Time: Sun Nov 03 13:55:38 1996
To: Nancy Lord <defense@macon.mindspring.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: damage control

At 03:32 PM 11/3/96 -0500, you wrote:
>At 11:04 AM 11/3/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>I want your permission to advertise
>>an email "hot line" for information
>>about Gulf War Syndrome, using 
>>Nancy Lord as the medical moderator.
>        Paul, I'd be very interested in suing on 
>behalf of a Gulf War victim, but I do not have
>time to answer questions for 5 bucks. 

So, you would be interested to represent
one or more victims of the disease?
Is that correct, without qualification,
provided that you can be paid your normal

Can we set money aside for the moment?  
That seems to be blurring your
vision a little bit, but again, that may
only be my observation.  If we have a
pandemic developing here, your Hippocratic
Oath would come into play.  Putting it
bluntly, I don't think raising money
is going to be a problem, honestly.

What I had in mind is a private email
list, in which we could collaborate
to broadcast inside scoop as we develop
it, particularly from the legal point of
view.  This would be like a magazine
subscription, only the magazine would
be electronic.  We did this in Billings,
and the response was mostly positive,
except for those who could not afford
$100.  For them, I recommended that they
find 10 friends who could afford $10 each,
or 100 friends who could afford $1 each.
That stopped the complaining cold.

>        Anybody home?  Don't commit yourself,
>or me, to a proposition that is going to waste
>time/money and inevitably wind up pissing
>people off. 

I don't see how it could piss
people off, if you were to continue
reporting with the same high quality
that I have seen in your Starr updates.
The CDC will get pissed off, for sure.
Now, if we have to worry about real
threats to our lives, that is another
question entirely.  Are you fearful of
those kinds of threats?  Please be honest.
>>We can solicit $5 for membership in
>>a private email list, which we can
>>host on the secure web site computers
>>now hosting the Supreme Law Seminar
>>ads. What do you think? 
>        Time management problems.  See above.
>I cannot maintain a Webb page.  No way.

I wasn't even thinking that you would have
to do that task;  Dean Hines, my Internet
consultant, can make recommendations to
us for filling this position.  There are 
lots of disabled veterans who would just
jump at the chance to help us with this
project.  See the Americans with Disabilities
Act for some ideas.

> We can 
>>invoke the authority of Congress
>>in its declaration of findings within
>>the Americans with Disabilities Act
>>(ADA).  I am standing by.
>        I told you.  I want nothing to do with the ADA.
>It's unconstitutional. 

Oh, I must have missed your 
earlier comments on it.  You know,
I do agree with you, because they
base it on two shaky authorites:
the 14th Amendment, and the Commerce
Clause.  It still makes for good 
reading, and motivation.  There is
a defense called "economic duress."
Maybe we could blaze a new path with
"biological duress."  I am half-way
serious here.

>        Sorry.  
>        Paul, please don't take this personally.  But I
>have got to be careful about making low rate 

I am not taking it personally.
I just don't entirely agree that
it is a "low rate" commitment.
Joyce Riley does not feel that way.

>        That's how I got into THIS position, remember?

I am fully aware of your "position".
I am trying to develop ideas which
could raise lots of funds, in a 
very short period of time.

I honestly cannot think of anyone
better prepared to carry the banner
than you, because you have medical 
AND legal knowledge, and that is a
very potent combination.  The right
law suit could paralyze the Pentagon
and the CDC into admitting biological
warfare against the American People.
We could do a grandstand Petition in
the District Court of the United States,
requesting injunctive relief, which
invokes a 3-judge panel (see 28 USC 2284).

Would you sleep on it for a few days?
I am growing very very alarmed about
the pattern I am seeing:  CIA importing
cocaine into inner-city black ghettos;
biological weapons unleashed on combat-duty
GI's.  I am beginning to feel as if we
cannot afford NOT to.  You what I mean?

Your friend,

/s/ Paul Mitchell


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