Time: Sun May 25 06:35:00 1997
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Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 06:32:50 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SLS: L&J: OKC Questions (fwd)

>        1. If the bombing of the Alfred E. Murrah Federal building 
>in Oklahoma City was a terrorist reprisal for the Federal massacre 
>of the Branch Davidians at Waco, why were no BATF or FBI agents 
>injured? Why was EVERY BADGE-CARRYING FEDERAL AGENT absent from 
>work at nine o'clock on a weekday morning and their offices staffed 
>only with civilian clerical workers?
>        2. When the word first got out that no Federal agents had 
>been present in the building, the BATF produced its Resident Agent 
>Alex McCauley who told a long story about his own heroism and that 
>of a fellow ATF man who allegedly fell three floors in an elevator, 
>walked away from it, and then helped rescue others trapped by the 
>bomb. This was quickly exposed as a fabrication in an angry 
>interview by building maintenance supervisor Duane James, who 
>described McCauley's story as "pure fantasy". James examined the 
>elevator in question and also the central control panel and pointed 
>out a number of technical and logical reasons why the miraculous 
>elevator incident simply couldn't have happened in the way claimed. 
>The McCauley account was quietly retracted and flushed down the 
>memory hole by the ATF, with the help of the media. They now admit 
>that McCauley was nowhere near the building when the bomb went off, 
>although they refuse to discuss his exact whereabouts or the 
>whereabouts of any other ATF agent at the time of the explosion. 
>        Will BATF Agent Alex McCauley be disciplined for telling a
>self-serving lie which falsely made himself out to be a hero? If 
>that was not the purpose, why did he make this palpably false 
>public statement?
>        3. Why was U.S. Judge Wayne Alley, whose office was located 
>in the Federal building, warned several weeks in advance in a 
>Justice Department memo to be prepared for an unnamed "terrorist 
>act" directed against the Federal building?
>        4. Judge Alley made the above admission to the Portland 
>OREGONIAN immediately after the bombing. He has since refused to 
>repeat it or allow himself to be interviewed again. Why?
>        5. Why did Ken Stern of the American Jewish Committee fax 
>warnings to Federal judges and officials, legislators, and 
>prosecutors warning of a possible attack on a government building 
>of installation on the second anniversary of Waco on April 10th, 
>1995, nine days before the OKC bombing? 
>        6. "Norma", a witness who worked in an office building just 
>down the street from the Federal building, told reporter Sherry 
>Koonce what she saw  prior to the explosion: "The day was fine, 
>everything was normal when I arrived for work at about 7:45 A.M. 
>There was some talk about the bomb squad among the employees at our 
>office. We wondered what it was doing in our parking lot. Around 
>nine I heard and felt a huge explosion. Then someone said it had to 
>be a bomb, and we all knew. I remembered the bomb squad in our 
>parking lot and knew what had happened."
>        "Norma" has since quit her job, gone into hiding and 
>refused to speak again to any reporters or investigators. So have 
>a number of other people who saw the heavily armed and equipped 
>bomb squad in the area up to three hours before the blast. Why?
>        7. Why has all mention of the facts outlined in questions 
>1 thru 6 disappeared from the news media after the first week of 
>coverage of the bombing? Why has the media consistently suppressed 
>and refused to report any information or evidence which indicates 
>that, at the very least and regardless of who was responsible, 
>there was Federal foreknowledge that the bombing would take place?
>        8. By definition, a terrorist must take credit for his 
>violence, or else there is no compelling reason to commit a crime. 
>The specific purpose of terrorism is to gain a political end 
>through the credible threat to commit future acts of violence. No 
>one has claimed credit for the Oklahoma City bombing. Militia and 
>right-wing groups, the alleged masterminds and presumed 
>beneficiaries, have been particularly vehement in denouncing the 
>explosion and in many cases have cooperated directly with Federal 
>agencies to absolve themselves of any involvement. The only
>statement of alleged political motive we have comes from the very 
>government which was attacked. Why is this? 
>        9. Did the Alfred Murrah building warehouse documents 
>relating to the attack on the Branch Davidians at Waco? If so, 
>what happened to those documents? Were they destroyed? If so, were 
>any copies kept elsewhere? If not, why not?
>        10. Will the missing papers, if any, affect former 
>Attorney General Ramsey Clark's lawsuit against the ATF and FBI on 
>behalf of the Branch Davidian survivors? 
>        11. Why did the Director of the University of Oklahoma's 
>Geological Survey, Dr. Charles Mankin, tell the media that 
>according to two different seismographic records there were TWO 
>blasts, the second approximately eight seconds after the first?
>        12. The news media initially reported two explosions, based 
>on eyewitness testimony. Why did this version of events disappear 
>from print and the air waves within twenty-four hours? 
>        13. U.S. government Technical Manual No. 9-1910 from the 
>Department of the Army and Air Force entitled MILITARY EXPLOSIVES, 
>which specifies that ANFO, the acronym for Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel 
>Oil bomb said to be used on the Murrah building, requires a greater 
>than 99% purity of ammonium nitrate, as well as a specific dryness 
>before it can be mixed with diesel fuel to create an explosive 
>substance. The manual further spells out that even under ideal 
>conditions (not often reached even by experts) 4,800 pounds of ANFO
>explosive would create a much smaller crater than the one left in 
>front of the Murrah building, and its shock wave could not possibly 
>wield the force necessary to compromise the building's concrete 
>support. The FBI claims that the ANFO charge was made from 50 bags 
>of fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate fertilizers comes in much weaker 
>concentrations than the 99%-plus required for explosives. Creating 
>concentrated amounts of ammonium nitrate is quite complex, and 
>would require many bags of fertilizer. In short, according to
>the government's own textbook, the Oklahoma City bombing COULD NOT 
>        14. Retired Air Force Brigadier General Benton K. Partin, 
>former commander of the Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory, 
>a 25-year expert in the design and development of bombs, urged 
>Senators and Congressmen to delay the destruction of the Murrah 
>building site. Partin stated in a news release, "When I first saw 
>the picture of the truck bomb's asymmetrical damage to the Federal 
>building in Oklahoma, my immediate reaction was that the pattern 
>of damage would have been technically impossible without 
>supplementary demolition charges at some of the reinforced concrete 
>bases inside the building, a standard demolition technique. Partin 
>further explained that "reinforced concrete targets in large 
>buildings are hard targets to blast. I know of no way possible to
>reproduce the apparent building damage through simply a truck bomb 
>General Partin's request to have the bomb site preserved in order 
>to examine the possibility of a second explosion was ignored by 
>the government. Why?
>        15. General Partin's press release, quoted above, was 
>reprinted in the John Birch Society magazine NEW AMERICAN. Based 
>on this the news media launched an egregious and bogus smear 
>campaign against General Benton K. Partin, claiming falsely that 
>he was a member of the John Birch Society and therefore a "right-
>wing extremist". General Partin has been forced repeatedly to 
>threaten lawsuits in order to force grudging and deliberately 
>downplayed retractions and corrections of this allegation. His
>alleged JBS membership still appears in print and broadcast media 
>today as fact even though the media are by now perfectly well 
>aware that the allegation is false. Why are the news media telling 
>a deliberate lie in order to discredit a highly respected expert 
>who questions the official government version of Oklahoma City?
>        16. There have been repeated studies done by a variety of 
>accredited explosives experts and professional demolition 
>contractors, such as former FBI agent Ted Gunderson. All of these 
>have stated their professional opinion that the destruction of the 
>Murrah building could only have been accomplished with top-grade 
>military explosives, detonators, and careful placement of multiple 
>charges. Why have the media ignored these expert opinions? Why, 
>indeed, have the media engaged in a concerted campaign to abuse, 
>vilify, discredit and marginalize as a "crank" or a "right-wing
>extremist" any explosives expert or engineer who questions the 
>official FBI version of the bomb's construction and explosive power?
>        17. There is not a single piece of concrete evidence to 
>connect either Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols to any militia or 
>right-wing group. Why has the news media refused to acknowledge 
>this fact and continued to spread the patently false assertion 
>that McVeigh was a member of a militia group?
>        18. Terry Nichols has been married twice, once to a 
>Mexican woman and once to a Filipina. Obviously, a man who marries 
>women of color not once but twice and has children with them can 
>hardly be called a racist. Why has this fact, which clearly 
>precludes any racist or neo-Nazi involvement in the bombing of the 
>kind which is repeatedly implied by the media, not been given any 
>significant exposure at all?
>        19. Having allegedly just committed a coldly calculated, 
>carefully and meticulously planned mass murder, why did Timothy 
>McVeigh then suddenly turn into a Clouseau-like klutz and do 
>everything but send up a flare to draw attention to himself, 
>speeding out of the state at almost 100 mph in a car without a 
>license plate, virtually guaranteeing that he would be stopped?
>        20. Timothy McVeigh is a highly trained combat NCO who won 
>a Bronze Star for courage under fire in the Gulf. Having been 
>stopped by a state trooper, being armed with a pistol, knowing 
>that he now faced either execution or imprisonment for the rest of 
>his natural life, why did McVeigh make no move at all to defend 
>himself or escape, but instead surrendered like a little lamb? 
>        21. FBI agents are said to have tracked down McVeigh's 
>truck rental agency by finding a vehicle identification number 
>(VIN) on the truck's rear axle. This axle was found either in the 
>bomb crater, according to the mayor of Oklahoma City's initial 
>press statement, or three blocks away according to the later FBI 
>version. Which statement is true? 
>        22. There is another problem to the Ryder truck tale. No 
>rear axle on any vehicle manufactured in America is imprinted with 
>a VIN, even after recent legislation forcing manufacturers to place 
>multiple VINS on the engine, firewall, and frame to discourage chop 
>shops. When queried, a spokesman for Ryder told reporters than it 
>does not imprint additional VINS on its trucks. The only conceivable 
>number available on a rear axle is a part number, but a part number 
>couldn't lead to the identification of a specific vehicle. We have 
>here another case where the FBI version of events simply COULD NOT 
>HAVE HAPPENED in the way the Bureau claims it happened. Where did 
>the VIN story come from? Why has it been created and circulated by 
>the media?
>        23. Did McVeigh use fake I.D. or his real I.D. to rent the 
>truck? The FBI has told both stories.
>        24. The FBI detained and interrogated Timothy McVeigh's 
>young sister Jennifer and Terry Nichols' twelve year-old son. They 
>announced in the media that both of them were suspects and that 
>Jennifer McVeigh was facing indictment and the death penalty. These 
>charges disappeared from the media and both young people were 
>released. What is the story here? 
>        25. Who is John Doe Number Two? Does he exist at all? The 
>FBI first conducted a nationwide manhunt for JD-2 over a period of 
>several weeks. Then they claimed that a U.S. Army soldier on leave, 
>whose published photographs bear no resemblance whatsoever to the 
>photofits, was JD-2. Then they claimed for some months that JD-2 
>does not exist and all the witnesses who saw him were mistaken. Now 
>they are hedging again and say they have an "open mind" about 
>whether John Doe Number Two exists. What is going on here?
>        26. In January of 1996 National Public Radio broadcast a 
>half-hour special containing interviews with half a dozen witnesses 
>who personally saw John Doe Number Two in the Ryder truck with 
>Timothy McVeigh on the morning of the bombing. These witnesses all 
>had one thing in common; other than a cursory preliminary interview 
>by the FBI they had up until that time been approached by neither 
>the prosecution nor the defense to appear as witnesses at the trial. 
>Why not? Will any witnesses who saw John Doe Number Two be called to 
>        27. In the summer of 1995 a mysterious American named Daniel
>Spiegelman was arrested in the Netherlands for trafficking in stolen
>diamonds and antiques. In July of 1995 the Janet Reno Justice 
>Department quietly applied for Spiegelman's extradition to the 
>accompanied by representations at the highest level demanding that 
>the Netherlands courts hear the case in camera and that the 
>proceedings be kept completely secret.
>Through his attorney Spiegelman fought extradition, a Dutch judge 
>refused to impose secrecy on the hearing, the media got hold of it, 
>and Janet Reno allegedly withdrew the extradition request, whereupon 
>the entire bizarre episode vanished from public view. No more media 
>blackout in the OKC case has been more complete than the blackout 
>imposed over the name of Daniel Spiegelman; it is as if he has 
>stepped off the face of the planet.
>        Who is Daniel Spiegelman? What connection does he have with 
>Oklahoma City? Is he John Doe Number Two? Does he know who John Doe 
>Number Two is?
>        28. FBI informant and star witness Michael Fortier, who 
>admits to trading his testimony for lenient sentencing on gun 
>charges himself, claims that he and Timothy McVeigh scouted out the 
>Murrah building several weeks in advance looking for the BATF 
>offices therein. If that is true, why did Timothy NcVeigh stop the 
>Ryder truck at a gas station on the morning of the bombing and ask 
>directions to the building? And why did he park the truck on the 
>side of the building the farthest away from the BATF offices, when 
>there was an available parking lot which would have placed the truck
>bomb almost directly under the windows of the BATF even if it was 
>seven stories up?
>        29. Why was the reaction of the Clinton administration, 
>blaming right-wing radio talk shows for the incident and demanding 
>the most draconian police state legislation ever proposed in the 
>United States, so swift and obviously organized? The air of 
>orchestration about the whole government response did not escape 
>notice even at the time, in all the high emotionalism prevalent, 
>and was commented on by a number of observers all across the 
>political spectrum. 
>        A blizzard of OKC-related "domestic terrorism" bills were 
>rushed into Congress in a matter of days, some of them pre-written 
>and already printed up BEFORE THE BOMBING. These proposed laws 
>cover everything from banning virtually all privately owned 
>firearms to unlimited and court-admissible Federal wiretaps to 
>censorship of the Internet to the suspension of habeas corpus in 
>"terrorism" cases to the grotesque destruction of the First 
>Amendment advocated in Charles Schumer's bill H.R. 2580, which 
>imposes a five-year prison sentence for publicly engaging in
>"unseemly speculation" and publishing or transmitting by wire or 
>electronic means "baseless conspiracy theories regarding the 
>Federal government of the United States". Who decides what is a 
>"baseless conspiracy theory'? Why, the very same government, of 
>        How exactly was a normally cumbersome, inefficient, and 
>glacially slow legislative branch able to move so quickly, so 
>comprehensively, and so efficiently in introducing these laws 
>which will strip Americans of what remaining freedoms they have?
>        30. Why did it take so unconscionably long for the trial 
>of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols to begin?
>- Monte
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  Oh Lord, let the fire of your Holy Spirit sweep across this land, 
>  for fallen, fallen is America!  Come, Lord, reveal Yourself in 
>  power and holiness to a Church that has forgotten Who You are,
>  and to a People who have chosen to live in great darkness.
>  Empower your children to walk in these last days in the fullness
>  of the knowledge of Your Glory.   Amen.
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  http://www.proliberty.com/observer
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Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
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