Time: Tue Nov 26 07:50:43 1996
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: God - creation of the universe
Bcc: liberty lists

In principio erat EPA.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>In the Beginning -
>God created heaven and earth. Quickly he was faced with a class action
>suit for failure to file an environmental impact statement. He was granted
>a temporary permit for the project, but was stymied with the cease and
>desist order for the earthly part.
>Appearing at the hearing, God was asked why he began his earthly project
>in the first place. He replied that he just liked to be creative.
>Then God said, "Let there be light," and immediately the officials
>demanded to know how the light would be made. Would there be strip mining?
>What about thermal pollution? God explained that the light would come from
>a huge ball of fire. God was granted provisional permission to make light,
>assuming that no smoke would result from the ball of fire; that he would
>obtain a building permit; and to conserve energy, would have the light out
>half the time.
>God agreed and said he would the call the light "Day" and the darkness
>"Night." Officials replied that they were not interested in semantics.
>God said, "Let the earth bring forth green herbs and such as may seed."
>The EPA agreed so long as native seed was used.
>Then God said, "Let waters bring forth creeping creatures having life; and
>the fowl that may fly over the earth." Officials pointed out this would
>require approval from the Department of Game coordinated with the Heavenly
>Wildlife Federation and the Audubonelic Society.
>Everything was okay until God said he wanted to complete the project in
>six days. Officials said it would take at least 200 days to review the
>application and the impact statement. After that there would be public
>hearings. Then there would be 10-12 months before...
>At this point God created Hell.
>Hope ya'll enjoyed this,


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