Time: Fri Nov 15 10:47:48 1996
To: liberty@hollyent.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Re: 9 cents per minute, anywhere in America

Okay, Harry, now you have escalated, 
so I will escalate with you.

For your information, and you 
had better take note of this,
I have already filed an Affidavit
of Non-Governmental Affiliation,
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1),
and pursuant to Rule 24(a) of the 
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
in the United States District Court,
Central District of California,
Western Division, on April 5, 1996.

I have this file-stamped document
on my desk as I type this, so I am
transcribing off the original. 
The case into which I filed this 
Case Number CV-96-2141-CBM.  

You, sir, are now treading perilously
close to libel, and I hereby demand
that you cease and desist any further
attempts on your part to use innuendo,
false association, lies, deception,
or fraud to defame me further. 

I have already had several important
cases scuttled by persons known and
known to my, in part by convincing my
client(s) to believe that I am some
kind of deep cover government agent.

This is a lie, and I want it to stop. 

Do you understand what I have just 
written to you, or do you not understand
what I have just written to you?

I will be happy to make a scanned facsimile
of this document available to anybody
who politely requests it here.

Thank you for your cooperation, and
your consideration.

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Counselor at Law, federal witness
and Citizen of Arizona state

>Can You Say Agent Provocateur ?
>The last user of box 1776 caused Postal Inspectors and FBI to come
>around asking questions about her.  Maybe no connection.  Just a word
>of caution.  Of course a learned man such as yourself would check on
>the legallity of such, I'm sure.
>>I was wondering that myself , After all the box number that the orig. gives
>>"1776" is false. Sounds fishy to me . Use at your own risk.
>>Paul Andrew, Mitchell,                 
>>2509 N. Campbell, #1776, Tucson, Arizona state
>>This is not his box number.
>>>You can make it fit in here.  Just claim its a front for an FBI or BATF
>>>sting operation authoorized and paid for by Clinton's telecommunication
>>>act.  Hmmm, I wonder if it really is?
>"This year will go down in history.For the first time , a civilized nation
>has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient,
>and the world will follow our lead into the future !"
>                           Adolf Hitler
>                           Berlin Daily
>                           April 15, 1935    
>  "Freiheit stirbt in kleinen Teilen. "
>---An appropriate German saying :" Freedom dies in small pieces ."
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