Time: Tue Dec 03 20:33:02 1996
To: joseph.d.robertson@nhmccd.cc.tx.us
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Ray Looker's court-appointed ATTORNey

Still confused here.
In one sentence you choose MIME;
then in another sentence 
you choose Unencode. 
Please pick ONE!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

P.S.  I was out to dinner.
Sorry if I missed you.

At 09:22 PM 12/3/96 -0600, you wrote:
>We have two of the lab techs standing by. They request your cooperation
>to promptly send a mime attachment.

This latter paragraph chooses mime.

 Please send so that we can work on
>it prior to 20:00 Hours CST. 
>Further, I am requested that your send not binhexed or uuencoded. 
>If you must encode - use uuencode.

This latter paragraph chooses uuencode.
Yes, I must encode, with either
BinHex, MIME, or Uuencode.

Please choose ONE!!!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

P.S.  I am attaching LOOKER.ZIP
encoded with MIME (my best guess
at this point).  Also attached
is PKUNZIP.EXE, if you don't
already have it; just copy this
.EXE file to C:\DOS.

 We have that program here.  
>And we are standing by now!!!
>Dale Robertson

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