Time: Fri Nov 22 19:38:09 1996
To: RSayles@aol.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Patriot Help


I am busy answering 1500+ email messages
which backed up while I was waiting for
the new phones to be installed.  Have him
call me at (520) 320-1513, or -1251 if
-1513 is busy.  I don't know how I am
wired just yet.  Later.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 11:11 AM 11/18/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Just spoke with one of our good local patriots who recently got out of a 3
>year stint in Club Fed.  He is a very interesting guy (older) that had used
>commerical liens against the IRS, moving company (that took his goods), and
>locksmith that picked the lock for the preceeding to occur.  Hartford VanDyke
>came down twice to testify as a expert witness during his trial.  They
>convicted him for the liens on the moving company and locksmith....not
>against the IRS goons.
>Anyway, they've now come after him civilly (sp) and he's the the throngs of
>battle again.  He was asking me some questions about appealing motion rulings
>and other technicalities this a.m.  I mentioned you to him and he asked me if
>I'd give throw you a post and give you his "800" line.  Could you find a few
>minutes to give him a call and see if there's any knowledge you have that
>might help?  If so, his number is 800-245-1615, his name is Bob MacAlvian and
>he's one hell of a nice guy and a fighter also.
>Have you and Richard made any progress on your proposed Atlanta seminar in
>January?  If so please let me know as soon as possible and I'll start
>spreading the word to our group, etc.
>Hope this post finds you well and that you'll give Bob a call.

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