Time: Fri Nov 15 20:13:27 1996
To: mtpatriot@imt.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: freedom and apartheid: a modern-day oxymoron

At 09:44 PM 11/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I prefer mtpatriot@imt.net as I don't pay any online charges.
>I received 3 messages concerning the lack of resources at the Freedom Center.

Dear Al,

They led me to believe that there
was money to pay for my services,
but after working 18.5 days for
the 20 defendants in jail, and
racking up a huge bill (>$10,000),
they have now fallen silent, when
they owe me an explanation, at least.

Moreover, there are certain people
in their group who believe that
the New Testament justifies,
indeed "commands," apartheid.
When I challenged a staff member
to show me the New Testament 
authority for apartheid, the
man I challenged said, "I can't
remember."  He never did supply
a single such cite.  This is very 
ugly, in my opinion.

Finally, they have not forwarded
the mail of mine which was delivered
there, during the period when I was
expecting to return, nor have they
forwarded the personal belongings
of mine which remain up there,
such as a ZIP drive with cartridges,
law books, personal files and other

I don't believe that these people
are playing with a full deck,
certainly not the people at 
The Freedom Center HQ, near the
end of Duck Creek Road.  The 
"exterior" belies the "interior,"
if you know what I mean.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

> I don't know if you meant for those to land here.
>The Big Sky Patriot is a newsletter from Montana exposing government
>corruption where ever we find it.

How about corruption within
the Freedom Movement?

Is that off limits because
it is not "government"?

  We also cover news from the Patriot
>community and any other Constitutional issues and political fights going on.

How about a feature on 
apartheid and freedom:
a modern-day oxymoron?

>We have covered certain events involving the Freemen and their struggle
>through the court system.  We have not always been totally complimentary to
>their positions and actions, however we agree in principle with much of their

I understand that Daniel Peterson
is the most avowed advocate of
apartheid.  I am amazed that such
beliefs still populate planet Earth.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Thank you.
>Al Hauff

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