Time: Wed Oct 30 12:26:10 1996
To: marmstrong@snowcrest.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: book recommendation

Hi Marcia,

In reading your latest beautiful letters,
it occurred to me that you might really
enjoy a book I have been reading on and off
in recent weeks.  It is entitled 
"The Friendship Factor," by Alan Loy
McGinnis, Augsburg Publishing House,
Minneapolis (1979).  It is so beautifully
written too, with poise, care, and sensitivity.
I can't imagine that there is a single
person on this planet who would not benefit
enormously from the many practical and 
inspirational examples which McGinnis 
relates.  Maybe we could all decide to 
join "The Friendship Project" and begin by
reading, and then applying, as many of his
suggestions as we can.  You know how habits
begin:  we try something, and it is a bit
awkward at first, but then we begin to 
develop mastery.  Skiing is a good example.
Once you begin to develop higher-level skills,
they become second-nature.  I would certainly
like to take this approach to the many ideas
McGinnis documents, but I need someone to 
"practice" with.  Would you be willing to 
practice with me?  I am always being accused
of "practicing law without a license."  I hope
I will never be accused of practicing friendship
without a license.  "Who needs a license for 
that?"  RIGHT!!!  Be well, my friend.  Let us
begin by seeing ourselves as little miracles
of life, which daily grow up into big miracles
we share with everyone willing to receive us,
in the image and likeness of the One who 
created us.  From the Mind of the Maker 
we came;  evidence of the supernatural 
surrounds us:  we are that evidence.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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