Time: Mon Nov 11 23:34:41 1996
To: Vern Holland
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]

>Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 21:18:26
>To: "Neil T. Nordbrock" <neilnord@primenet.com>
>From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
>Subject: DCUS v. USDC 
>Dear Neil,
>The FOIA Appeal is very easy -- one page.
>The larger question is the court of
>competent jurisdiction.  You know what 
>my research says about the District Court
>of the United States v. the United States
>District Court.  Do you seriously think
>that Larry Condit will go along with this
>strategy, particularly after he expressed
>his desire to jettison Vern Holland in
>no uncertain terms?  
>Do you remember when I asked if you would 
>get a copy of Roll's ORDER to New Life 
>concerning the proper forum for FOIA?  
>I never heard back from you on that point.  
>Is Gene Burns intent on  remaining stubborn 
>about the grand jury case, or is he as willing 
>to help out as you say he is?  I mean, 
>we are only talking about a single photocopy 
>of a single page.  
>Roll struck all my pleadings, and then sealed 
>the case.  Do you seriously think I am
>going to get anywhere trying to fetch that
>ORDER from the Clerk of the U.S. District 
>Court?  I think not. Or the Ninth Circuit?
>I think not.  I remember that you once said
>to Gene that he has been screwed every single
>time he has hired a licensed bar member, and
>now you want to pay Mr. Condit $10,000 
>"because he is aggressive."  Have you changed
>your mind about licensed bar members?  I am
>very confused.  If you want a paralegal,
>or a professional secretary to do your typing
>for you, then you should find one and pay that
>person the going rate for such skills.  
>I do not feel right charging you $75 per hour to
>do your typing for you.  If you are hesitant to
>give me bad news, then it makes me wonder how
>we are going to work together on much broader
>issues, with much broader significance, and 
>much higher risks, particularly after I go to
>great expense, and personal risk, to clarify 
>the distinction between the two classes of
>federal courts, and you take actions which 
>are guaranteed to launch you right back into
>the United States District Court to enforce
>production of FOIA documents.  
>I cannot, and will not, change horses in the 
>middle of the stream.  Alfonso Lopez did not 
>succeed the way he did by playing musical chairs.  
>If there is something you don't want to tell me, 
>then have Evelyn tell me; or put it in writing, 
>rather than telling me in person.  Is there something
>that Gene is telling you, that leads you to
>take on Condit and proceed in a colorable court?
>I am at my wit's end, having come to Tucson at
>your urging, only to be kicked in the face 
>and knocked to the ground by Gene, his wife,
>his employees, the courts, the Patriots, 
>friends, acquaintances, and everyone else,
>not to mention the FBI, the BATF, the hotel,
>Richard McDonald, the Militia, the Township, 
>Microsoft, Sheila, the Freedom Center, Herb
>Crawford, and Elizabeth Broderick.  Have I left
>anyone out?  Oh yes, Tim Hay, Martha, Susan,
>and the birds.  At least the dogs welcome me;
>maybe they'll let me sleep in their dog house,
>when I can't pay my rent because clients stiff
>me for $25,000, the IRS takes $4,000 recently,
>and $45,000 not too long ago, and a "faithful"
>customer takes the electronic copy of my book
>and posts it on the Internet, without my permission,
>where the entire world can download it, without
>anyone giving me one single cent for that insult.
>I have had it, Neal.  So, the next time you see
>Mr. Burns (a verb, right?), please inform him that
>I am explicitly reserving my Rights to sue him, AND
>his precious trust, for numerous violations of the
>law, including wrongful discharge, fraud, mail 
>fraud, breach of contract, and invasion of 
>privacy (a fundamental Right, according to 
>Title 5).  Everybody and his uncle wants me to
>help them defend and assert their Rights, but
>few if any are willing to assist me with mine.
>I have tried to keep my presence with you about
>New Life, because they are obviously a long-term
>and important client of yours.  But the line gets
>crossed when the General Manager stops paying me
>without notice, throws me out of the office 
>on very short notice, and then does everything
>within his power to throw me out of the apartment
>I am living and sleeping in, simply because he
>got his ego caught in the meat grinder, and it
>came out dog food on the other side.  What a 
>Ask Larry what life is like working under 
>that ego maniac.  At 60 years of age,
>you would think that he might have learned
>by now that we praise our friends in public,
>and we rebuke them in private.  
>Gene has it backwards;  how pathetic.  
>I find it impossible to believe that 
>Gene did not fully intend to render me 
>totally homeless, helpless, and starving, 
>because I had the balls to stand up 
>to his wife, the TV junkie.  At least she could
>have admitted that she never even read a single
>brief I had written;  at least that would have
>been honest.  Flying to S.F. after staying up
>all night to assemble the pleadings, and then 
>flying home to hear them complain that I was
>"out of touch," are bad enough;  then I come
>to find out that Linda handed me my own money
>for travel and living expenses on that trip.
>Just how do you think that made me feel?
>Oh, let's not forget Susan and her little
>wire fraud number.  What is this, animal farm?
>Did Burns pay me "adequately," when I was 
>trying to be gracious as he handed me a check
>for $100 per week.  How very generous.  Don't 
>you see how humiliating it was to be paid with
>lunch, day after day, as Gene prances around
>his favorite restaurant, with his blonde bombshell
>in tow, filing her nails at the dinner table?
>Neil, please do me a favor.  Take all the
>money and credit cards out of your wallet,
>and go for a long drive, so you are far
>from home, and from all the food you have in 
>your multiple refrigerators.  When your
>gas tank runs out of gas, or comes close
>to running out of gas, you will begin to know
>how I have felt ever since that day when Gene
>and Linda decided that the advice of the FBI
>was better to believe, even though it was
>a lie, than the advice of their counsel, 
>who went out of his way to defeat the 
>indictment that was sure to come, if we had
>not "gone to the mat" with the U.S., as
>Gene had instructed me to do.  Do you really
>think that Judge Scholl will even take the
>time to send me a "thank you" card?  He'll 
>be lucky if Bob Hirsh even shares all that
>material with him.  What can this guy know?
>He's not even licensed. 
>I can tell you this much.  If it is God's
>will that I remain in Arizona for any
>length of time, you can be sure that I will
>dedicate every ounce in my body to ushering
>the "United States" criminal extortion racket
>out of Arizona completely, and back to the 
>District of Columbia, where the Potomac runs
>over with brown sewage, and the shoreline is
>riddled with grave stones.  And if it is
>God's will that I die in the process of 
>striving for this worthy and reachable goal,
>then my blood will not have been spilt in 
>vain, because your grandchildren will live
>to breath freely, in the home of the brave.
>Embrace them for me, will you, in case I don't
>ever have the chance.
>/s/ Paul Mitchell 
>P.S.  I have $37 in my wallet right now.
>At 04:35 PM 11/11/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>At 09:30 PM 11/9/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>>here are some FOIA appeals.
>>>you may want to do them
>>>yourself, to save money.
>>>you'll need it to pay the
>>>retainer for Condit.
>>>just gut the references to
>>>the original 13th amendment,
>>>since you don't want to 
>>>argue this point.
>>>Paul:  problem is, you have the original       
>>copies of my request for the assessment 
>>documents.  I have none?????
>>>Attachment Converted: "C:\ATTACH\FOIAPP01.doc"
>>>Attachment Converted: "C:\ATTACH\FOIAPP02.doc"
>>>Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.:  pmitch@primenet.com                  
>>>ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776, Tucson, Arizona state
>>Neil & Evelyn Nordbrock: neilnord@primenet.com
>>ship to: c/o 6642 E. Calle de San Alberto, Tucson, Arizona 85710
>>Phone: (520) 296-3052  FAX: (520) 296-6544 

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