Time: Fri Nov 15 17:48:47 1996
To: liberty@hollyent.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: 9 cents per minute, anywhere in America

>I was wondering that myself , After all the box number that the orig. gives
>"1776" is false. Sounds fishy to me. Use at your own risk.
>Paul Andrew, Mitchell,                 
>2509 N. Campbell, #1776, Tucson, Arizona state
>This is not his box number.

If you send mail or packages to this
mailing location, I will receive 
your mail or packages.  This is
USPS Station #749, and I would have
to be stupid to defraud them in any
way.  Please contact the Supervisor,
Bernie, for confirmation that I do
receive mail and other shipments
at #1776.  Her direct telephone number 
is (520) 795-3994;  fax: (520) 795-5895.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>>LI>I realize that this is an unmoderated listserv, but I for one would prefer
>>LI>to not see advertising here.
>>You can make it fit in here.  Just claim its a front for an FBI or BATF
>>sting operation authoorized and paid for by Clinton's telecommunication
>>act.  Hmmm, I wonder if it really is?

Do you want to hear the truth,
or do you prefer to indulge in
lies?  It's really you to you,
you know.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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