Time: Wed Nov 13 10:31:55 1996
To: Vern Holland
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SSN's and Privacy

>From: tab@hollyent.com
>Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 10:14:02 -0700 
>Subject: SSN's and Privacy
>To: pmitch@primenet.com
>================[ Distributed Message ]================
>         ListServer: TAB (Take America Back Mail List)
>               Type: Not Moderated
>     Distributed on: 13-NOV-96, 10:14:00
>Original Written by: IN:pmitch@primenet.com.
>     Disclosure of  social security  number.   Act Dec. 31, 1974,
>     P.L. 93-579, Section 7, 88 Stat. 1909, provided:
>     "(a)(1)   It shall  be unlawful  for any  Federal, State  or
>     local government agency to deny to any individual any right,
>     benefit, or  privilege  provided  by  law  because  of  such
>     individual's refusal to disclose his social security account
>     number.
>     "(2) the provisions  of paragraph  (1)  of  this  subsection
>     shall not apply with respect to --
>          "(A) any  disclosure   which  is  required  by  Federal
>               statute, or
>          "(B) the disclosure  of a social security number to any
>               Federal, State,  or  local  agency  maintaining  a
>               system  of  records  in  existence  and  operating
>               before January  1, 1975,  if such  disclosure  was
>               required under statute or regulation adopted prior
>               to  such   date  to  verify  the  identity  of  an
>               individual.
>     "(b) Any Federal,  State, or  local government  agency which
>     requests an  individual  to  disclose  his  social  security
>     account number  shall inform  that individual  whether  that
>     disclosure is  mandatory or  voluntary, by what statutory or
>     other authority such number is solicited, and what uses will
>     be made of it."
>Comments by Paul Mitchell follow:
>Congress deliberately failed to codify this statute in Title 5 of
>the United  States Code.  You will find it embedded at the end of
>the historical  notes within  the Privacy Act.  When a government
>employee was  sued for  violating this Act, he asserted ignorance
>of the  law as  his defense.  The court upheld this defense, thus
>creating  an   important  exception  to  the  general  rule  that
>ignorance of  the law  is no excuse.  My reading of this decision
>is that  the court  was giving silent judicial notice to the fact
>that Congress  actually "hid" the law;  thus, the court's holding
>did not  really overturn the maxim (ignorance is not excuse);  it
>merely recognized  that fraud  vitiates everything, even the most
>solemn promises.   I  have taken this statute and reduced it down
>to the  size of  a standard credit card.  Then, I laminated it in
>plastic and  saved it  in my wallet.  Later, I gave it away to an
>attendee of  one of  Lynne Meredith's seminars;  the attendee was
>mostly incredulous that such a law even existed.  It is very easy
>to make  another one.   I prefer to take a photocopy right out of
>the law  books, and  to laminate  that photocopy.  Try it!  It is
>always very powerful to witness these laws yourself, at the local
>county law  library.    Take  this  email  message  down  to  the
>reference librarian,  and see if s/he can locate it for you.  The
>Privacy Act  can be  found in  the reference  volume which  lists
>statutes by name.  Good luck!
>Paul Andrew Mitchell
>November, 1996
>all rights reserved
>Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.:  pmitch@primenet.com                  
>ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776, Tucson, Arizona state
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