Time: Thu Nov 14 19:07:45 1996
To: "John Burr" <john.burr@qmail.eonetworks.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: FED ZONE

At 06:09 PM 11/14/96 U, you wrote:
>So you nailed em...ok nuf of that
>where can one obtain an unmodified copy that one can trust is true and
>John Edward

... from me:  $25 cash or blank USPMO 
sent ensured, if needed, to the shipping
address below.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Date: 11/14/96 5:01 PM
>To: John Burr
>From: Paul Andrew Mitchell
>At 04:28 PM 11/14/96 U, you wrote:
>>Paul the site that caries the FED ZONE 
>>now states the following:  
>>Your client does not have permission to get URL /~dimitri/dh/fz/fedzone.html
>>from this server.
>>Why?  Is there a problem?  Is there another site that has it?
>>John Edward
>The electronic copy which was uploaded
>to this web site was stolen, and the
>character stream was modified, both in
>violation of the stated copyright 
>restrictions in the Preface.
>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.:  pmitch@primenet.com                  
>ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776, Tucson, Arizona state

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