Time: Mon Nov 11 06:49:23 1996
To: PatriotUSA@aol.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Ray Looker

Hello Mark,

Please share this entire
message with Pastor Paugh.
I have appended some important
essays to the end of this
message.  The "Karma" article
you can share, but the other
one is somewhat confidential;
I would appreciate it if you
kept the latter "under wraps,"
so to speak.  Thanks.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 07:06 AM 11/11/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Mr. Mitchell,
> I contacted Pastor Butch Paugh by phone on Sunday morning and told him about
>your offer. He is going to be contacting you early this week. These people
>are innocent and do not belong in jail. Pastor Paugh will be broadcasting on
>SW radio 5.85 monday evening at 11:00 pm est to update the situation there. 
> Pastors Paugh, a close personel friend of Ray Looker, is their only contact
>with the outside. He will be seeing Mr looker on Tuesday. I asked Pastor
>Paugh to assure Mr. Looker that we are praying for him and stand behind him
>one hundred percent. It brings tears to my eyes to know that these freedom
>fighters are so wrongfully prosecuted. If there were more people in this
>country like Ray Looker, it would be a much better place to live. 
> God bless you Mr. Mitchell, and thanks for responding.
>oh, by the way,  Arizona Republic...  I like that.. Maybe I'll start
>something like that in Florida.

[This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]

For Immediate Release                            November 2, 1996

                 "Karma and the Federal Courts"


                      Paul Andrew Mitchell
                       All Rights Reserved
                         (November 1996)

     The law  of karma  is this:  what goes around, comes around.
When you  begin with freedom, freedom comes back to dwell in your

     And so,  we have  come to this point in decoding Title 28 of
the United  States Codes:   there  are  two  classes  of  federal
"District Courts" in the federal court system.

     One class  is for  the federal zone;  the other class is for
the state zone.

     Using  a  very  powerful  rule  of  statutory  construction,
"inclusio unius  est exclusio  alterius," we show that the phrase
"District Court  of the  United States"  refers to federal courts
for the  state zone;   and  the phrase  "United  States  District
Court" refers to federal courts for the federal zone.

     We have  this on  the authority  of the Supreme Court of the
United States,  most notably  in the  cases of American Insurance
Company v. 356 Bales of Cotton, and Balzac v. Porto Rico [sic].

     Now, here's  the rub:  Since federal courts are creatures of
statutes only,  they can  only cognize  subject matters which are
assigned to them expressly by statutes.

     When it  comes to  criminal  jurisdiction,  the  controlling
statute is 18 U.S.C. 3231.

     This statute  grants original  jurisdiction to  the District
Courts of  the United  States (DCUS),  but does  not mention  the
United States District Courts (USDC)!

     How about them apples?

     Remember this carefully:

     Inclusio  unius  est exclusio  alterius  (in Latin  ).
     Inclusion of one is  exclusion of others (in English).

     Since the  USDC  is  not  mentioned,  its  omission  can  be
inferred as  intentional. (Read  that again,  then confirm  it in
Black's Law Dictionary, any edition).

     So,  from  the  historian's  point  of  view,  Congress  has
permitted the limited territorial and subject matter jurisdiction
of the  USDC to be extended, unlawfully, into the state zone, and

           Karma and the Federal Courts:  Page 1 of 3

into subject  matters over  which said  court has no jurisdiction

     This deception was maintained as long as nobody noticed, but
now it  is  obvious,  and  quite  difficult  to  change,  without
bringing down  the whole  house of  cards (which is happening, by
the way.   The  Liege firemen  are  literally  hosing  their  own
corrupt court buildings, so we're not alone in this department of
judicial tyranny.)

     By the  way, the famous Belgian Firemen from Liege have been
invited, via  the Internet,  to discharge the Belgian debt to the
United States  by moving  their talents  state-side.  They should
return home  debt free,  in about  ten years  or so, depending on
available supplies of soap and water.

     Imagine a  sheet of  Saran Wrap,  which has  been yanked too
far, by pulling it beyond the strict territorial boundaries which
surround the federal zone.

     This is  the United States District Court (USDC), in all its
limited Honors and tarnished glory.

     Further proof of this bad karma can be found by comparing 18
U.S.C. 1964(a)  and 1964(c).  Both statutes  grant  authority  to
issue remedies  to restrain racketeering activities prohibited by
18 U.S.C.  1962.   Section 1964(a)  grants civil  jurisdiction to
issue injunctive  relief to  the DCUS;   Section  1964(c)  grants
civil jurisdiction  to issue injunctive relief to the USDC.  Both
refer  to   the  exact   same  subject   matter,   namely,   RICO
(Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) activities.

     So, when these two statutes are otherwise identical, why did
Congress need to enact two separate statutes?

     The answer  is simple:   one  authority was  needed for  the
DCUS, and  the other  was needed  for the  USDC.  Simple, really,
when the  sedition by  syntax  is  explained  in  language  which
penetrates the deception.

     Now, if  this is truly the case, and nobody has been able to
prove us  wrong about  this matter,  the United  States  (federal
government) is  in a  heap of  trouble here,  because it has been
prosecuting people  in the wrong courts ever since the Civil War;
furthermore,  those   courts  have   no   criminal   jurisdiction
whatsoever, because  such an authority is completely lacking from
Titles 18  and 28,  both of which have been enacted into positive
law, unlike  Title 26,  which has  not been enacted into positive
law.  See Title 1 for details.

     What do we do with this earth-shaking discovery?  Well, when
any federal case is filed, the criminal defendant should submit a
Freedom of  Information Act  (FOIA) request immediately, for such
things as  any regulations  which  have  been  published  in  the
Federal Register,  pursuant to  the Federal  Register Act, for 18
U.S.C. 3231.

           Karma and the Federal Courts:  Page 2 of 3

     It won't  hurt to  send submit similar FOIA requests for the
credentials of  all federal employees who have "touched" the case
in any way.

     Since we  already know  that there are no regulations for 18
U.S.C. 3231,  and that  federal employees  will usually refuse to
produce their  credentials, your  FOIA requests  will be met with
silence, whereupon  you will file a FOIA appeal.  Once the appeal
deadline has run, you are in court.

     But which court?  Guess ...

     ... the  answer is  the District Court of the United States.
What an  amazing discovery,  yes?  A United States District Judge
in Arizona,  in late Spring of 1996, ruled that the United States
District Court  (USDC) is  not the  proper forum  to  litigate  a
request under  the FOIA.   That can only be because FOIA requests
must be  litigated in  the District  Court of  the United  States

     Now we  have the United States checkmated.  The proper forum
for FOIA  is now  res judicata.   If the DCUS is the proper forum
for FOIA,  and if the USDC is NOT the proper forum for FOIA, then
the USDC  is not  the proper  forum for prosecuting violations of
Title 18  either, because  the USDC  does not show up in 5 U.S.C.
552 or in 18 U.S.C. 3231!

     Read that last paragraph again, and again, until you get it.
It's okay  to admit  that you  must read  it several  times; this
writer once  read a  paragraph from  Hooven and  Allison v. Evatt
some 20 different times, until the meaning was finally clear.

     Inclusio unius  est exclusio  alterius.    The  omission  by
Congress  of  the  USDC  from  18  U.S.C.  3231  must  have  been
intentional;   the maxim certainly allows us to infer that it was
intentional.   Use of  this maxim allows for us to exploit one of
the most  powerful techniques  in American  jurisprudence.  It is
called "collateral  attack"  --  a broadside, rather than a head-
on, collision.

     Knowledge is power, and power is freedom ...

     ... freedom.  Freedom!  FREEDOM!!!

     Love it.

Common Law Copyright
Paul Andrew Mitchell
Counselor at Law, federal witness
and Citizen of Arizona state
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice
November 2, 1996

                             #  #  #

           Karma and the Federal Courts:  Page 3 of 3


                   Post Conviction Procedures
               in the United States District Court


                      Paul Andrew Mitchell
                       all rights reserved
                         (November 1996)

The exact  same thing happened in U.S.A. v. Wallens.  Here is the
sequence I  now recommend.   We  must stay  the course,  however;
flinching will scuttle this plan:

Step 1:   file  challenge  to  Jury  Selection  and  Service  Act
          ("JSSA");  this can be used to prove that the grand and
          trial juries  were not  legal bodies.   The  judge will
          probably freak out, or balk.

Step 2:   if judge  denies the  motion  to  stay,  pending  final
          resolution of  challenge to  constitutionality of JSSA,
          petition  for   reconsideration   and   possibly   also

Step 3:   reserve your right to refuse any ORDER on this question
          for fraud  and other causes;  you must do this within 5
          days of any ORDER.

Step 4:   if judge  does not rule, go to Circuit Court of Appeals
          for a Mandamus to compel him (her) to rule.

Step 5:   file Final  Notice and  Demand for  proof of  Power (of
          attorney), Standing  (of  "United  States  of  America"
          ("USA")),  and  Jurisdiction  (of  USDC),  with  10-day
          deadline;  this will setup estoppel if they default.

Step 6:   with  Step   5,  file   FOIA  request   for   published
          regulations promulgating  18  U.S.C.  3231  (there  are
          none);  this invokes the DCUS.  For proof, see 5 U.S.C.
          552(a)(4)(B).   Also, request  powers of  attorney  for
          Office of  U.S. Attorney  to represent  plaintiff  USA.
          Also request  all Acts of Congress granting standing to
          USA;  there is none.

Step 7:   the petition  for clarification  should point  out that
          JSSA makes  no mention  of the USDC (only the DCUS), so
          this  is   how  you  activate  the  collateral  attack.
          Congress has  no policy  for jury selection and service
          in the USDC!  See 28 U.S.C. 1861 for proof.

Step 8:   when they  default beyond deadline stated in the Notice
          and  Demand   for  Proof   of  Power,   Standing,   and
          Jurisdiction, file  Notice of  Removal and  of Petition
          for Warrant  of Removal  to 3-Judge  Panel in the DCUS;
          you will  petition that  court for  TRO  and  permanent
          injunction to  force  a  stay,  for  lack  of  criminal
          jurisdiction in the USDC.

Step 9:   at this  point, beginning  with the  removal  petition,
          switch parties:   defendants become the new plaintiffs;
          United States  et al.  become the respondents;  use the
          same docket  number, but  remove "CR" because that is a
          fraud (USDC  has no  criminal jurisdiction,  which  you
          will establish  via collateral  estoppel);    if  Clerk
          balks, pay  for a new docket number (don't make trouble

Step 10:  there is currently no federal judge who is competent or
          qualified to  sit on  the DCUS,  because they  are  all
          paying federal income taxes on their compensation;  so,
          file Notice  and Demand  on  the  Chief  Judge  of  the
          Circuit Court of Appeals for a Certificate of Necessity
          to be  served upon  the Chief  Justice of  the  Supreme
          Court of  the United States for Temporary Assignment of
          3 judges  from the  Court of  International  Trade  (an
          Article III  forum), or  other competent  federal court
          (there is  none), to Preside on the DCUS.  This is your
          big move;   Ninth  Circuit has docketed Wallen's Notice
          and Demand for same as a Mandamus (deMAND = MANDamus).

Step 11:  execute  and   file  an   Affidavit  of  Non-Waiver  of
          Extradition,  because  each  defendant  was  unlawfully
          extradited into a foreign jurisdiction (the territorial
          USDC court)  without an express waiver, in violation of
          the Tenth  Amendment;   give the  other  side  a  tight
          deadline to  rebut, and invoke estoppel by acquiescence
          if they fall silent (they will).

Step 12:  petition the  DCUS for  an Order  to the  Office of the
          United Attorney  to show  cause why  its alleged agents
          should not  be charged  with a  laundry list of federal
          crimes, such  as piracy, extortion, perjury, and so on.
          Import state  law  to  show  that  they  also  violated
          numerous state  laws, e.g.  trespass, entrapment,  etc.
          USDC  judge  becomes  a  respondent,  so  he  (she)  is
          automatically recused  from the  criminal action.  This
          is a  warning also  to  any  replacement  that  may  be
          assigned to the USDC case:  if s/he steps in, s/he is a
          new respondent, just like that.  No trespassing on this
          case, period.

Step 13:  the petition  for OSC  must demand a trial by competent
          and qualified  jury, so  re-file the  jury challenge in
          the new court (DCUS), because you want real relief from
          that court,  including declaratory judgment on probable
          cause for  charging  all  federal  employees  with  the
          laundry list  mentioned in  12.    See  the  All  Writs
          Statute for ideas.  Jury can issue declaratory relief.

Step 14:  this is  the big  one (which  I have not done yet);  if
          Circuit Court  does  not  prepare  the  certificate  of
          necessity to be served on Rehnquist, then Mandamus will
          lie in the Supreme Court of the United States to compel
          the Circuit Court to prepare it.

Step 15:  quite obviously,  if the  certificate of  necessity  is
          finally prepared,  with  or  without  Mandamus  to  the
          Circuit Court,  you are  then waiting  on Rehnquist  to
          act;   if he does not, Mandamus will lie in the Supreme
          Court of  the United  States again  to compel  him;  he
          recuses himself  as a  respondent, and  you go  with  a
          quorum of  8 judges,  or 7  to create  a stable  voting
          block (6  is the legal minimum for a quorum;  see Title
          28 for details).

Step 16:  if all  of this  fails, two  international human rights
          treaties  guarantee  effective  judicial  remedies  for
          violations of  fundamental Rights, notwithstanding that
          the violations  were committed  by  persons  acting  in
          their official  capacities;   Congress reserved  to the
          localities standing  to compel  the  United  States  to
          provide effective  judicial remedies;    you  have  the
          option, then,  to remove  the action  to a local common
          law or  townshipcourt,  where  you  will  probably  get
          justice, at  last.   File a  FOIA request  now for  the
          Reservations  which  Congress  attached  to  the  human
          rights treaties;   these  are  archived  in  the  State
          Department, Secretary of State's office.

Step 17:  at an  appropriate moment  in this  sequence, a  Habeas
          Corpus petition  will lie,  but it would be best to get
          such relief from the DCUS, so you are on better grounds
          to stay the court with the Certificate of Necessity for
          Temporary  Assignment  of  3  competent  and  qualified
          judges, so  you will  then have a panel to  rule on the
          Habeas Corpus.   But,  it is  not absolutely  necessary
          that the Habeas Corpus be filed in the DCUS;  you could
          also file  it with the Circuit Court of  Appeals (since
          they have authority over the USDC judge), or in a State
          Superior Court,  once the  U.S. Attorneys fail to prove
          that the  USDC has any criminal jurisdiction whatsoever
          (it has none).

I am  standing by.   This will give everyone lots of hope.  These
moves are very powerful, however, so we don't need or want whimps
to take  these on.   The  United States  will begin  to act  very
strangely when  these briefs  start to flow, so get ready for the
unexpected.   One judge  freaked out  and made some really stupid
rulings, e.g.  the affidavit is hearsay, and the decisions of the
U.S. Supreme  Court have  no legal  significance.   Yes!! Another
judge just fell totally silent in the face of the jury challenge.
Silence is victory;  remember that!!

I can  send you  copies of  almost all of these moves, except the
Mandamus to  the Circuit Court, and the Mandamus to Rehnquist.  I
trust that you can write that yourself.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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