority
for a second class of citizenship, a/k/a federal

The Alabama Supreme Court has already ruled
that one can be a state Citizen without also
being a federal citizen, a/k/a "citizen of
the United States", regardless of whether or not
the so-called 14th amendment was properly 
ratified.  Other courts have ruled the same way.

The movement back to state Citizenship is a 
fundamental one, which embraces strict obedience
by the federal government to the restrictions
and guarantees of the U.S. Constitution.  

The rub was aggravated in 1901 when the 
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution
of the United States, as such, does not extend
beyond the limits of the states which are
united by and under it.

Then, in 1945, the Supreme Court extended this
doctrine by ruling that the guarantees of the
Constitution extend to the federal zone only
as Congress makes those guarantees applicable,
by statutes.

If you are a federal citizen, then you belong
to a political association which owes its 
allegiance to a jurisdiction where the Constitution
is not operative, because citizenship is a term
of municipal law.

Congress can enact two kinds of laws:  general,
and municipal.  Since the federal zone has no
states in the Union (no stars on the flag),
Congress is the "state" government, and Congress
passes all local, "municipal" laws there.

The Internal Revenue Code is a municipal code
for the federal zone, and for citizens of that
zone, regardless of where they may reside.

Last, but not least, the so-called 16th amendment
is another total fraud, which was proven to the
California Supreme Court in 1992.  Therefore,
the IRS cannot impose a direct tax on Citizens
of the several states unless it is apportioned,
according to two separate clauses in the 
Constitution.  Even if it had been enacted properly,
the 16th amendment never repealed these clauses,
and repeals by implication are not favored.

Last but not least, the Grace Commission proved
that the income tax collections do not pay for
any federal government services.  This is further
proof that the IRS is a money laundry, extorting
funds from the American People for the benefit of
foreign banks and their alien owners.

The solution is to abolish the federal income tax
on labor, by abolishing the W-4 Employee's Withholding
Allowance Certificate, and by replacing it with nothing
else.  This will cause a resurgence in the American
economy, which will lead to a windfall in excise taxes
for Congress, as the economy moves into high gear.

There you have it.  That is only part of the platform.
But, this is an excellent place to start.

It is time to abolish the IRS completely, and 
to assay the manifold damages which they have inflicted
upon our entire nation.

As a United States Senator, you will be in a very
powerful position to make these essential changes
happen, with all deliberate speed.

Good luck to you, and Godspeed, always!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

p.s.  Be sure to see "Congresswoman Suspected
of Income Tax Evasion," in the Supreme Law
Library at the URL above, concerning Rep. Barbara
B. Kennelly from Connecticut.  I can supply you
with a copy of her letter concerning the meaning
of "State" in the Internal Revenue Code.  This
admission is rather earth-shaking.

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
email:       [address in tool bar]   : Eudora Pro 3.0.1 on Intel 586 CPU
web site:  http://www.supremelaw.com : library & law school registration
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this


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