Time: Wed Oct 30 19:58:09 1996
To: bob@sticomet.com 
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Re: CDA Alert: DNC News: Democratic News -- October 28, 1996

Fantastic!  FANTASTIC!!

At 01:42 PM 10/30/96 -0500, you wrote:
>From: Edgar Allen Poe
>Heaven or Hell
>Once upon a campaign dreary.
>While I pondered weak and weary
>over many a quaint and curious
>volume of greenpeace lore.
>While I nodded nearly laughing.
>Suddenly, there came the sound of gaffing.
>The sound of White House re-staffing.
>A VP gaffing on my cable channel four.
>Only this and nothing more...
>Ah, distinctly I remember
>(unlike most of Clinton's staff members)
>t'was a month before November, and the papers
>were filled with stories of Dick Morris's whore.
>For the surcrease of sorrow.
>For there's Whitewater trial on the 'morrow.
>Could your hanky I seek to borrow? Sorrow
>for the VP named Al Gore.
>Tis a White House patron,
>I muttered, gaffing on my channel four.
>Only this and nothing more.
>Suddenly, a bird burst into the room,
> a demon of despair, deceit and gloom.
>Flying like Hillary on her broom.
>A woodpecker did land on my bust of Gerald Ford above the door.
>I was filled with sudden fear
>the EPA would declare a wetland here
>and my livingroom would soon fill with deer.
>Thus I urged the bird "Begone forevermore!"
>Quoth the woodpecker "Al Gore."
>At first, this bird I scoffed.
>"Of Whitewater, Travelgate, and the pay-offs.
>And Union money so soft."
>But it sat upon Ford's balding loft,
>giving the same reply as before.
>Quoth the woodpecker "Al Gore."
>"But Cisneros on the phone.
>900 files with Livingstone.
> HRC forgetfullness so prone.
>Rose billing files from Twilight zone
>and the Foster note, into tiny pieces he tore."
>Quoth the woodpecker "Al Gore."
>"Then Marceca took the fifth.
>Billy Dale they sought to stiff.
>It's character that makes the diff
>while pot he said he'd sniff.
>Have you ever seen a President yet so poor?"
>Quoth the woodpecker "Al Gore."
>"The tobacco payoffs he hugged,
>while White House aides were drugged,
>and the taxpayers that they mugged.
>How many people have they bugged?
>Who would pardon such corruption to the core?"
>Quoth the woodpecker "Al Gore."
>= For help, send mail to majordomo@democrats.org with the message body
>= containing the word 'help' on a line by itself.

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