Time: Sun Nov 03 06:30:28 1996
To: Dean
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Still Struggling?


Should we retain this man?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 08:19:56 -0500 (EST)
>From: Mc1@Citadel.Net
>To: pmitch@primenet.com (Paul Andrew Mitchell)
>Subject: Still Struggling?
>Are You Still Struggling?
>by Dr. Leonard A. Manion
>     Do you have a business which you believe is not
>operating at it's full profit potential? After a year or more
>in business are you still struggling to make a profit? Do you
>suspect that your advertising and marketing approach is not
>as effective as it could be? Are you having trouble
>identifying your market?
>     Having a business, you know has great profit potential,
>can be very frustrating when it doesn't meet your
>expectations. You may have read all the books, listened to
>hundreds of tapes, attended a few seminars -- yet, your
>business still isn't meeting it's full profit potential.
>What's wrong?
>     That's a difficult question to answer. The closer you
>are to the problem the harder it is to see possible answers.
>That's why you may need to hire a professional to come in and
>help you to discover the answer. A professional who will help
>you identify your market niche or new market niches. Who
>will ask you what you're expectations are.
>     A professional who can take you by the hand and show you
>ways to maximize your advertising dollars, increase your
>sales and profits, help you to get free advertising, locate
>companies who will promote your business for you, new profit
>centers, etc...
>     I'm not talking about a number cruncher. Someone who
>wants to see facts and figures. Numbers are fine for keeping
>track of sales and profits. However, they don't tell you the
>whole story. If they did, you wouldn't be struggling.
>What is a marketing consultant?
>     A marketing consultant is someone who has learned what
>works and what doesn't. Has learned universal marketing
>concepts which can be applied to most industries and
>businesses. Most importantly, knows how to customize these
>universal marketing concepts to achieve the specific results
>their clients are looking for.
>     Marketing consultants should have experience with
>writing advertising copy, sales letters, creating display
>ads and identifying market niches. They should be able to
>tell you how to approach your market niche and how to lead
>your prospects to the sale. They should be able to identify
>new profit centers and show you how to transform expenses
>into cash.
>What can they do for you?
>     A marketing consultant can help you identify your market
>niche or new market niches. They can ask you questions to
>help you better define your expectations and goals. Get a
>snapshot picture of your business and then make
>recommendations on how to increase sales and profits.
>     They can take you by the hand and show you exactly where
>your market is, how to approach them, how to get other
>businesses to promote and endorse you, how to get free
>television and radio advertising, etc...
>     What a consultant can do for you largely depends upon
>their experience and what your expectations are.
>What questions will they ask you?
>     Before you hire any consultant you should first
>communicate information to them about your business, what
>you're looking for, your business goals and your
>     They in turn will ask you questions. The questions the
>consultant asks are designed to help the consultant to better
>understand your business and if they can help you.
>     They may ask you such questions as:
>     1. Where are you currently advertising?
>     2. Who seems to be your best market?
>     3. Who are your suppliers and why did you choose them?
>     4. Why would your market choose you over a competitor?
>     5. How many sales are you currently averaging per month?
>     6. What are your biggest expenses?
>     Before, you hire any consultant be sure it is someone
>you can work with. More importantly someone you are willing
>to trust with the future of your business.
>     One word of caution, don't be impressed with
>credentials, college degrees, references, etc.. Instead,
>study the questions the consultant asks you. Do they know the
>right questions to ask you? Do they understand what your
>goals and expectations are? Do they seem knowledgeable?
>Remember, that references and credentials do not equate
>How to really tell if your consultant is competent
>     What is one sure-fire way to tell if your consultant is
>competent? Ask them what a CLV is and how they will use it to
>help you maximize your profit potential.
>     If they look at you and say, "huh?" you know they have
>no idea how to help you. If after you explain to them what a
>CLV is and they say, "oh yeah, we call that something else.."
>but they still can't tell you how they will use the
>information, then find another consultant.
>     What is a CLV? Because we're trying to be brief here,
>I've put a quick explanation of it at MC3@Citadel.Net. This
>definition can save you a lot of disappointment and money
>when it comes to hiring a consultant.
>NOTE: We have tried to keep this folio short and to the
>point. If you are interested in learning more about how you
>can achieve your business goals and expectations, please
>request information from any of the following mailbots.
>Other Mailbots:
>How much do consultants charge and why? Realistic
>expectations of what your consultant can do for you.
>Definition of CLV and why it's important to your business.
>Case study of a recent client and how we were able to help
>Business overview. This is where we ask you to send us some
>information about your business. From this, we can determine
>if we can help you. Fees are negotiable and dependent upon
>the needs and expectations of the client.
>Copyright 1996:
>Execu/Quest Marketing Consultants
>All Rights Reserved.

>          Sponsored by Execu/Quest Marketing Consultants
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>them into a money machine? Curious? Email for info: ColdCash@Citadel.Net
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